Wednesday, November 30, 2011

St. John's The Epistle for Nov 30, 2011 ✜ Advent 2: Expectant missionaries gestating the Christ within

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

It's time to get ready for the birth of Christ will bring about some big changes in human society. The sermon this Sunday from Mark 1:1-8 is titled The Bad News (The System Is Broken) & The Good News (Jesus Offers a Superior System): Here's How We Get It. For some background on the text, read the Priene Inscription from 9 BCE and compare that to Mark 1:1 which may be transliterated from the Greek as "Beginning the good news of Jesus Christ, Son of God." Note the similarities in language. There seems to be a connection here that has major implications that we will explore as we listen for God's Word this Sunday. If you really want to dig into the sermon text check out Brian Stoffregen's notes on the text. Elaine's church school class meets in Room 205 in Building II at 10 am this Sunday if you want to learn more about the sermon text.
We have now received 74 pledges for $334,912. Thank you to all who have made your pledge for 2012! Some people give but not pledge. However, what you give is between you and God and the church is grateful for whatever you may give. Here is one way to think about pledging for those who don't do it. If everyone who does not pledge would pledge just $1 per week or $52 per year that would equal another $3000 or so in pledges in combined income. Perhaps this is the challenge you have been waiting for. Pray about it and see how the Lord may lead you. If you have not yet pledged and you feel the Holy Spirit's nudge in that direction, call the church office if you want a pledge card. Session members are invited to join the Stewardship Committee for a discussion of the 2012 budget at 7:30 pm this Tuesday.

This Saturday, December 3, you are invited to St. John's Breakfast at 8 am for a fun and festive time to get together to begin the holiday season. Bring a small covered dish of your favorite breakfast food for all to share. At 8:30 am the music program will begin.

This Sunday, December 4, is a day of significant events in the life of our congregation.
  • Give the gift of life in our Blood Drive in Building II, Room 209, from 8 am – 12 noon. All donors will be eligible to win a rolling cart.
  • Church school classes for all ages will meet at 9 am in Building I and II.
  • We will worship God and celebrate the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 10:30 am in the sanctuary.
  • After worship warm soup will be served and Holiday Gift Market booths will be open in Fellowship Hall.
  • At 5 pm in the sanctuary Tom Jaber and his chamber orchestra will present a free concert.

Everyone is invited to each activity but don't feel obligated to attend every event. As I said in the sermon last Sunday, the way to judge the success of a church program or event is not by how many attend but by the quality of the experience of those who participate. Did this event help us accomplish our mission by: 1) Glorifying God; 2) Making disciples; or 3) Meeting human needs?

The Holiday Gift Market this Sunday featuring alternative gifts will be open from 11:45 am - 3 pm in Fellowship Hall. We are hopeful that Santa will be on hand for pictures although given his schedule this time of year we may never be sure whether he will make it or not. There will be a Craft Sale & Silent Auction. The ministries who will have a booth include Anchor House (St. John's Apartment Ministry); Coalition of Appalachian Ministries; Delicious Peace Coffee; Heifer Project Living Waters for the World; Lulwanda Children's Home; Matthew's Market; Pennies for Peace; Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services; St. John's Presbyterian Youth Mission Trips; Ten Thousand Villages; and UNICEF. Here is a poster to display.

This Sunday you may also bring children's socks, only newborn to kindergarten size in any color or style, to help decorate our two Christmas trees. One tree will stand in the Narthex and one in the church office entrance. St. John's Presbyterian Women will deliver the socks to the House of Tiny Treasures and Small Steps Nurturing Center.

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon

The Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Burnham
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035
Phone 713-723-6262 |

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday Gift Market - Sunday, December 4

Holiday Gift Market
(Alternate Gift Market)

Sunday December 4
11:45 - 3 pm

Craft Sale & Silent Auction
Participating Organizations:

Anchor House (St. John’s Apartment Ministry)
Coalition of Appalachian Ministries
Delicious Peace Coffee
Heifer Project
Living Waters for the WorldLulwanda Children’s Home
Matthew’s Market
Pennies for Peace
Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services
St. John’s Presbyterian Youth Mission Trips
Ten Thousand Villages


Blood Drive - Sunday, December 4 (8 am - 12 Noon)

Eight Reasons to Donate Blood

√ There can never be enough good deeds done in this world.

√ Two words: Juice. Cookies.

√ You probably wouldn’t think twice about giving if it wereyour mother, brother or friend in peril. Just imagine savingsomeone else’s mother, brother or friend.

√ You’ll make more. Trust me.

√ You will weigh less — one pint less when you leave than when you came in.

√ It’s easy and convenient — Building 2, Room 209.

√ It’s the right thing to do.

√ It’s the perfect time to eat wisely and nutritionally by adding iron-rich food to your meals.(These foods are a good source of iron: enriched whole-grain bread, chicken, eggs, ham, lean pork and beef, liver, turkey, oysters, scallops, shrimp, tuna, beets, raisins, dried beans, and peas, leafy greens, broccoli and spinach.)

