Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2009 Mission Trip

2009 Mission Trips: Invitation to all Adults
Please Join Us— July 12 - 18

Don’t miss your chance to join our youth on the Presbyterian Relief Assistance (PDA) 2009 mission trip to Houma, Louisiana. The team will leave St. John’s campus on Monday, July 12 and return on Saturday, July 18.
Please contact Bill Ehrenstrom or Mary Sterner for more information.


Upcoming Class Announced

Please join Mary Hughes for a Bereavement Class at St. John's beginning Tuesdays, March 3 through April 7. Pre-registration is required and space is limited to the first 10 people who sign-up in the church office.

PYF: February Schedule

PYF is a fellowship for youth, ages Middle School through High School. It meets on Sunday evenings from 5-6 pm for a variety of activities, including bible study, missions, fellowship, and most important FUN!!! For questions, please contact Mary Sterner, mary2d@yahoo.com.

February 2009 Schedule:
February 1: SouperBowl Sunday Lunch (Noon)
(Please report to the kitchen at 11:20 am)
February 8: 5-6 pm; Hearts for Jesus
February 15: 5-6 pm; Secret Valentine Dinner
February 22: 5-6 pm; Easter Morning Worship and Easter Egg Hunt Planning

Lenten Bible Study Begins

This years Lenten Study will focus on reading selected stories of the Bible in chronological order from creation to Jesus Christ’s revelation to John. Each week will consist of daily readings with a weekly reflection time on Thursdays and Sundays. Reading will be at your own pace and will begin on Sunday, February 1.

The Reading Reflections group will begin meeting on February 8, 4 - 5 pm, and Thursday, February 12 at 10 am, in Room 203. Reading Reflections will not be lecture format. This time will be guided discussions, giving opportunities to share observations and insights to the readings. Discussion questions will include: What does the passage say to you? What does the passage mean for St. John’s?

The daily readings for the first week are located below. Contact Mary Sterner for any questions, and please take the time to add your name to the sign-up sheet posted on her door.

Week One

February 1, Day 1: Genesis 1-3
February 2, Day 2: Genesis 12, 15, & 22
February 3, Day 3:Job 1-3 & 38-42
February 4, Day 4: Exodus 1-5, 12-14, & 20
February 5, Day 5:Leviticus 1, 10-11, 16, & 25-26
February 6, Day 6: Numbers 3-4, 6, & 11-14
February 7, Day 7:Deuteronomy 5-8, 28-31, & 34

St. John's Breakfast - Saturday, February 7

Come at 8:00 am for breakfast and fellowship. At 8:30 our program will begin. Our guest speaker, Caroline Ogashi, a Neuro Science Nurse Navigator, from Memorial Hermann will speak about strokes.

Do you know the symptoms? Stroke kills more than 150,000 people a year. That’s about 1 of every 16 deaths. It’s the No. 3 cause of death behind diseases of the heart and cancer. Of every 5 deaths from stroke, 2 occur in men and 3 in women.

Come and wake up a friend(s) to bring. For questions or if you need a ride, please call Linda Dobbin at 281-778-5348 or Thalia Bunnell at 713-723-5215.

January Food Drive

Each of the twelve member churches of Braes Interfaith Ministries has a month in which it is designated to provide food for distribution from the food pantry. January is St. John’s month to provide food for BIM. Did you remember to pick up an empty grocery sack or a reminder envelope for a cash donation? It’s not too late — look for the BIM table in Building II. BIM can buy $27 worth of canned food from the Houston Food Bank for every dollar donated.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2009 Souper Bowl of Caring, Sunday, February 1:

Bring a fresh vegetable for our Stone Soup and be prepared for a great lunch hosted by St. John's youth. One dollar donation is encouraged, and all proceeds will be donated to Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM). See you at lunch!


