Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2 Sunday Reminders

St. John’s Thursday Epistle: If you are not receiving our weekly newsletter email, usually sent on Thursdays, please let the office know. This is a wonderful way to keep in touch with your church family and activities.

Attention Committee Chairs: In preparation for the upcoming June 5 Session meeting, all committee minutes need to be sent to the church office by noon, Monday, June 3. The Session Report will be emailed Tuesday morning.

Scholarship Application, Deadline June 2: The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Fund provides an educational grant to an active St. John’s member who wishes to further an academic endeavor. The grant can be used for undergraduate study and/or a technical or trade school. Applications can be picked up in the office.

Sunday Circle, June 2: All women of St. John’s are invited to the Bible Study, after worship in Building 2. Lesson 9: Brothers and Sisters in Harmony (1 John 2-4; Jude 17-25) will be discussed.

Summer Brunch, June 9: Our summer tradition returns – lunch served in Fellowship Hall after Worship. Our first Brunch will be next Sunday with Christian Education Committee working in the kitchen. Their brunch will be dedicated to St. John’s teachers. Come and enjoy lunch and add your thanks to all of our wonderful teachers.

Ushers: Ushering opportunities are now available for the months of June, July, August and September. Scheduling is flexible and substitutes are encouraged to also join in. Please sign up on the sheet provided in the Narthex and join this dynamic ministry. Contact Lynne Parsons Austin for any additional information.