√ And really and truly, needles are not so bad.
In fact, here are three things that are much worse:
> angry grizzly bears
> home improvement
> the way your fingers get all sticky after eating an apple

And a bonus: At the December 4 blood drive, a drawing will be held to win one of 2 rolling carts!

Children's Socks Needed for Christmas Trees

Bring children’s socks, only newborn to kindergarten size in any color or style. Please start on the first Sunday of Advent, November 27, to help decorate our two Christmas trees. One tree will stand in the Narthex and one by the church office. St. John’s Presbyterian Women will deliver the socks to the House of Tiny Treasures and Small Steps Nurturing Center.

St. John’s Breakfast— December 3

All are invited to St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, December 3, at 8 am. Please bring a small covered dish of your favorite breakfast food for all to share. It will be a fun and festive time for us to get together to begin the holiday season.At 8:30 we will have music, music, music! Don’t know all the details, but I’m working on it!! We will also have a community sing.

Bring a friend or neighbor. If you need transportation or information about the breakfasts, contact Linda Dobbin

Sunday December 4 Reminders

Property Committee Meeting, November 30: Committee members please mark your calendars for our 7 pm November meeting.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, December 3: Everyone is invited at 8 am for a fun and festive time to get together to begin the holiday season. Please bring a small covered dish of your favorite breakfast food for all to share. At 8:30 am the music program will begin.

Circles 1, 2 & 3: All ladies are invited to the Presbyterian Women Bible Study on Tuesday, December 6 at 9:30 am. The lesson will focus on Lesson 4: Greatly Honored are Those Who Are Famished and Parched for Justice!

Session Members Invited: Stewardship/Finance Committee invites all session members to the Tuesday, December 6 meeting at 7:30 pm. It will focus on St. John’s 2012 budget.

Bake Sale, Sunday, December 11: Mark your calendar for this special event. St. John’s Presbyterian Women will sell homemade cookies, pies, cakes and more.

December 4
(Wow - That’s Next Sunday!)

Blood Drive: Please come to Building Two, Room 209, 8 am – 12 noon, and share the gift of life! All donors will be eligible to win a rolling cart.

Holiday Gift Market
Booths open in McPhail Hall, following Worship service

Music Concert
Please plan to attend this special music event at 4 pm
in the Sanctuary, sponsored by Tom Jaber.


This Week at St. John’s - Nov. 27 - Dec. 4

Sunday, November 27 – lst Sunday of Advent
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service – Hanging of the Greens
12:00 – 3:00 pm Ghanaians, McPhail Hall

Monday, November 28
6:30 pm Walking Together 7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, November 29
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
12:00 pm Staff meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, November 30
6:00 pm Scout Troop 21151
7:00 pm Property Committee
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, December 1
8:30 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”

Friday, December 2

Saturday, December 3
8:00 am St. John’s Breakfast
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
12:00 – 4:00 pm Holiday Gift Market set-up, McPhail Hall

Sunday, December 4 -2nd Sunday of Advent
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Blood Drive, Bldg. 2, Rm 209
9:00 am Church School10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 - 3:00 pm Holiday Gift Market
4:00 pm music concert, Sanctuary
5:00 pm Centering Prayer

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

St. John's Epistle for November 23, 2011 - Happy Thanksgiving edition :->

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

Last Sunday we hosted a Community Thanksgiving Service last Sunday. The church was packed and the service was powerful. There was a sense of unity of purpose and a real sense of community in the sanctuary during that service. Thanks to Jeanne for organizing the reception in McPhail Hall after the service. Everyone seemed to enjoy spending time together. It was a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving with our partners in ministry. $4,015 was collected in the offering for BIM and Sunday morning's BIM offering was $782. What a great Harvest Sunday!

Here is a thank-you note written by Kyle Damron who coordinated the music for the service.

Thank you for your gracious hospitality to us-not just on Sunday, but a week ago last Sunday night for our first choir rehearsal!  Your folks are wonderful!  You are so warm and kind. Thank you for your music and sharing your talents so graciously and generously. I was humbled and honored to serve and collaborate with all of you.  You are a fine group of musicians!  St. John's is very blessed to have you.  The handbell choir did a fine job and the tone/spirit of the worship hour was well-established by the musical offering at the beginning of the service.

Kyle serves as Music Director at Westbury Baptist. Choir members from Bethany UMC, St. John's Presbyterian, Westbury Baptist, Westbury UMC, and Willow Meadows Baptist composed the community choir. We also heard a wonderful solo from the new Cantor at Temple Beth Israel, Daiel Mutlu. Temple Beth Israel was also represented by Associate Rabbi Adrienne Scott. This was a memorable Thanksgiving service. As we sometimes say in Mississippi, "Y'all did good!"