Mentors Needed

The Outreach Ministry Team invites you to share a few hours a week with a student at nearby Shearn Elementary School. Sit and read with a student. It is easy and fun. The next training sessions for mentors will be held February 2 at 9 am and February 3 at 2 pm. Interested parties must first register through the HISD/VIPS web site (amun.houstonisd.org/visits/en-us/login.aspx) so a background check can be made. For further details see John Freeman, 713-776-3548; freeman@rice.edu. On going opportunities for mentoring are also available at Small Steps. For details see Kathi Hartzog, 713-236-0330; khartzog@ssnc.org.

Monday, January 19, 2009

2009 Souper Bowl of Caring:

Join St. John's and congregations around the country in raising money to feed the hungry. We will have our annual soup lunch on February 1, and we need your fresh vegetables to add to our “stone soup.” There will also be other delicious soups for you to try. Lunch is free, but we do ask that you donate $1 to our Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) collection. Your dollar will buy $27 worth of food for a hungry family. See you at lunch!

This Week at St. John's

Sunday, January 18 Beacon deadline
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Beacon Newsletter Deadline
4:30 pm Centering Prayer, Pastor's Office
5:00 pm PYF

Monday, January 19
9:45 am “Growing Stronger Together”
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:30 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207

Tuesday, January 20
9:30 am Presbyterian Women's Meeting and Luncheon
1:00 pm Beacon Newsletter assembled, Room 208
1:30 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, January 21
9:45 am “Growing Stronger Together”
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, January 22
9:30 am Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Strong Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”

Friday, January 23

Saturday, January 24
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
9:00 pm Church Officer Training at St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
9:30 am Girl Scout Troop 4130

Sunday, January 25
9:00 am Church School10:30 am Worship Service
4:30 pm Centering Prayer, Pastor's Office
5:00 pm PYF

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hour of Prayer Returns!

St. John's Hour of Prayer returns to our weekly schedule. Gather each Monday at 7:30 pm in room 208. All are invited to participate in this special prayer group, Kathie Hartzog, moderator.

St. John's Book Group - Tuesday, January 13

St. John's Book Group will meet Tuesday, January 13 at 7:30 pm. They will continue featuring the book, The Life of Meaning, sections 3 & 4. (Copies of section 3 & 4 can be picked up in the church office.) Everyone is welcome to come and join the discussion.

Feeding Houston Children

St. John's “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers will meet this Wednesday, January 14 at 6 pm. Volunteers are needed to help make 300 sandwiches for local children - no experience necessary! You will be home within an hour!

Beacon Newsletter Deadline - Sunday, January 18

Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming January/February issue to Stjohns@stjohnspresby.org, Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be part of this issue is Sunday, January 18 at 12 Noon. Call Pam, 713-723-6262, if you have any questions.

Braes Interfaith Ministries

January is the month St. John's is committed to stock the food pantry and provide toiletries at Braes Interfaith Ministries. Please pick up an emplty grocery sack under the walkway on Sunday or in the hall, Building II, during the week.

If you picked up an empty grocery sack, please return a filled bag on any Sunday in January. If you choose to make a monetary contribution, remember that your contribution of $1.00 can provide $27.00 of food from the Houston Food Bank.

This Week at St. John's

Sunday, January 11
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service with Ordination/Installation for incoming elders
followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting
4:30 pm Centering Prayer, Pastor's Office
5:00 pm PYF

Monday, January 12
9:45 am “Growing Stronger Together”
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:30 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207

Tuesday, January 13
9:30 am Presbyterian Women's Activity Day
1:30 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm St. John's Book Group
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, January 14
9:45 am “Growing Stronger Together”
6:00 pm Wonder Team Sandwich Makers
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, January 15
9:30 am Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Strong Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”

Saturday, January 17
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
9:00 am Daisy Troop 21174
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm Court of Honor, Troop 740, McPhail Hall

Sunday, January 18 – Beacon deadline
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
4:30 pm Centering Prayer, Pastor's Office
5:00 pm PYF

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

All Ministry Teams Day this Saturday

Mark Twain once said: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." In the same way that clothes make the man, hospitality makes the church. Churches without hospitality have little or no influence on society. No wonder the Apostle Paul admonished the church in Rome: "Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers." (Romans 12:13) "Sharing Hospitality" will the theme of the All Ministry Day this Saturday, January 10.

