Monday, February 28, 2011

Work Weekend: April 8 to April 10

Enacting Jesus’ admonition to house the homeless!

Presbyterian Hurricane Ike Recovery Weekend - Volunteers Needed

St. John’s Outreach Ministries Team Committee is sponsoring a work weekend (under the leadership of the Presbytery of New Covenant) helping repair a home damaged by hurricane Ike.

When: Friday, April 8 to Sunday, April 10

Who: Adults and youth (middle school age and older)

Base Camp: Presbyterian Village in Texas City

Work Area: Galveston

Cost: $20 a night (all food provided)

Why: Our mission is to rebuild homes and restore lives.

Questions and/or to sign up – contact Phyllis Freeman at 713-776-3548.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

St. John’s Book Group— Tuesday, March 1

St. John’s Book Group continues discussing Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey. The book begins with Jesus’ birth and continues on a kaleidoscopic study of Jesus. The discussion begins at 7:30 pm and will feature chapters 13 & 14. Walk-ins are welcome.

Name Tag Sunday — March 6

Begin your day Sunday, March 6, by stopping by the table under the walkway staffed by the Evangelism Ministry Committee to write your name on the tags provided. The name tags will allow everyone to greet all they meet using their names. Remember a person’s name is the sweetest sound a person can hear!

Go Western Chili Cook-off — Sunday, March 6

A tradition at St. John’s is dressing in a favorite western outfit and attending the Chili Cook-off after the service to celebrate the opening of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

Everyone is invited to bring a pot of chili to McPhail Hall. (If possible please bring your chili in a crockpot.) Whether you bring chili or not, please bring your appetite and join us for an enjoyable time of chili tasting and fellowship.

Ash Wednesday Service—March 9, 7:30 pm

On March 9 at 7:30 pm you are invited to a powerful Ash Wednesday service that will include imposition of ashes on the forehead. The imposition of ashes will occur in the courtyard if weather permits.

During the service we are invited to write a list of our sins which we will take outdoors into the courtyard. After burning our sins to signify our forgiveness by Christ, participants may come forward for the imposition of ashes. The ashes we use are gathered from the burning of palm branches from last year’s Palm Sunday. The ashes are mixed with water from the baptismal font to make a paste. This paste is used by the pastor and liturgists to make the sign of the cross on each of those present while saying the words: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. Ashes were used in ancient times according to the Bible to express mourning. Dusting oneself with ashes was the penitent’s way of expressing sorrow for sins and faults. An ancient example of one’s expressing penitence is found in Job 42:6 when Job says to God: “I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Examples are found in other books of the Bible including Jonah 3:6, Matthew 11:21 and Luke 10:13.

St. John's Weekly Reminders, February 27

Circles, Tuesday, March 1: Circle 1, 9:30 am, Louise Cherry, chair, will meet at the church; Elaine DeSouza will be the hostess; Circle 2, 9:30 am, Linda Dyson, chair, will meet at the church, shared hostesses; Night Circle, 7:30 pm, Kathleen Captain, chair; Ann Nelson will be hostess at her home, 5423 Willowbend Blvd.

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday, March 1, 7:30 pm: Come join us as we explore the book Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey. Come check the spirited discussion; walk-ins are always welcome.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday March 5, 8 am: All are invited to breakfast at 8 am with architects Doug and Teresa Darr presenting their program at 8:30 am. Come, learn and enjoy the great fellowship!

Pennies for Peace, March 6: Bring your pennies (or nickels, dimes and quarters) to be collected in the Nathex after service. Gifting your change helps build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Chili-Cook Off, Sunday, March 6: Now is the time to start looking through your chili recipes. Are you thinking about making your chili spicy, with beans, no beans, beef, turkey? If possible bring your cooked chili in a crockpot to McPhail Hall on Sunday morning. Drinks and desserts will be provided.

Sandwich Makers Needed, March 9, 6 pm: Help Houston’s hungry children by making 300 sandwiches, and we promise you’ll be home in less than one hour!

Ash Wednesday Service, March 9, 7:30 pm: Lent is a special season and it is almost here! Celebrate the coming season by joining your St. John’s family for this special service.