We are having a great Stewardship season. As of November 20 we have received 70 pledges for 2012 for $328,173. This is well above last year's tally at this time. Thank you to each of you generous givers! If you plan to pledge and have not yet turned in your pledge card, please do so at your earliest convenience.

Congratulations to Jackson Burnham, Kaelan McGuire and Colette Johnson who confirmed their fait last Sunday. We celebrate with them and their families. The choirs remembered Lee Shoemake's significant lifetime contributions to our congregation during the service last Sunday.

This Sunday heralds a new beginning in the life of our church as we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent. As we think about the way God's Spirit is moving in our world and in our congregation, we will hear from Isaiah 64:1-9, where the prophet says of God, "You did awesome deeds that we did not expect, you came down, the mountains quaked at your presence." This image of an explosive volcano God opens us to creative new developments in our world. In particular, the sermon will consider the implications of a new way of making products called additive manufacturing and the implications of this process for how we live out our calling as Christ followers who are members of the Body of Christ.

Things are going to get very creative over the next ten years as we transition to a new system of production and distribution. A Renaissance in manufacturing is in the works during our lifetime. It will eventually return production to the United States as production becomes localized. Most other aspects of the production process will be virtualized. This link opens a PDF file with an overview of 3D Printing. Here is a video that demonstrates how additive manufacturing works. Churches such as our that intentionally incorporate the principles of additive manufacturing will prosper.

As we look forward, one week from this Sunday is the Holiday Gift Market. 

✼ Holiday Gift Market Brochure-Tells a bit about each ministry represented

✽ Holiday Gift Market Publicity Poster -- Copy and forward this link or print and hang it up in a public place

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! It was great to see how the congregation came together as we hosted the Community Thanksgiving Service last Sunday. Thanks to all who participated and led in various ways.

Pastor Jon
The Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Burnham
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035
Phone 713-723-6262 |

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Paper Bins Recycle Report

St. John’s recycle bins collected;
9.13 tons (18,269.77 pounds) in July,
8.89 tons (17,771.58 pounds) in August,
9.25 tons (18,496.86 pounds) in September
8.49 tons (16,975.49 pounds) in October

Join St. John’s Stewardship of the Earth by recycling your paper in the bins located next to our West Bellfort entrance. This year we have recycled 80.78 tons of paper!


Each year during the Advent season the congregation has an opportunity to remember a loved one, honor an individual or recognize an occasion by purchasing a poinsettia to be placed in the Sanctuary. If you would like to participate, the cost is $10.00 per poinsettia. You may purchase a poinsettia by delivering or mailing the order form with your check to St. John’s office or sign up using the order form in the Narthex, placing your check in the offering plate. Please write "poinsettia" on the memo line of all checks. All poinsettias can be taken home after the Christmas Eve service.

•Keep poinsettias away from warm or cold drafts from radiators, air registers or open doors and windows.Avoid exposing the plant to hot or cold drafts, which may cause premature leaf drop.

•To keep the plant in bloom, maintain it at a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees F during the daylight hours and, if possible, move it to a cooler place at night. Because root rot disease is more prevalent at temperatures below 60 degrees F, do not put the poinsettia in a room colder than this.

•Check the soil daily. Be sure to punch holes in foil so water can drain into a saucer. Water when soil is dry.Allow water to drain into the saucer and discard excess water. Wilted plants will tend to drop bracts sooner.

•Fertilize the poinsettia if you keep it past the holiday season. Apply a houseplant fertilizer once a month. Do not fertilize when it is in bloom.

The poinsettias are from Brookwood Community. Each poinsettia is in a 6 inch pot, averaging 16 inches in height with 5-7 blooms. Your purchase helps provide scholarships and enhanced educational opportunities for the men and women of Brookwood.

Christmas Eve Services

Please join us on December 24 at 5 (youth-led service) & 11 (candlelight service) pm.

Anchor House News

We have been at The Greenbriar Apartment complex over a year now. How time flies! We are delighted to have acquired the services of a new volunteer. Phil Westmoreland is handling our handyman projects. We became aware of our need for more curtains in some of our bedrooms so Sally Shaw and I purchased the curtains and contacted Phil. I am sure there were a couple of days in which Phil wondered if our definition of "occasionally" was the same as his. After installing curtain rods in each apartment one day we were forced to call him again the same week to fix a bed. We would have had replace it if Phil hadn’t been able to make the repair. Thank you Phil! We have also purchased bagless vacuum sweepers in each of our apartments. These sweepers eliminate the need for purchasing disposable bags and also allow for immediate disposal.

Currently we are looking forward to The Holiday Gift Market (December 4). I am sure we will enjoy another great market day. We have some beautiful handmade donations which will be located in our booth for purchase. We will also have cookies which are donated by Presbyterian Women. Watch for our booth. We will be looking forward to welcoming you as always. Also, if anyone is considering volunteering with Anchor House, please do not hesitate to talk to us.
— Marie Kutz

Children's Socks Needed for Christmas Trees

Bring children’s socks, only newborn to kindergarten size in any color or style. Please start on the first Sunday of Advent, November 27, to help decorate our two Christmas trees. One tree will stand in the Narthex and one by the church office. St. John’s Presbyterian Women will deliver the socks to the House of Tiny Treasures and Small Steps Nurturing Center.

