Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 20 Sunday Reminders

Unbinding Your Heart Event
40 Day Faith Journey
(starting the first week of Lent)

Learn more during Worship next Sunday, January

Ash Wednesday Service, February 13.
Passion/Palm Sunday. March 24
(Palm Sunday Celebration being planned)
Maundy Thursday Service, March 28
Good Friday, March 29
Sunrise Service, March 31
Easter Sunday, March 31

Flower Calendar: Please sign your name on the Flower Calendar in the Narthex to reserve your special Sunday for giving flowers in the Sanctuary in 2013.

Ushers Needed: Please sign up to serve as an usher for the months of February, March, April and May. Just choose which Sunday per month you would like to usher. Encourage a friend to sign up for the same Sunday so that you can serve together. Ushering is such an easy way to serve the Lord. Join us by signing the Sign-Up sheet in the narthex or by contacting Lynne Parsons Austin.

Congregational Meeting Information: If you were not able to attend our January Annual Meeting of the Congregation, January 13, you may pick up copies of the handouts in the church office.