Please Check: Is your cell phone turned off or set to vibrate?

St. John's Calendar Feb 27 - March 6

February 25, 26 & 27 - PYF Conclaves at Cho-Yeh

Sunday, February 27 – Blood Drive Today
8:00 am – 12:30 pm Blood Drive, Scout Room
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00-3:30 pm Ghanaians, McPhail Hall
5:00 pm Centering Prayer

Monday, February 28
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, March 1
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Circles 1 and 2
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688
7:30 pm Evening Circle
7:30 pm St. John’s Book Group

Wednesday, March 2
7:30 pm Called Session Meeting

Thursday, March 3
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, March 4
Saturday, March 5

8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
8:00 am St. John’s Breakfast
5:00 – 7:00 pm private party, McPhail Hall

Sunday, March 6 Chili Cook-Off
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Chili Cook-off, McPhail Hall
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
5:00 pm Centering Prayer

Thursday, February 24, 2011

St. John's Epistle for February 24, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

The newest edition of The Beacon is online here

Our presbytery provides a weekly email newsletter called "Tuesday Connect." You may sign up to receive it each week by typing your email address in the box on the lower left of this page  where it says "Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter" and then click "Go." If you would like to see some back issues before subscribing then click here . "Tuesday Connect" is a great way to stay abreast of people and events in New Covenant Presbytery.

Our Session has a called meeting next Wednesday at 7:30 pm in the Session Room to consider submitting a proposal for a New Life Grant Fund from the presbytery. The grant proposal will be based on Reggie McNeal's book Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church.

Former PC(USA) Moderator, Bruce Reyes-Chow, will speak this Saturday, February 26, from 9-11:30 am at Southminster Presbyterian Church, 4200 Cartwright Road in Missouri City. His topic will be "The Church of the 21st Century" and he will allow some time for questions and response. Bruce was the youngest moderator as well as the first to use social media to its fullest during his time as moderator. He is also the organizing pastor of Mission Bay Community Church in San Francisco. His passion is reaching unchurched young adults with the gospel of Christ. He is technologically savvy and very knowledgeable of both the PCUSA and the emerging church. He can also address issues of immigrant ministries and multicultural church. By all means, attend if you are interested and able.

Remember in prayer our hospitalized members including Georgiana, Lee and Doug. Also remember Rev. Scott Harbison, pastor of nearby St. Luke's Presbyterian, who had triple by-pass surgery yesterday at Methodist Hospital. Kathie Hartzog's father has been put on Hospice Care so keep her family in prayer. Also, remember Mary Sterner and our youth group members and adult advisers who will be at Camp ChoYeh this weekend for Conclaves.

Our sermon text this Sunday is Matthew 6:24-34. Here Jesus says: "No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth." (Matthew 6:24) This is not exactly true. One slave can serve two masters at the same time but he can't serve two masters WELL at the same time for their orders are likely to be in conflict. One master may want the slave to make his bed at 9 am while the other master wants the slave to clean up his kitchen at 9 am. (All this talk of slaves and masters reminds me of Bob Dylan's song: "Maggie's Farm!) The point is that the marching orders of God and wealth are in entirely different directions.

We know that Jesus wants us to seek God's Kingdom first but Jesus is less clear about how we are to relate to wealth. There are Bible verses that support wealth as a sign of God's blessing. Other Bible texts view wealth as a curse. Even the Gospels show ambivalence on the subject of wealth. The Epistles have this perspective on the subject; "Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have; for he has said, 'I will never leave you or forsake you.'" (Hebrews 13:5)

In the end, Jesus comes down on the side of seeking first God's Kingdom and "all these things will be added unto you." That's why I'm calling the sermon "Worry Free Living." No doubt that is easier said than done. So how are you doing with worry this week? Is worry weighing you down? If so, look up. Take a different perspective. See the pain and problems of someone else and your own will recede.

Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Give the Gift of Life

Blood Drive
Sunday, February 27

Building One
8 am - 12 :30 pm

Giving the gift of blood is a simple
way to make a BIG difference

Help Save Lives!


Between Me and God

You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat. Matthew 5:6 (The Message)

Make it a point to have your faith shine forth for all to see as you walk through your day. Remember to thank God for all God has given you.