Presbytery Christmas Open House— December 8

The Presbytery of New Covenant, 1110 Lovett Boulevard, Houston, will hold an annual Christmas Open House on Thursday, December 8, 11 am to 2 pm.

Circle News

All St. John’s ladies are invited to a circle meeting of their choice. Circle meetings gather in Building Two. This year’s Bible study is Confessing the Beatitudes. In Confessing the Beatitudes, author Margaret Aymer focuses on the teachings of Jesus in Matthew and Luke, helping readers connect faith with daily life.

Circles 1, 2 & 3— Tuesday, December 6 @ 9:30 am
Sunday Circle— December 18 @ 12:30 pm

The December Circles’ will focus on Lesson 4:Greatly Honored Are Those Who are Famished and Parched for Justice! from Matthew 5:6; Luke 6:21a and Psalm 107:1-9.

Church Holiday Thanksgiving Closure

St. John’s office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25. The church office will re-open on Monday, November 28, at 8 am. St. John’s staff wishes everyone a safe, restful and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and we leave you with this special wish:

May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump,
May your yams be delicious,May your thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs.

St. John’s Breakfast— December 3

All are invited to St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, December 3, at 8 am. Please bring a small covered dish of your favorite breakfast food for all to share. It will be a fun and festive time for us to get together to begin the holiday season.

At 8:30 we will have music, music, music! Don’t know all the details, but I’m working on it!! We will also have a community sing. Bring a friend or neighbor. If you need transportation or information about the breakfasts, contact Linda Dobbin

Blood Drive - Sunday, December 4

Eight Reasons to Donate Blood

√ There can never be enough good deeds done in this world.
√ Two words: Juice. Cookies.
√ You probably wouldn’t think twice about giving if it wereyour mother, brother or friend in peril. Just imagine savingsomeone else’s mother, brother or friend.
√ You’ll make more. Trust me.
√ You will weigh less — one pint less when you leave thanwhen you came in.
√ It’s easy and convenient — Building 2, Room 209.
√ It’s the right thing to do.
√ It’s the perfect time to eat wisely and nutritionally by adding iron-rich food to your meals.(These foods are a good source of iron: enriched whole-grain bread, chicken, eggs, ham, lean pork and beef, liver, turkey, oysters, scallops, shrimp, tuna, beets, raisins, dried beans, and peas, leafy greens, broccoli and spinach.)
√ And really and truly, needles are not so bad.In fact, here are three things that are much worse:
> angry grizzly bears
> home improvement
> the way your fingers get all sticky after eating an apple

And a bonus: At the December 4 blood drive, a drawing will be held to win one of 2 rolling carts!

Community Service, November 20

Braes Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Today @ 4 pm

St. John’s Sanctuary


Weekly Reminder: November 20

Welcome Confirmation Class! Today we celebrate and welcome our newest members from the 2011 Confirmation class: Jackson Burnham, Colette Johnson and Kaelan McGuire. Please join them in the Courtyard after service to welcome them. Refreshments will be served.

Photo Directory Update: Please pick up your photo 2011 update in the Narthex.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, December 3: Everyone is invited at 8 am for a fun and festive time to get together to begin the holiday season. Please bring a small covered dish of your favorite breakfast food for all to share. At 8:30 am the music program will begin.

Blood Drive, December 4: Please come to Building Two, Room 209, 8 am – 12 noon, and share the gift of life! All donors will be eligible to win a rolling cart.

Holiday Gift Market: Our annual market is coming soon! There is a postcard in your church bulletin for you to help St. John’s advertise the event. Please stop by the church office after service for postcard stamps.

St. John's Holiday Gift Market, Sunday, December 4: This special Holiday Gift Market will include many booths selling items that will benefit our community and the world. Booths represented at the market will include Living Waters of the World, Heifer International, 10,000 Villages, and Lulwanda Children's Home . . . just to name a few. We are currently collecting items for the Silent Auction which will also take place during the Holiday Gift Market. Please contact Claire MacAdam at 713.858.3315 if you would like to donate an item to the auction.

Circles 1, 2 & 3: All ladies are invited to the Presbyterian Women Bible Study on Tuesday, December 6 at 9:30 am. The lesson will focus on Lesson 4: Greatly Honored are Those Who Are Famished and Parched for Justice!

Session Members Invited: Stewardship/Finance Committee Meeting invites all session members to their Tuesday, December 6 meeting at 7:30 pm. It will focus on St. John’s 2012 budget.

Bake Sale, Sunday, December 11: Mark your calendar for this special event. St. John’s Presbyterian Women will sell homemade cookies, pies, cakes and more.

