Friday, November 30, 2007

January Calendar

Be sure to put on your January 2008 Calendar: “The Necessity of Inter-faith Dialogue.” Speakers will be here on January 13, 20 and 27, 2008.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Violinist Performance - December 15

Zachary Carrettin performs works for violin solo by Johann Sebastian Bach. Saturday, December 15th, 8pm. at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 2353 Rice Blvd. Houston, Texas.
Zachary grew up at St. John's and was active in New Wind.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Wonder Team" Sandwich Makers December Schedule

St. John's " Wonder Team" make sandwiches every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 6 pm in McPhail Hall for 300 local children. But the schedule changes in December, we will only meet one time: December 12. Volunteers are always welcome.

Blood Drive - December 23

It's the right thing to do! Do you know wheter or not you are eligible to donate blood? Anyone 17 years or older, who weights at least 110 pounds, and is in good general health may donate. Come to Building I on Sunday, December 23, and personnel from the Houston Blood Bank will take donations.

St. John's Fitness Classes

Get a head start on your New Year's Resolution! Join one of St. John's fitness classes. The only equipment you need are tennis shoes. (And new members are always welcome. )

Monday: 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Walking Together

Tuesday: 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. Stay Strong Stay Young
7:30 - 8:15 p.m. Walking Together

Wednesday: 9:45 – 10:30 a.m. Growing Strong Together
7:00 – 7:45 p.m. Walking Together

Thursday: 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. Stay Strong Stay Young
7:00 - 7:30 p.m. Stay Strong Stay young
7:30 – 8:15 p.m. Walking Together

Saturday: 9:30 - 10:00 Growing Stronger Together

All classes are held in room 209.

Mission Trip 2008 Deadline Approaches

Check your calendar and see if you can help your fellow St. Johner's July 20 to 26 build two concrete block houses for needy families in Reynosa and Miguel Aleman, Mexico. If you are interested, please contact Jeanne Leach.

St. John's Book Group - December 11

St. John's Book Group will meet Tuesday, December 11 at 7:30 pm. The short story, "The Women Who Prayed" by Tess Gallagher, from Listening to God, Volume 3, will be discussed. Books can be purchased in the church office.

Presbyterian's Children's Homes and Services Christmas Party

PCHAS (Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services) will be holding a Christmas Party in McPhail Hall on Thursday, December 20, 4 - 8 pm. Volunteer to help by contacting Casondra Brown at 713-721-2908.

St. John's Sock Tree

Two Christmas trees (one in the Narthex and one outside the church office) are in need of their holiday decorations - socks! Small socks (babies to Kindergarten age) of all colors are needed for their holiday finery. The socks will be delivered to the House of Tiny Treasures and Small Steps Nurturing Center.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Youth Conclaves 2008

Senior High ~ February 22 - 24

Middle School ~ February 29 - March 2

New in '08: Mixed Groups (Large group activities for all ages, small groups divided into middle school or senior high): March 7 - 9

For more information email Mary Marcotte at the Presbytery office


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Figures for November

  • During November, St. John's made $335.10 from recycling. Thanks to all who pitched in on this effort.
  • As of now, our Pledges for 2008 are $387.464.00 which is an increase from last year. Thank you to all who have pledged!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas Eve Service

St. John's Christmas Eve Service will begin at 6 pm. Come join in this special service.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Advent Craft Night - December 2

Fun for all ages is the plan for Advent Craft Night. Bring your friends on
December 2 from 6-8 pm, for a soup dinner, Christmas crafts and a time of

Colossians Bible Study Schedule

Date   Assignment  Facilitator   

Nov 18  1:1-8; 1:9-14   Suzette 

Nov 25*  1:15-20; 1:21-23  _________  

Dec 2**  1:24-29; 2:1-7  Mary 

Dec 9   2:8-12; 2:13-19  Evan 

Dec 16  2:20-3:4; 3:5-11  Charlene 

Dec 23  3:12-17; 3:18-4:1  Ann 

Dec 30  4:2-9; 4:10-18  __________ 
*Thanksgiving weekend

** First Sunday in Advent 

For those able and interested, let's go to lunch, enjoy fellowship together, and celebrate the coming of Christmas on Sunday, December 16 after church. Gather at Suzette and Evan's, 3866 Gramercy, for a boxed lunch.  Let Suzette know by December 9th if you will be attending. 