— St. John’s Evangelism Ministry Committee


The World is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it.
— Pearl S. Buck

With just a simple click of a mouse you can feed the hungry. Add these sites to your favorites and visit them each day.

Bhookh (meaning hungry) is India’s first online activism site which creates awareness about hunger. It is paid for by their sponsors. Every click ( donates a cup of staple food through the UN.

On the Hunger Site ( each click contributes 1½ cups of food which is distributed to those in need by Mercy Corps and Feeding America. The Hunger Site was created in 1999.

— St. John’s Outreach Ministry Team Committee

St. John's Wellness Ministry

Take A Walk to Remember? Study Says Yes
In healthy adults the hippocampus — a part of the brain important to the formation of memories — begins to atrophy around 55 or 60. Now psychologists are suggesting that the hippocampus can be modestly expanded and memory improved by nothing more than regular walking.

In a study published on Jan. 31 in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences researchers assigned 120 healthy but sedentary men and women to one of two exercise groups. One group walked around a track three times a week, building up to 40 minutes at a stretch; the other did a variety of less aerobic exercises including yoga and resistance training with bands.

After a year brain scans showed that among the walkers the hippocampus had increased in volume by about 2 % on average; in the others it had declined by about 1.4 %.

All members and friends are invited to join St. John’s wellness ministry and improve their lives, their memory and their mental health while sharing great fellowship:

St. John’s “Walking Together” class meets every Monday night at 6:30 pm in Room 209 for approximately 45 minutes. All you need to bring are comfortable walking shoes.

“Stay Strong Stay Young” class for improving bone density, alance and strength meets every Tuesday and Thursday nights at 6:30 pm in Room 209. All weights are supplied.

Read the study at:

Presbyterian Youth Calendar, March

March 6, 5-6:30 pm: Balloon Rodeo (Due to the switch of Conclaves, we moved the Balloon Rodeo to this week.) Join us for PYF’s version of the rodeo, balloon rodeo games: balloon barrel racing, balloon lasso and more!

March 13-Spreak Break: NO PYF!

March 20-Spreak Break: NO PYF!

March 27, 5-6:30 pm: Journey through the Stations of the Cross, Stations 1-5; We will begin our journey through the Stations of the Cross. The stations represent the stages of Jesus’ suffering, death, and burial. This is a time to slow down and draw close to Jesus. We will have dinner and discussion following the activity.

For questions about PYF, please call or email Mary Sterner (713)723-6262

Stations of the Cross

As early as the 4th century Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land walked the route that Our Lord walked as He made His way to Golgotha. After the Muslims captured Jerusalem and it became too dangerous to make the pilgrimage, the route was duplicated in Europe. Stations were created and visited in sucession representing Jesus’ final suffering, His death and burial. They are now known as “Way of the Cross,” “Via Dolorosa,” or “Via Crucis.” This year everyone has the opportunity to make this pilgrimage at St. John’s:

Stations 1-5:

March 27, 4:30-6:30 pm
March 29, 8-9:30 am
March 30, 6-7:30 pm
Stations 1-10:
April 3, 4:30-6:30 pm
April 5, 8-9:30 am
April 6, 6-7:30 pm
Stations 1-13:
April 10, 4:30-6:30 pm
April 12, 8-9:30 am
April 13, 6-7:30 pm
April 17, 1-5 pm

Go Western Chili Cook-off, March 6

Go Western Chili Cook-off Sunday, March 6
Come dressed “Texan” and bring your favorite chili.

The original cowboy chili recipe consisted of dried beef, suet, dried chili peppers and salt pounded together and dried into bricks and was boiled in pots on the trail. Are any of these ingredients in your chili?

How about these ingredients:
pinto beans, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, great northern beans, tomatoes, sweet corn, peanut butter, pineapples, bananas, oranges, chorizo, chocolate, coffee, ginger, tequila, cola, honey, cinnamon, allspice, pasta, saffron, molasses, vinegar, wine...

Which ingredient makes your chili special?

Don’t miss this chance to share your own chili recipe and
see how many people can guess your ingredients!