This Week at St. John’s, Nov. 20-27

Sunday, November 20 - Confirmation Sunday and Harvest Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:00 am Called Session meeting, Jon’s office
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Children’s Choir Practice, Sanctuary
11:45 am Confirmation Reception
4:00 pm Braes Interfaith Ministries Thanksgiving Service at St. John’s followed
with reception in McPhail Hall

Monday, November 21
6:30 pm Pack 8 Scouts
6:30 pm Walking Together 7:00 pm No Bell Choir
7:30 pm Outreach committee

Tuesday, November 22
8:00 am – 5:00- pm private event, McPhail Hall
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day12:00 pm Staff meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, November 23
8:00 am – 5:00 pm private event, McPhail Hall
6:00 pm Scout Troop 21151
7:30 pm No Chancel Choir

Thursday, November 24, and Friday, November 25 Church Office Closed

Saturday, November 26
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
10:00 am Worship Committee, Sanctuary

Sunday, November 27 - lst Sunday of Advent
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service - Hanging of the Greens
12:00 – 3:00 pm Ghanaians, McPhail Hall

Thursday, November 17, 2011

St. John's Epistle for November 17, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

Your generosity caused us to have a great Stewardship Sunday! As of last Sunday we have 60 pledges for $308,378. That is well above last year's tally on Stewardship Sunday. Thank you to each of you generous givers! If you plan to pledge and have not yet turned in your pledge card, please do so at your earliest convenience.

This Sunday, November 20, we have a big day in more ways than one. First, we haver three young people who will be confirmed: Jackson Burnham, Colette Johnson, and Kaelan McGuire. A reception in their honor in the courtyard will follow the service.

Also during the service, the handbell choir will play a song in memory of Lee Shoemake and a brick has been placed in the columbarium in her memory.

Later, at 4 pm this Sunday, we are hosting a Community Thanksgiving Service which is sponsored by the Southwest Houston Ministerial Alliance. In addition to several local pastors, we are especially glad to welcome the Associate Rabbi and the Cantor from Temple Beth Israel who will participate in the service. The music will be outstanding as usual with a combined choir from several churches. We are hosting a reception in McPhail Hall after the service. Thanks to all who are helping with the reception and our choir who will sing and handbell choir who will play. It will be a great day of celebration.

One of the topics we cover in our Confirmation Class each year is "What is a Christian?" We often answer that question in one of two ways. We say the church is the people of God or we say the church is the place where the people of God gather. According to modern theologian Jurgen Moltmann, there is a third way of viewing the church. It's a liberating, Biblical view of the church. That is what you will learn about in the sermon this Sunday from Ephesians 1:15-23.

The congregation is invited to celebrate Harvest Sunday this Sunday. Your gift of $1.00 will buy $27.00 worth of food at the Houston food bank. Please bring your contributions this Sunday. All donations will be given to Braes Interfaith Ministries.

During their meeting on November 9, your Session:

-Scheduled a Congregational Meeting after worship on December 11 to hear and act on a report from the Nominating Committee and the By-Laws Task Force.

- Designated these people to count the weekly collection: Curtis Brisch, Jo Ann Golden, Kathleen Captain, Pauline Hall, Ann Nelson and Marie Kutz.

-Completed a study of the book Missional Renaissance.

- Heard an update on the success of our Wish List gifts and projects.

There is much to be thankful for this time of year. Write a list of three things for which you are grateful. Focus on those three things in this Thanksgiving season. May the Lord be with all who are going through transitions in health or work or relationships. May the Lord bring healing to our lives. Especially this week we are grateful for the birth of Vincent to Mary and Marco Pina.

For more about our ministry and mission at St. John's, here is a link to the November/December 2011 edition of our church newsletter, The Beacon.

Pastor Jon B.

The Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Burnham
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035
Phone 713-723-6262 |

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Braes Interfaith Thanksgiving Service - November 20

You’re Invited

Braes Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 20, 4 pm
St. John’s Sanctuary

Featured Speaker: Pastor Tommy Williams
Westbury United Methodist Church

Music: Braes Interfaith Choir & St. John’s Bell Choir

Reception to follow in McPhail Hall


Sunday Insert Reminders, November 13

Harvest Sunday, November 20: The congregation is invited to celebrate Harvest Sunday by sharing non-perishable food or monetary contributions. (Your gift of $1.00 will buy $27.00 worth of food at the Houston food bank.) Please bring your contributions next Sunday. All donations will be given to Braes Interfaith Ministries.

Photo Directory Update: Please pick up your photo update in the Narthex.

St. John's Holiday Gift Market, Sunday, December 4: This special Holiday Gift Market will include many booths selling items that will benefit our community and the world. Booths represented at the market will include Living Waters of the World, Heifer International, 10,000 Villages, and Lulwanda Children's Home . . . just to name a few. We are currently collecting items for the Silent Auction, which will also take place during the Holiday Gift Market. Please contact Claire MacAdam at 713.858.3315 if you would like to donate an item to the auction.

