This years Lenten Study will focus on reading selected stories of the Bible in chronological order from creation to Jesus Christ’s revelation to John. Each week will consist of daily readings with a weekly reflection time on Thursdays and Sundays. Reading will be at your own pace and will begin on Sunday, February 1.
The Reading Reflections group will begin meeting on February 8, 4 - 5 pm, and Thursday, February 12 at 10 am, in Room 203. Reading Reflections will not be lecture format. This time will be guided discussions, giving opportunities to share observations and insights to the readings. Discussion questions will include: What does the passage say to you? What does the passage mean for St. John’s?
The daily readings for the first week are located below. Contact Mary Sterner for any questions, and please take the time to add your name to the sign-up sheet posted on her door.
Week OneFebruary 1, Day 1: Genesis 1-3
February 2, Day 2: Genesis 12, 15, & 22
February 3, Day 3:Job 1-3 & 38-42
February 4, Day 4: Exodus 1-5, 12-14, & 20
February 5, Day 5:Leviticus 1, 10-11, 16, & 25-26
February 6, Day 6: Numbers 3-4, 6, & 11-14
February 7, Day 7:Deuteronomy 5-8, 28-31, & 34
Lenten Bible Study Begins