Thursday, November 3, 2011

St. John's Epistle for November 3, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

You may want to hear and take to heart this Sunday's sermon called Sign the Card for the Spiritual Survivalist Society. Check out the text from Matthew 25:1-13. You may have heard about the Survivalist Movement. What are the main branches? How do they relate to the Boy Scouts? What does scripture teach about being a spiritual survivalist? These questions will be answered in the sermon. In addition, I'll share a personal story about how I became a spiritual survivalist. Come for communion and stay for the sermon and the singing. We hope to see you this Sunday.

Trunk or Treat was fun last Sunday in our parking lot. I saw a few dozen people I'd never seen before including many families with small children. They got a good first impression of St. John's. The thing about inviting new people into the church is that sooner or later they find out who we really are. If they find we are at odds with one another, they will not want to stay. Ask yourself, then, what are you doing to bring in new people? If you are working toward greater unity in the church you are helping us be an inviting church. If you are not, then think about what it is you want from a church and whether you may realistically expect to find it. As Jesus taught, the answer is within us not outside of us.

We have new members who are becoming active leaders in the church. As new people get involved they find out about us and we find out about them. Guess what? We are not perfect and neither are they. People are people wherever you go. Christ comes to us in our brokenness and brings healing to our lives and communities - if healing is what we want. Remember what Jesus told the lame man who came to him for healing: "Rise up and walk." It's time for us to rise up and walk but that won't help if everyone is walking in opposite directions. Jesus teaches in the parable of the bridesmaids that you are responsible for your own spiritual development. It takes work. We can each and all do better at it.

Thank you to the anonymous donor who covered the expense for refurbishing the church sign. Our sign once again makes a good impression. It is the first impression of guests and the thousands of passengers that drive down West Bellfort each day. Our wish list is down to two items this week, one of which has been half paid for this week.

1. Carpet cleaner machine & supplies ($500 + This would better maintain the new carpet in the sanctuary and in the other buildings.)


2. Money for four new Cribs for  Nursery ($400 has been received and we need $400 + more. New Federal mandatory safety standards for infant cribs will require child care facilities and places of public accommodation to have compliant cribs in their facilities.)

Call the church office for more information or to contribute.

We are accepting items for the December 4 Holiday Gift Market's Silent Auction. The proceeds will help defray the costs of church members who make overseas mission trips. Mission trips cost participants an order of magnitude more than we give them. They go at personal sacrifice. This is a low cost way to go support them without having to go yourself. In particular, pray for John and Brad who leave for a mission trip in Cuba this Saturday.

Next week you will get your pledge card to turn in on November 13. This is a tight year for most of us. Join me in prayer for a nice surprise from our generous people. Stewardship Dedication Sunday will be on November 13 with a Catered Barbecue Lunch in McPhail Hall after worship. Come and get it!

Here is a link to a PDF version of the November/December issue of our presbytery newsletter called Connections.

Pastor Jon

The Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Burnham
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035
Phone 713-723-6262 |

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am