Wednesday, February 9, 2011

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday, February 8, 7:30 pm: Come and join the ongoing discussion on Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey. Walk-ins are very welcome.

St. John’s Wonder Team Sandwich Makers, Wednesday, February 9: Come to McPhail Hall at 6 pm and help make 300 (or more) sandwiches. The sandwiches become part of sack lunches which are delivered to local children. You can truly make a difference in the life of a child and be home in an hour!

Session Meeting, February 9: St. John’s session will meet this Wednesday at 7:30 pm in Rm. 205.

Vacation Bible School: St. John’s 2011 VBS will be held on Sunday, June 26 through Thursday, June 30. Mark your calendar and save the dates.

Need a Large Print Hymnal?
St. John’s has large print hymnals which are available from our ushers for the Sunday morning service.

Red Cross Disaster Team – St. John’s has been an official Red Cross Disaster Center for the past ten years. If we are to continue being available when a need arises, we need new volunteers. For information or to signup, please contact Phyllis Freeman, 713-776-3548.

Blood Drive Dates: St. John’s will host five blood drives: February 27, May l, July 10, September 11 and December 18. Come and bring your friends and neighbors as you share the gift of life!