Here is the schedule for All Ministry Teams Day this Saturday. Snacks will be available at 8:30 AM and the program begins at 9 AM and concludes at Noon. After a brief focus session about showing hospitality to strangers, each ministry team will meet for 2 hours to plan out their year. During their planning time, each ministry team will be asked to answer this question: "I wonder how our ministry team may show hospitality in each of our activities and events this year?" Each team will then report back to McPhail Hall where we will briefly share our findings with the whole group. The Session will stay for lunch and an afternoon meeting. Come and be a part of this important event! If you are not on a ministry team and would like to serve on one, please call me at the church at 713-723-6262 because we would like for everyone to be involved.

As a congregation, let's clothe ourselves in hospitality in 2009. Let us intentionally welcome the stranger into our midst, knowing that once upon a time, we were the newcomer here, we were the one hoping for a welcoming word or sign from this congregation. This congregation is full of smart people. I believe if we sit down and try to figure out how to do a better job of showing hospitality we will find an abundance of ideas both great and small.

The peace of Christ be with y'all,
Pastor Jon


Worship on January 11

This Sunday we will ordain and install our new elders: Aaron Jacobsen, Caspa Franklin, Jeanne Leach, Kathy Roth, and Lindsey Sen-Roy. After the installation there will be a congregational meeting in which the Session will present the church budget for 2009 and, as usual, the congregation will vote on any changes in the pastor's terms of call. Come join us as welcome these new elders into leadership.


Monday, January 5, 2009

A reminder and an invitation

Outreach Ministry Team has decided to make
Justice for Children its focus for 2009.

You are invited to meet at St. John's (in the high school room - Building II, Room 207) this Thursday, January 8, from 7-9 pm to begin to put together concrete ideas/programs/plans/ministries around this call to justice for children. Please invite any one else inside/outside the church who you think would want to be part of this process, all are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Suzette Harrel.

Congregational Meeting, Sunday, January 11

St. John's Annual Congregational Meeting will meet following Worship service on Sunday, January 11. Please plan to remain after worship service for the annual meeting.

Flower Calender

Would you like to dedicate flowers to a loved one? Would you like to reserve your special Sunday for giving flowers? It's easy to do – sign your name on the Flower Calendar in the Narthex.

New Sunday School Class, January 11

Please join Moderator George Dobbin and learn how the Ten Commandments are a gift of a loving God - they are intended to make the road of life smoother, the journey less complicated and the destination more certain. The book, The Ten Commandments for the Back Side by J. Ellsworth Kalas, are available in the church office for $10 each.
This Week at St. John's

Sunday, January 4
8:00 am Blood Drive -Walk-ins welcome
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
4:30 pm Centering Prayer, Pastor's Office
5:00 pm NO PYF

Monday, January 5
9:45 am “Growing Stronger Together”
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:30 pm Outreach Evangelism Ministry Meeting

Tuesday, January 6
9:30 am Presbyterian Women's Circles 1 and 2
1:30 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688
6:30 pm Evening Circle – NOTE: Change of time.

Wednesday, January 7
9:45 am “Growing Stronger Together” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, January 8
9:30 am Community Bible Study
5:30 pm Girl Scout Troop 21151
6:30 pm “Stay Strong Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”

Saturday, January 10
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
8:30 am All Ministry Teams Day followed by Session Meeting, McPhail Hall

Sunday, January 11
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service with Ordination/Installation for incoming elders
followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting
4:30 pm Centering Prayer, Pastor's Office
5:00 pm PYF