Goats, Shoes and Clean Water for Haiti

St. John’s continues to support Haiti. In August a solar-powered water treatment system was installed by the St. John’s/ChristChurch Living Waters for the World (LLW) team at the JeLA school/orphanage. In February LĂ©onie TchocontĂ© participated in another LWW water system installation and health training at a school in Blanket, Haiti. They now have clean water to drink and have escaped cholera. Children and adults have been trained to pass this health and basic sanitation training along to others. The water system provides a modest income for the schools, as they are able to sell the water to the villagers —a form of Presbyterian microfinance.

Over time we have developed a sense of the importance of sustainability. On the last trip the two schools were presented with nine young goats, a source of daily milk and cheese. St. John’s money for goats ($300) was raised at the Holiday Gift Market in November and that money was matched by ChristChurch donations. The JeLA School had enough money left over to buy shoes. (See the picture of the children showing off their shoes.) Many thanks to those who made the gift of goats and shoes possible!

Recently our attention has been drawn to the need for clean water in Cuba and to the need to help the Presbyterian churches there. Recent changes in the Cuban constitution have opened the way for religious activity and for outsiders to support that activity. LWW has established a foothold in Cuba and hopes to capitalize on this as it prepares for a water system installation at a Presbyterian Church and seminary in November 2011. Clear Lake Presbyterian Church is joining in this mission.

To become part of the Cuba water installation or learn more about LWW contact John Freeman (713-776-3548;

St. John's Weekly Reminders

Braes Resale and Consignment Shop Appraisal Day: Appraisals by experienced antique dealers will be held on Friday, February 25, 11 am – 2 pm at the BIM resale shop, 10319 South Post Oak. Find out the value of your family treasures for a $3 donation. No framed art, dolls, toys or furniture.

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday, March 1, 7:30 pm: Come join us as we explore the book Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday March 5, 8 am: All are invited to breakfast at 8 am with Doug and Teresa Darr presenting the program at 8:30 am. Come and enjoy the great fellowship!

Need a Large Print Hymnal? St. John’s has large print hymnals, which are available from our ushers for the Sunday morning service.

Chili-Cook Off, Sunday, March 6: Now is the time to start looking through your chili recipes. Are you thinking about making your chili spicy, with beans, no beans, beef, turkey? Bring your choice to McPhail Hall on Sunday morning.

Session Highlights – February 16, 2011
1. Session had an interesting discussion on the book Missional Renaissance as they looked to the future of St. John’s.
2. Two grant requests were approved, both to the New Covenant Peacemaking Grant Program: one for Kathie Hartzog’s trip to Africa and John Freeman’s trip to Cuba to install a water system, teaming with ChristChurch, Bellaire.
3. Ash Wednesday Service will be held on March 9 at 7:30 pm.

St. John's Calendar, Feb 20 -27

Sunday, February 20
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Evangelism Committee Meeting
12:00 pm Beacon deadline
12:00-3:30 pm Ghanaians, McPhail Hall
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
5:00 pm Centering Prayer

Monday, February 21
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:30 pm Outreach Committee

Tuesday, February 22
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
10:00 am Bible Study leaders with Mary Sterner
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
12:00 pm Beacon Assemblers, Room 203
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, February 23
6:00 pm “Wonder Team” sandwich makers, McPhail Hall
7:00 pm Property Committee

Thursday, February 24
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, February 25
St. John’s youth leaving for Conclaves at Cho-Yeh

Saturday, February 26
St. John’s youth attend Conclaves at Cho-Yeh
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group

Sunday, February 27 Blood Drive
St. John’s youth return from Conclaves
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Blood Drive, Scout Room
9:00 am Church School

Monday, February 21, 2011

Latest Beacon

The newest beacon is online and can be found at

Thursday, February 17, 2011

St. John's Epistle for February 17, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

Kay Greer was kind enough to provide us with some fantastic photos from the recent Souper Bowl Sunday event. I just returned from a BIM Board meeting and all the churches responded generously to this opportunity for supporting our common ministry of providing food for the hungry in our midst. We also have several church members who volunteer at BIM each week. Keep up the good work.