November 2011 Session Highlights
During their meeting on November 9, your Session:

-Scheduled a Congregational Meeting after worship on December 11 to hear and act on a report from the Nominating Committee and the By-Laws Task Force.

- Designated these people to count the weekly collection: Curtis Brisch, Jo Ann Golden, Kathleen Captain, Pauline Hall, Ann Nelson and Marie Kutz.

-Completed a study of the book Missional Renaissance.

- Heard an update on the success of our Wish List gifts and projects.

St. John's Weekly Schedule, November 13 - 20

Sunday, November 13 – Stewardship Dedication Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Stewardship barbecue lunch
11:45 am Children’s Choir Practice
11:45 am Fellowship Committee
12:00 pm Beacon deadline 1:00 pm Sunday Circle Bible Study
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 – 6:30 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
7:00 pm Rehearsal, BIM Choir, Sanctuary

Monday, November 14
6:30 pm Walking Together
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, November 15
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s “FUN” Day 9:30 am Beacons assembled
12:00 pm Staff meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688
7:30 pm St. John’s Book Group

Wednesday, November 16
6:00 pm Scout Troop 21151
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Christian Education Meeting

Thursday, November 17
8:30 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 & 2
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”

Saturday, November 19
7:00 am – 1 pm Boy Scout Garage Sale (Parking lot)
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small GroupSunday,

November 20 Confirmation Sunday and Harvest Sunday
9:00 am Church School10 00 am Called Session Meeting
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Children’s Choir Practice
11:45 am Confirmation Reception
4:00 pm BIM Thanksgiving Service, St. John’s Sanctuary with reception following

Monday, November 14, 2011

Children's Socks Needed for Christmas Trees

Bring children’s socks, only newborn to kindergarten size in any color or style. Please start on the first Sunday of Advent, November 27, to help decorate our two Christmas trees. One tree will stand in the Narthex and one by the church office. St. John’s Presbyterian Women will deliver the socks to the House of Tiny Treasures and Small Steps Nurturing Center.

October BIM Status Report

In October Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) food pantry served 1190 clients (498 children and 692 adults), 21 of whom were homeless.

PYF Schedule

All youth (grades 6-12) are welcome to attend the Sunday meetings in McPhail Hall. For questions about PYF please contact Mary Sterner.

December 4: Holiday Gift Market after church! Help with the PYF Booth! No PYF 5 pm meeting.

December 11, 5-6:30 pm: PYF Game Night! Bring your favorite board game for the group to play

December 18, 5-6:30 pm: PYF Christmas Party Fun! Bring a "White Elephant" gift (less than $5) for the gift exchange.

December 24, 4 pm for rehearsal for 5 pm Christmas Eve Family Service.

December 25: Christmas Day! No PYF

Presbytery Christmas Open House— December 8

The Presbytery of New Covenant, 1110 Lovett Boulevard, Houston, will hold an annual Christmas Open House on Thursday, December 8, 11 am to 2 pm.

Circle News

All St. John’s ladies are invited to a circle meeting of their choice. Circle meetings gather in Building Two. This year’s Bible study is Confessing the Beatitudes. In Confessing the Beatitudes, author Margaret Aymer focuses on the teachings of Jesus in Matthew and Luke, helping readers connect faith with daily life. The December Circles’ will focus on Lesson 4: Greatly Honored Are Those Who are Famished and Parched for Justice! from Matthew 5:6; Luke 6:21a and Psalm 107:1-9.

Circles 1, 2 & 3— Tuesday, December 6 @ 9:30 am

Sunday Circle— December 18 @ 12:30 pm


St. John’s Breakfast— December 3

All are invited to St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, December 3, at 8 am. Please bring a small covered dish of your favorite breakfast food for all to share. It will be a fun and festive time for us to get together to begin the holiday season.

At 8:30 we will have music, music, music! Don’t know all the details, but I’m working on it!! We will also have a community sing. Bring a friend or neighbor.
If you need transportation or information about the breakfasts, contact Linda Dobbin.

Church Office Hours - Thanksgiving

St. John’s office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25. The church office will re-open on Monday, November 28, at 8 am. St. John’s staff wishes everyone a safe, restful and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and we leave you with this special wish:

May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump,
May your yams be delicious,
May your thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs.

Blood Drive - Sunday, December 4

Eight Reasons to Donate Blood

Sunday, December 4

√ There can never be enough good deeds done in this world.
√ Two words: Juice. Cookies.
√ You probably wouldn’t think twice about giving if it wereyour mother, brother or friend in peril. Just imagine savingsomeone else’s mother, brother or friend.
√ You’ll make more. Trust me.
√ You will weigh less — one pint less when you leave thanwhen you came in.
√ It’s easy and convenient — Building 2, Room 209.
√ It’s the right thing to do.
√ It’s the perfect time to eat wisely and nutritionally by adding iron-rich food to your meals.(These foods are a good source of iron: enriched whole-grain bread, chicken, eggs, ham, lean pork and beef, liver, turkey, oysters, scallops, shrimp, tuna, beets, raisins, dried beans, and peas, leafy greens, broccoli and spinach.)
√ And really and truly, needles are not so bad.
In fact, here are three things that are much worse:
> angry grizzly bears
> home improvement
> the way your fingers get all sticky after eating an apple

And a bonus: At the December 4 blood drive, a drawing will be held to win one of 2 rolling carts!