On January 6, we will begin a new study.  Need to talk about!!! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Holiday Bake Sale

Holiday Bake Sale*
Sunday, December 9

Fill up your freezer for the holidays before or after church.
*sponsored by St. John's Presbyterian Women


Presbyterian's Women Program and Luncheon - Tuesday, December 18

The Presbyterian Women's December program will feature musician Lovie Shenk-Smith. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the seasonal music.

Congregational Meeting - November 25

Congregational Meeting Sunday, November 25 at 11:45 am to dismiss the PNC (Pastoral Nominating Committee.)


Monday, November 12, 2007

New Year Eve's Celebration

Come anytime between 8 pm and 11:30 pm for games and snacks. Bring a snack to share and your favorite game. All ages are invited! At around 11:30 pm we will have a short reflection to give thanks for the blessings of 2007 and celebrate the promise of 2008.

Friday Night at the Movie - December 7

The November night at the movies has been rescheduled for Friday, December 7. Showing on the big screen will be our annual Christmas movie. This year we will celebrate with John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Jack Warden and Dorothy Lamour in Donovan’s Reef (1963).

Pizza, popcorn and snacks will be served.

St. John's Breakfast - Saturday, December 1

Come at 8 am for a pot-luck breakfast. All food items are welcome, or just come with your best Christmas voice and holiday spirit. There will be plenty to share. Coffee, juice and oatmeal will be provided.

At 8:30 am we will have a Christmas carol sing with piano. If you have any questions, call Linda Dobbin at 281-778-5348 or Thalia Bunnell at 713-723-5215.

Houston Mayor Bill White will be our special speaker at our next breakfast, January 5. Please call Linda or Thalia with questions for the mayor.


Help Beautify the Sanctuary - Order Poinsettias

The worship committee has ordered poinsettias again from the Brookwood Community Center to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. The poinsettias can be purchased for $9.00; please sign up on the board in the narthex or place a check marked "poinsettia" in the offering plate. Your purchase not only helps beautify the church for Christmas but also helps provide scholarships and enhanced educational programs for the men and women of Brookwood.

Advent Fair - December 2

Synonyms for Advent, noun
1. Advent, coming, arrival, reaching Usage: arrival that has been awaited (especially of
something momentous)
2. Advent, season Usage: the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas. It begins on the Sunday nearest November 30 and covers four Sundays. Because the day it begins changes from year to year, so does the length of each Advent Season.

This year Advent begins December 2 with the Advent Festival in McPhail Hall at 6 pm for crafts, soup dinner and worship. Come join the fun! All ages will find a way to celebrate the season of Advent.

CPR - You Can Do It!

Come and learn how to help someone in an emergency. CPR and defibrillator training will be offered on campus Saturday, January 5, following St. John’s Breakfast. Sponsored by St. John's Outreach Committee

Pastoral Visitations

Pastor Jon Burnham regularly visits church members in their homes or work places. If you or someone you know would like a pastoral visit, please contact the church office. 713-723-6262

Prayer Opportunties at St. John's

Every week at St. John's there are two opportunities to join in prayer.

The first opportunity, Saturday SONrise at St. John's, is open to all early rising women looking for a chance to read, reflect and respond to scripture. Please gather in Room 210, on Saturday mornings, 8 - 9:15 am.

The second opportunity, St. John's Hour of Prayer, meets on Wednesday night, 7 - 8 pm in the Sanctuary. Everyone is invited to share in this special time.


Wireless Password

We have a wireless connection! Connect with the password: 4195641956.

Join the Adult Bible Study Class! Room 203, 9 am

On Sunday, November 18, we will begin a six-week study of Colossians, using
the book Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters by Tom Wright. Join us as we
engage together in the word of God.
In January 2008, the class will begin a study of the Minor Prophets, our
first study in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Join us for this new

Advent Fair, December 2

Synonyms for Advent, noun
1. Advent, coming, arrival, reaching
Usage: arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)
2. Advent, son
Usage: the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas. It begins
on the Sunday nearest November 30 and covers four Sundays. Because the day
it begins changes from year to year, so does the length of each Advent
This year Advent begins December 2 with the Advent Festival in McPhail Hall
at 6 pm for crafts, soup dinner and worship. Come join the fun! All ages
will find a way to celebrate the season of Advent.

Small Steps Photo Tour

Here are photos of a recent tour of Small Steps by several members of St. John's. Click here to see the photos. Then click slideshow and full screen for the best view. Thanks to Kay Greer for providing these pictures.