We had an interesting discussion of a book - Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church by Reggie McNeal - at our Session meeting last night. The Session will continue to work with this book as we do some strategic planning. The author suggests we change the scorecard of the church to include more than just amount of dollars received and number of people in worship. For instance, what if we kept a scorecard of how many hours were volunteered in service to the community? That would likely drive more people into service. This is an example of what the author means when he says the question the church should be asking is "How can our church be a blessing to the community?"

Of course, the first step in answering that question is to decide how we define our community. Some churches have a narrower definition of the community than we do. We tend to follow the example Jesus presented in the Good Samaritan parable and say that any person in need is our neighbor. That approach has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that we may get overstretched and lose effectiveness. The advantages are that we have more of city-wide and even global perspective on outreach. We work in our own neighborhood through BIM and reach out to the city through the Seafarer's Ministry and Small Steps and bless the world through the Anchor House ministry and our installation of clean water systems in Haiti and Cuba. We help fund and provide teacher training for the Lulwanda Children's Home in Ghana and this summer our youth will go to Guatemala to help build a house for a local pastor there.

We are already a "missional church" as defined by McNeal in that we are more outward focused than inward focused. The second shift he describes, which is "from program development to people development," is the hardest shift according to the author. We are moving in that direction with the new "contemporary issues" class I lead each Sunday. The Session will explore other ways we may make the shift toward developing people within and beyond our congregation for living a spiritual life in this world. That is what we are getting at in our mission statement when we say our mission is "to make disciples and meet human needs." One human need we will need to meet is the need to be growing in a relationship with God, to be helping people find what Paul calls "Christ in you - the hope of glory."

Last Sunday I mentioned a book called Glimpses of Eternity: Sharing a Loved One's Passage from This Life to the Next by Raymond Moody, MD. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to feel less anxious about their own death or who has questions or concerns about the process of death or a loved one who has died. Once upon a time I may have felt less inclined to appreciate the stories Moody shares but I have seen and heard and experienced things over the years that leads me to find this book fascinating and appropriate for Christians. It restores a sense of spiritual wonder about life that is too often lacking in our lives. It would be interesting to read the gospel stories of Jesus' post resurrection appearances and compare them to the contemporary stories in this book. Whether Christians or not and regardless of color or creed or cultural background the stories of shared death experiences are remarkably similar. One result of the experience is a greater sense of peace and less fear of death. One thing I learned from these stories is that no one leaves this life alone. There always seems to be a previously deceased family member waiting in the wings to show the dying person the way to heaven which to say the way home. With that final question answered we are free to serve God without fear in this world. That is what John Calvin meant when he said, "We are saved to serve." That's one of my favorite Calvin quotes and one of my favorite Presbyterian theological revelations. What a relief!!

Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

St. John's Calendar, February 13 - 19

Sunday, February 13 – Scout Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Fellowship Committee Meeting
11:45 am Worship Committee Meeting
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
500 pm Centering Prayer

Monday, February 14
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, February 15
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Program and Luncheon
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, February 16
7:30 pm Session Meeting

Thursday, February 17
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Community Bible Study
9:00 am – 11:00 am St. John’s will host SW Ministerial Alliance Breakfast
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, February 18

Saturday, February 19
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group

St. John's Weekly Reminders, February 13

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, February 13 5-6:30 pm: What is Love? We will define the word “love” using modern music. Bring you mp3 player or iPod. For questions about PYF, please call or email Mary Sterner (713)723-6262

Braes Resale and Consignment Shop Appraisal Day: Appraisals by experienced antique dealers will be held on Friday, February 25, 11 am – 2 pm at the BIM store, 10319 South Post Oak. Find out the value of your family treasures for a $3 donation. No framed art, dolls/toys or furniture.

Vacation Bible School: St. John’s 2011 VBS will be held on Sunday, June 26 through Thursday, June 30. Mark your calendar and save the dates.

Need a Large Print Hymnal? St. John’s has large print hymnals which are available from our ushers for the Sunday morning service.

Red Cross Disaster Team – St. John’s has been an official Red Cross Disaster Center for the past ten years. If we are to continue being available when a need arises, we need new volunteers. For information or to signup, please contact Phyllis Freeman, 713-776-3548.

Due to inclement weather - the Session was re-scheduled from Wednesday, February 9 to Wednesday, February 16, 2011.