Holiday Gift Market - Sunday, December 4

Holiday Gift Market
(Alternate Gift Market)

Sunday December 4

Craft Sale &
Silent Auction

Participating Organizations:
Anchor House (St. John’s Apartment Ministry)

Coalition of Appalachian Ministries

Delicious Peace Coffee

Heifer Project

Living Waters for the World/Solar Under the Sun
Lulwanda Children’s Home

Matthew’s Market

Pennies for Peace

Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services
St. John’s Presbyterian Youth Mission Trips

Ten Thousand VillagesUNICEF


Thursday, November 10, 2011

St. John's Epistle for November 10, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

You will be challenged and energized by the sermon for Stewardship Dedication Sunday, which is this Sunday, November 13. The text 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and the sermon title is Wield the Power of Life and Death: Stewardship of the Tongue. While we tend to focus on money on Stewardship Dedication Sunday, stewardship is actually a broad topic. It includes all members of our body, even and especially our tongue. This Sunday put your pledge card in the offering plate after the sermon and enjoy a BBQ lunch after the service if your culture allows you to eat BBQ. Whether to eat BBQ was a big cultural issue in New Testament times. We don't argue about BBQ here but we have other cultural differences.

One of the greatest strengths of our congregation is also one of our greatest challenges and that is our diversity. St. John's is an incredibly diverse group of people. There are almost as many cultures represented as there are people in our congregation. We have obvious cultural diversity in that some people are from various African nations and others from the United States. Beyond that, even the people from the United States are a very diverse group. Talk to our people who are from the United States and you find they are from all corners of this vast continent: East and West and North and South. Each of these regions of the United States has a different culture.

Beyond the cultural diversity of the different places we come from are the cultural diversities of the different churches we come from. We come from many denominations who have different emphasis in belief or practice. We come from different size churches in terms of membership. Some of us grew up in very small congregations and some in very large congregations and size differences make for very different styles of being a church. In addition, we have different political ideas and loyalties. Then consider the different ages of the members from young children to 90+ years of age. Each different age group has their own world view and idea of what a church should be and the proper way for a minister to relate to them and their peers. All of these differences and more add up to a group of people who are even more diverse than we ordinarily perceive with our eyes.

Throw a pastor into this diverse mix. Keep in mind the pastor has his own culture, age and experience of church to bring to bear upon each circumstance. Serving as pastor of our diverse congregation is stimulating to say the least. I consider it a great honor to serve as pastor of St. John's and do my best to live up to the challenge. I try to be sensitive to each person's needs according to their culture, age, religious background, previous church experience and expectations from that experience, political philosophy, level of faith development, understanding of God and humanity, educational level and culture of origin. Yet I am certain I will say and do things that may not fit with your cultural expectations of a pastor. I'm not planning to, but I feel certain it has happened in the past and it may happen again and the last thing I would want to do is embarrass you in front of your peers by making you have to explain my offensive behavior. If you tell me the most common things my culture does or doesn't do that offend your culture, I will try my very best to not act in those ways.

Communication is extremely important in such a diverse congregation as ours. Yet I sometimes sense our communication system is broken. Certain members only talk to their cultural peers about what the pastor has done to insult their culture. I apologize. I'm sorry. I had no intention of breaking your cultural norms. You get the picture of the challenge facing the Session as we lead this congregation. Yet, the Christian church has a history of adapting to a multitude of cultures over many generations. Our Christian faith was born in the midst of a cultural diversity that rivals anything we experience in Houston and at St. John's. The Holy Spirit is clearly able to operate effectively in an environment of cultural diversity. The New Testament and history of the church illustrate Christianity's ability to deal with diverse cultures and peoples. The question for you is whether you are able to operate in such an environment. With God's help, I feel like I am up to the challenge. How about you?

Pastor Jon

The Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Burnham
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035
Phone 713-723-6262 |

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekly Reminders: November 6

Presbyterian Women’s Sunday Circle: Circle will meet AFTER the Stewardshipbarbecue on November 13. The lesson will be “Greatly Honored are the Humbled! Ladies, please be assured we would be greatly humbled if you join us on this journey.

Beacon Newsletter Deadline: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming November/December issue by email,, or bring to Room 208. The last chance to be part of this issue is Sunday, November 13.

Harvest Sunday: The congregation is invited to celebrate Harvest Sunday by sharing non-perishable food or monetary contributions. (Your gift of $1.00 will buy $27.00 worth of food at the Houston food bank.) Please bring your contributions on November 20. All donations will be given to Braes Interfaith Ministries.

