3:00 PM
5001 Bellaire
Bellaire, TX 77401
For more details please contact Nancy Diaz @ diaz_nancy74@yahoo.com
Use this Flashlight to see how Saint John's Presbyterian Church in Houston glorifies God by making disciples and meeting human needs.
Multicultural Worship Extravanganza
DCF Search Committee
Spirituality and Medicine - Sunday, April 27
Teacher Appreciation Sunday - April 20
Interfaith Dialog Series - April 20th
Vacation Bible School - July 13 -17
Presbyterian Women's Bake Sale - May 4
Mayan Hands Craft Sale - May 18
Living Waters for the World
Holly Hall Book Review Season
What is an "Accompanier" Program? - Sunday, May 4
"Wonder Team" Sandwich Makers
Spirituality and Medicine - Sunday, April 27
St. John's Hosts Austin Seminary's Spring Forum
The General Assembly's portion (60 percent) provides leadership development opportunities for Presbyterian youth and young adults and supports children-at-risk programs at the national level. Since 1998, Presbyterians of all ages have raised over $7 million for these ministries that benefit younger members of God's family.
For more information about this offering point your web browser to pcusa.org/pentecost.Pentecost Offering Received May 11
Session Highlights
Confirmation Sunday - April 6
Interfaith Dialog: Focus on Eastern Religions - Sunday, April 6
"Wonder Team" Sandwich Makers - April 9
Astros Volunteers Needed - April 12
Church of the Millennium
Newsletter Articles Due
St. John's Book Group - April 8 @ 7:30 pm
Spirituality and Medicine -- Frontiers of Care
Don't Forget St. John's Breakfast - This Saturday
Interfaith Dialog: Focus on Eastern Religions - Sunday, April 6
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Founded in 1956 and located in Southwest Houston, St John’s Presbyterian Church serves as a destination for people from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds to worship and serve Christ. To manage its growth, outreach programs, and mission of glorifying God by making disciples and meeting human needs, the church has a dedicated staff. This staff consists of a pastor, director of Christian formation, church secretary, choir director, communications coordinator, and an organist. Additionally, church elders help to manage six ministry teams, including Worship, Christian Formation, Congregational Life, Mission Outreach, Property, and Support. Browse this blog to learn more about the church and let us know what you think because we would love to meet you!