Chili-Cook Off –Be sure to save the March 6 date on your calendar.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

St. John's Epistle for February 10, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

The sermon text this Sunday is from Matthew 5:21-37 and sports some "hard sayings" of Jesus such as "if your eye causes you to sin then pluck it out" because it's better to go through life with only one eye than to spend eternity burning in hell. Wow! Where did that one come from? I thought Jesus was a compassionate healer who is our best image of a loving God. This is the language of hyperbole akin to the compassionate parent who says to his children in the car on a trip: "If you don't be quiet I'm going to strap you to the hood of the car." Quietness comes even though the children know the father would never do that to them.

But we are talking about hell here and we are talking about the Bible. For some of us the question of hell is an emotional issue due to brash sermons on that topic we heard in our formative years. Today I discovered a book called Good Goats: Healing Our Image of God by Dennis Linn.

The author, named Dennis, tells how he once presented some of the ideas from his book to a group of elderly retired Roman Catholic nuns. One sister raised her hand and said: "But what about the story of the sheep and the goats? It says right there that the sheep go to heaven and the goats go to hell."

Dennis then asked how many in the group had done what Jesus talked about in that passage and fed a hungry person, clothed a naked person, or visited a person in prison? All the sister raised their hands. Dennis said: "That's wonderful! You're all sheep." Then he asked, "How many of you, even once in your life, have walked by a hungry person, failed to clothe a naked person, or not visited someone in prison?" Slowly, all the sisters raised their hands. Dennis said, "That's too bad. You're all goats."

The sisters looked worried and perplexed. Then suddenly one very old sister's hand shot up. She blurted out, "I get it! We're all good goats!"

I love Dennis's commentary on page 49 at this point. He says,

"That sister did get it. She understood that language about heaven and hell is symbolic language. Heaven and hell are not specific geographical places. They are symbols of inner realities, of states of being. All of us who have felt alienated, unloved, overwhelmed by shame or helplessly caught in an addiction know what it's like to be in hell. And all of us who have been welcomed home, who have seen our goodness reflected in the affirming eyes of another or who have been loved into recovery know what it's like to be in heaven. We all have wheat and weeds within us, sheep and goats. The kingdom of God is within us, and we're all good goats."

Throughout the book the authors - Dennis and his children - do a remarkable job of addressing serious theological themes in the format of what appears to be a book for older children. I think each of us is a child at heart so this book is for all of us. Too many adult Christians still harbor the childish image of God as the Great White Grandfather in the Sky who sends some people to hell when they die and lets others enter the joys of heaven.

We do well to remember that ALL language about God is symbolic. Human words can never clearly convey all the truth there is to know about God. In the end, a healthy reading of the Bible that takes seriously the symbolic language it employs about God may end up falling back on a song some of us learned in the nursery of our church when we were knee high to a grasshopper. That song conveys the gist of what the Bible wants to say about God and puts it in the form of a catchy tune: "Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so." Jesus here represents God.

Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Paper Bins Recycle Report

St. John's Stewardship of the Earth

St. John’s five recycle bins collected:
8.18 tons (16,36.65 pounds) in October
6.83 tons (13,664.28 pounds) in November
10.85 tons (21,696.72 pounds) in December

In 2010 St. John’s recycled 121.07 tons!

Presbyterian Youth Calendar, February

February 13: 5-6:30 pm, Biblical Feasting—A combination of hearing the Word and experiencing the hospitality of the Bible. Join us as we prepare a meal of Biblical proportions!

February 20: 5-6:30 pm, Simpson’s Bible Study—We will watch and review the Simpson’s episode “Faith Off.” What does this episode have to do with spiritual healing?

February 27: 5-6:30 pm, Balloon Rodeo—Join us for PYF’s version of the rodeo, balloon rodeo games (barrel racing, balloon lasso, and more!)

Journey through the Stations of the Cross

Meditating on the events of Jesus’ final days and his resurrection can be profound. The challenge for most of us is shutting out the noise and distractions of everyday life long enough to quiet our souls and listen to the Spirit of God. Experiencing the Stations of the Cross is a time to slow down, to leave the busyness of your life at the entrance, to focus on Jesus.