Braes Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, November 20, 4 pm: This special service will feature Pastor Tommy Williams (Westbury United Methodist) with music provided by the BIM Choir and St. John’s Bell Choir.

St. John's Holiday Gift Market, Sunday, December 4: This special Holiday Gift Market will include many booths selling items that will benefit our community and the world. Booths represented at the market will include Living Waters of the World, Heifer International, 10,000 Villages, and Lulwanda Children's Home . . . just to name a few. We are currently collecting items for the Silent Auction which will also take place during the Holiday Gift Market. Please contact Claire MacAdam at 713.858.3315 if you would like to donate an item to the auction.

Celebrating Stewardship: Looking up to God
Stewardship Dedication Next Sunday, Nov. 13

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ … who emptied himself and became obedient to the point of death. Philippians 2:5

…I pledge so that a budget can be made by me as well as the church. Another reason is that I would have nothing without God in my life and it is the least I can do to share my good fortune. I volunteer because it is a way of sharing the gifts God has given me in carrying out his work. “To whom much is given, much is expected.” ─ Mary Hughes

St. John's Weekly Calendar - November 6 - 13

Sunday, November 6
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Children’s Choir Practice
1:00 pm Crop Walk
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
6:30 pm Confirmation Class

Monday, November 7
6:30 pm Walking Together
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, November 8
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
12:00 pm Staff meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, November 9
6:00 pm Scout Troop 21151
6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Making, McPhail Hall
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Session Meeting, Room 205

Thursday, November 10
8:30 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 & 2
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”

Saturday, November 12
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
12:30 pm Scout Troop 740 Court of Honor, McPhail Hall

Sunday, November 13 Stewardship Dedication Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Stewardship barbecue lunch
11:45 am Children’s Choir Practice
12:00 pm Beacon deadline
1:00 pm Sunday Circle Bible Study
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 – 6:30 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
7:00 pm Rehearsal, BIM Choir, Sanctuary

Thursday, November 3, 2011

St. John's Epistle for November 3, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

You may want to hear and take to heart this Sunday's sermon called Sign the Card for the Spiritual Survivalist Society. Check out the text from Matthew 25:1-13. You may have heard about the Survivalist Movement. What are the main branches? How do they relate to the Boy Scouts? What does scripture teach about being a spiritual survivalist? These questions will be answered in the sermon. In addition, I'll share a personal story about how I became a spiritual survivalist. Come for communion and stay for the sermon and the singing. We hope to see you this Sunday.

Trunk or Treat was fun last Sunday in our parking lot. I saw a few dozen people I'd never seen before including many families with small children. They got a good first impression of St. John's. The thing about inviting new people into the church is that sooner or later they find out who we really are. If they find we are at odds with one another, they will not want to stay. Ask yourself, then, what are you doing to bring in new people? If you are working toward greater unity in the church you are helping us be an inviting church. If you are not, then think about what it is you want from a church and whether you may realistically expect to find it. As Jesus taught, the answer is within us not outside of us.

We have new members who are becoming active leaders in the church. As new people get involved they find out about us and we find out about them. Guess what? We are not perfect and neither are they. People are people wherever you go. Christ comes to us in our brokenness and brings healing to our lives and communities - if healing is what we want. Remember what Jesus told the lame man who came to him for healing: "Rise up and walk." It's time for us to rise up and walk but that won't help if everyone is walking in opposite directions. Jesus teaches in the parable of the bridesmaids that you are responsible for your own spiritual development. It takes work. We can each and all do better at it.

Thank you to the anonymous donor who covered the expense for refurbishing the church sign. Our sign once again makes a good impression. It is the first impression of guests and the thousands of passengers that drive down West Bellfort each day. Our wish list is down to two items this week, one of which has been half paid for this week.

1. Carpet cleaner machine & supplies ($500 + This would better maintain the new carpet in the sanctuary and in the other buildings.)


2. Money for four new Cribs for  Nursery ($400 has been received and we need $400 + more. New Federal mandatory safety standards for infant cribs will require child care facilities and places of public accommodation to have compliant cribs in their facilities.)

Call the church office for more information or to contribute.

We are accepting items for the December 4 Holiday Gift Market's Silent Auction. The proceeds will help defray the costs of church members who make overseas mission trips. Mission trips cost participants an order of magnitude more than we give them. They go at personal sacrifice. This is a low cost way to go support them without having to go yourself. In particular, pray for John and Brad who leave for a mission trip in Cuba this Saturday.

Next week you will get your pledge card to turn in on November 13. This is a tight year for most of us. Join me in prayer for a nice surprise from our generous people. Stewardship Dedication Sunday will be on November 13 with a Catered Barbecue Lunch in McPhail Hall after worship. Come and get it!

Here is a link to a PDF version of the November/December issue of our presbytery newsletter called Connections.

Pastor Jon

The Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Burnham
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035
Phone 713-723-6262 |

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am