Sunday, March 30, 2008

Confirmation Sunday - April 6

Our 2008 confirmands are Sean Coughlen, Patrick Harrel, Mitch Sawyer, and Zach Sponberg. Parents provided lunch, and the class met each Sunday after worship from February 3 until March 2.

The confirmation class will be examined by the Session, received into membership, and recognized during worship on the morning of April 6. Lynn Hargrove and Jon Burnham team-taught the confirmation class around these questions: Who is God? Who is Jesus Christ? What is a Christian? What is the Presbyterian Church and how do we worship? What are my spiritual gifts? Following are some quotes from their papers that will give you some idea of the thoughtful and committed young confirmands here at St. John’s:

"I have experienced several different worship types but I think that the Presbyterian Church is going to help me and will help me more than any other religion." — Sean Coughlen

"Christians are people that put themselves last and others first." — Patrick Harrel

"The church should not be limited to just Sunday morning from 9-12 am. It should be a religious state of mind that stays with you all week."— Mitch Sawyer

"To me worship is the ability to sacrifice your time to come together with another person and not to be selfish and skip out on worship and the church service." — Zachary Sponberg