You may experience thirteen stations:
Station 1: Outer Noise
Station 2: God in the Flesh
Station 3: Mary Anoints Jesus
Station 4: Judas Betrays Jesus
Station 5: The Last Supper
Station 6: Gethsemane
Station 7: Jesus’ Arrest
Station 8: Jesus’ Trial
Station 9: Jesus’ Crucifixion
Station 10: Jesus’ Death
Station 11: Jesus Burial
Station 12: Jesus’ Resurrection
Station 13: Crossroads

In the weeks leading up to Lent, St. John’s will offer times where you can experience the Journey to the Stations of the Cross. Details and more
information to come. If you have any questions, or are interested in
learning more, please contact Mary Sterner at

Lent Calendar

The season of Lent is 40 days long, not counting Sundays. The actual number of days of Lent from Ash Wednesday to (but not including) Easter Sunday is 46 days. Ash Wednesday falls on different dates from year to year.

The 2011 Lent season:

Ash Wednesday, March 9 (Ash Wednesday Service, 7:30 pm)
First Sunday in Lent, March 13
Second Sunday in Lent, March 20
Third Sunday in Lent, March 27
Fourth Sunday in Lent, April 3
Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 10
Passion/Palm Sunday, April 17
Maundy Thursday, April 21
Good Friday, April 22
Easter, April 24

Mission Trip to Guatemala

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
Mission Trip to Guatemala — June 6-11, 2011

St. John’s team of youth and adults will be traveling to Guatemala with the organization Presgov. We will be working in San Jose el Idolo, a community outside the town of Mazatenango. We will be working alongside a local youth group on projects such as painting and helping with a manse that is under construction.

Work days will be June 7-9, and June 10 will be a day for sightseeing in Guatemala City. Our group will be staying in a hotel in Mazatenango. Participants must be 14 and up, have updated vaccinations, and have a valid passport. For information please contact Mary Sterner at

Braes Interfaith Ministries Appraisal Day - February 25

Got treasures?
Find out their value at Braes Resale and Consignment Shop’s
Appraisal Day
Friday, Feb. 25, 2011
11 am—2 pm

Appraisals of your items made by experienced antique dealers
Maximum of 3 items per person for appraisal
• No framed art, dolls/toys or furniture
• $3 per item donation to the shop requested

Braes Resale and Consignment Shop
10319 South Post Oak,
Houston 77035
Ph: 713-728-0024


Holiday Gift Market Gifts

LĂ©onie TchocontĂ© with the four goats purchased for the Eglise de Blanket School in Haiti with St. John’s Holiday Gift Market donations.
8 am – 12 Noon
Scout Room, Building 1
Walk-ins Welcome

Give Blood – Give Life!

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday, February 8, 7:30 pm: Come and join the ongoing discussion on Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey. Walk-ins are very welcome.

St. John’s Wonder Team Sandwich Makers, Wednesday, February 9: Come to McPhail Hall at 6 pm and help make 300 (or more) sandwiches. The sandwiches become part of sack lunches which are delivered to local children. You can truly make a difference in the life of a child and be home in an hour!

Session Meeting, February 9: St. John’s session will meet this Wednesday at 7:30 pm in Rm. 205.

Vacation Bible School: St. John’s 2011 VBS will be held on Sunday, June 26 through Thursday, June 30. Mark your calendar and save the dates.

Need a Large Print Hymnal?
St. John’s has large print hymnals which are available from our ushers for the Sunday morning service.

Red Cross Disaster Team – St. John’s has been an official Red Cross Disaster Center for the past ten years. If we are to continue being available when a need arises, we need new volunteers. For information or to signup, please contact Phyllis Freeman, 713-776-3548.

Blood Drive Dates: St. John’s will host five blood drives: February 27, May l, July 10, September 11 and December 18. Come and bring your friends and neighbors as you share the gift of life!

