Monday, December 20, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminders

Bake Sale Today: Don’t miss this chance to buy special holiday desserts! The Presbyterian Women will be selling baked goods in McPhail Hall after Sunday School and after worship service. Better not be late!

PYF Today, 5-6 pm: Christmas Party/Christmas Eve Party. We will practice the Christmas Eve Family Service and have a PYF Christmas party! Bring a gift ($5 or less) to exchange. For questions about PYF, please call Mary Sterner, 713-723-6262, or email,

Steven Leach’s Ordination: Steven’s St. John’s family sends him prayers and good wishes at his upcoming ordination service. The service will be held today, December 19, 4 pm, at First Presbyterian Church (404 N. Alamo) in San Antonio.
Church Office Holiday Schedule: St. John’s church offices will be closed Friday, December 24, and Monday, December 27, for the Christmas holiday. The staff of St. John’s wishes you a merry Christmas!

Sean Coughlen, Eagle Scout: Everyone is welcome to attend Sean’s Court of Honor in McPhail Hall, Thursday, December 30, at 7 pm.
Flower Calendar: Please sign your name on the Flower Calendar in the Narthex to
reserve your special Sunday for giving flowers in the Sanctuary in 2011.

Session Highlights from the December 15, 2010 meeting*Thanked the elders who are rotating off the Session: George Dobbin, Jenny Glover, Jo Ann Golden, Dave Nelson, Kathy Roth and Brad Urquhart; and remembered with gratitude the service of Lois Stowell.
*Sustained the examination of these elders-elect who will be coming onto the Session in January: Libby Adams, Sean Coughlen, Kathie Hartzog, Tad Mulder, David Wintersgill. Oncoming elders Jennifer Durand and Evan Harrel will be examined later.
*Scheduled a “Draft Day” on January 9 after worship at which elders will go through the church rolls and determine who will be recruited on each committee for next year.
*Heard an update on plans for new carpet to be installed in the sanctuary in early January, 2011.
*Prayed for those in our congregation who are ill or in rehab and for those recovering from or facing surgery.