St. John's Calendar, Feb. 6 - Feb. 13

Sunday, February 6 Souper Bowl Of Caring
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Souper Bowl of Caring, lunch in McPhail Hall
11:45 am Presbyterian Youth Fellowship

Monday, February 7
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:30 pm Christian Education Committee meeting

Tuesday, February 8
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688
7:30 pm St. John’s Book Group

Wednesday, February 9
6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, Fellowship Hall
7:30 pm Session Meeting

Thursday, February 10
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Community Bible Study
10:00 am Church apartment yearly meeting, Rm. 205
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, February 11

Saturday, February 12
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group

Sunday, February 13 Scout Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Fellowship Committee meeting
11:45 am Worship Committee meeting
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vacation Bible School

Reserve on your calendar Vacation Bible School on June 26-30, 2011.  The theme of VBS will be "Galactic Blast." 


Journey Through the Stations of the Cross

Mark your calendar for a Lenten study called "Journey Through the Stations of the Cross." It will start on 27 Mar with five stations, add five more on 3 Apr, and add the final three on 10 Apr. The time will be 4:30-6:30pm. The stations will also be available during the week on Tue mornings from 8-11:30 and Wed evenings 6-7:30. All thirteen stations will be available on Palm Sunday, 17 Apr, from 1-5pm.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

St. John's Epistle for February 3, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

Last Sunday was a good one as we had an Anointing Service for Healing. We will have an Anointing Service for Healing each fifth Sunday of the year so the next one will be on May 29. There were a couple dozen or so people who came forward for anointing last Sunday. They may have come seeking healing for themselves or someone they love and the healing they sought may have been physical, emotional, financial, relational, or another kind of healing. This service of healing is a good addition to our worship services.

We also had our annual congregational meeting during the service last Sunday. I appreciate Brad for his Nominating Committee update, Curtis for his 2010 budget recap and Tad, Lindsey and Evan, who presented this year's budget and the pastor's terms of call. The church staff is grateful to the congregation for the modest cost of living increase for us you approved in this year's budget. We work hard to be servant leaders and appreciate your recognition of our time and effort on your behalf.

On a more personal note, I appreciate the congregation's support of me and my family. We are happy in Houston and I am honored to serve as your pastor at St. John's Presbyterian Church. I think we are a good fit and look forward to growing this church with your help and support. Toward that end, the Session will be studying Reggie McNeal's book Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church. I ask for your prayers for me and the Session as we seek to lead the congregation toward growth this year.

Speaking of the Session, this Sunday we will complete our 2011 roster as Sean Coughlen is ordained and installed as the Youth Elder for 2011 and Mike Alexander is installed as an elder on the Session. They join an energetic and capable group of elders and they will contribute to our success this year. St. John's is blessed with a large number of highly gifted and capable lay leaders. That is why our congregation enjoys such a fine reputation within New Covenant Presbytery.

This Sunday is Souper Bowl Sunday so plan to stay after worship in warm McPhail Hall for some delicious soup. Youth group members will be standing at the sanctuary exits with empty pots into which you may place cash or checks that will be used to purchase food for our local food pantry called Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM). Each $1 you invest in BIM returns $27 in food purchases for the hungry. This is possible because BIM purchases food at a market reduced price through a government program for this purpose. So plan to give generously to BIM on Souper Bowl Sunday. (I think there may be a football game on Sunday evening in Dallas this Sunday if I am not mistaken. ;-)

In the meantime, stay warm and stay focused and prepare your heart for our First Sunday Communion Service this Sunday. The sermon text is Matthew 5:13-20 and the sermon title is "Salt and Light." Jesus says in the text: "You are the salt of the earth." Bruce Malina translates this as "You are the catalyst to get things cooking." What kind of soup are we cooking this Sunday? Stone soup. Bring what ingredients you have to the kitchen and they will be added to the mix. Or you may do like me and just show up and enjoy the end result. It reminds me of Hank Williams song, "Hey good lookin', what ya got cookin'? How's about cookin' something up with me?" Let's get cookin' for Christ right about now. There is no better time to be a catalyst get things cooking for Christ. It's now or never. It's always now or never.

Eckhart Tolle writes in his book A New Earth, "Some egos that perhaps don't have much else to identify with easily survive on complaining alone." (p. 61) If that statement applies to someone you know then it may also apply to yourself. It's hard to be be salt and light when our mouths are full of harsh words and our minds are full of empty chatter. I wonder if that's what Jesus was getting at?

Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am