Monday, April 30, 2012

Presbyterian Women Bible Study

Circles 1, 2 & 3 will meet Tuesday, May 2, at 9:30 am and the Sunday Circle will meet May 20, at 12:30 pm. The circles will focus on Lesson 9: Greatly Honored Are You Who Put Your Honor
on the Line for Christ’s Sake! Matthew 5:1-12; 23:29-36; Luke 6:22-23.


St. John's Breakfast - May 5 & June 2

Everyone is invited to the Saturday morning Breakfast Club, May 5. We will meet as usual at 8 am for breakfast. At 8:30 am we will welcome our speaker, Lynne Parsons Austin, a member of the Harris County District Attorney’s office. She will inform us as to how they prepare a case, present a case to a jury and her part in the process.

Looking ahead to our Saturday, June 2, breakfast, Dr. Guy Sheppard, who is with the Texas A & M College of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences, will be our speaker. He will discuss the beginning of their Vet School, what his role there is now, and some helpful hints for our little four-legged friends.


New Web Site:

To surf, check out,
read, peruse,
critique, (well, gently!)
St. John’s new WEBSITE.

A current, fresh, clean, uncluttered website can be a great evangelism tool. Websites are typically the first place a potential guest goes to decide whether they want to visit a particular church. Our website is designed with the needs of our potential visitors in mind and also to provide information and connection to our members.

Thank you to our logo designer, David Nelson, and Masami Mizukami, Small Steps teacher, who took many of the photos used on the website.

Check it out, put it on your Facebook page, share it with your friends. Share our website with someone you might want to invite to St. John’s — now, that’s an easy invitation!
— Your Faith in Action Committee


Graduation Sunday: May 6

Please join our Houston High School 2012 graduating seniors, Sean Coughlen, Patrick Harrel, Mitch Sawyer and Zach Sponberg and their families, for a special reception in McPhail Hall following worship

St. John's Weekly Reminders: April 29

Blood Drive
, Today: Please come to Building Two, Room 209, 8 am- 12 noon, to share the gift of life! All donors will be entered into a drawing to win an umbrella. (Two will be given away!) Help make a difference in the world!

Bake Sale Today: Have you checked out the goodies available for sale in McPhail Hall this morning? Homemade items are being sold by the Presbyterian Women to benefit “Because We Care” Fund.

Tickets Still Available: It’s not too late to get your tickets for the BIM benefit concert today, 5 pm at Willow Meadows Baptist Church. Judy England will perform. Tickets can be purchased in the church office.

Circles, Tuesday, May 1: All women of St. John’s are invited to the last spring Bible study beginning at 9:30 am. The circle will focus on Lesson 9: Greatly Honored Are You Who Put Your Honor on the Line for Christ’s Sake! (Matthew 5:1-12; 12:29-36; Luke 6:22-23)

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, May 5: Everyone is welcome in McPhail Hall at 8 am for breakfast with speaker, Lynne Parsons Austin, whose program starts at 8:30 am.

Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Application: The Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship grant to any active St. John’s member who wishes to further an academic endeavor. The grant is to be used for undergraduate study and/or a technical or trade school and shall be given to the recipient for his/her discretion. To be eligible the applicant must submit a formal written request which outlines his/her plans and goals. Applications are available in the church office. Deadline: May 27, 2012

Bob’s Crew: Everyone is invited to join the property committee sponsored “Bob’s Crew” every Monday at 10 am. The focus is on maintaining, repairing and improving St. John’s campus. Coffee and snacks are provided.


St. John's Weekly Calendar: April 29 - May 6

Sunday, April 29 - Healing Service
  8:00 am – 12:30 pm 
Blood Drive
, Bldg. 2, Room 209
  8:30 am – 12:00 pm  Bake Sale, McPhail Hall
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Room 209
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm  Ghanaians, McPhail Hall
  4:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, McPhail Hall
  5:00 pm  Braes Interfaith Ministries Benefit Concert featuring Judy England, 
                 Willow Meadows Baptist Church
Monday, April 30
10:00 am  Bob’s Crew (Property grounds projects)
  6:30 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir
Tuesday, May 1
  9:30 am  Presbyterian Women’s Circle Meetings, McPhail Hall
12:00 pm  Staff Meeting
  5:00 pm  Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688
Wednesday, May 2
  6:00-8:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop 21151
  7:30 pm  Session Meeting
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir
Thursday, May 3
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
Saturday, May 5
  8:00 am  St. John’s Breakfast
  8:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group
  9:00 am  Girl Scout 21174
Sunday, May 6 - Senior Sunday
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Senior Reception, McPhail Hall
11:45 am  Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Room 209
  4:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, McPhail Hall


Thursday, April 26, 2012

St. John's Ed Garza passed away today

Our love and prayers are with Hilda Garza and her family. Ed passed away at home early this evening. A memorial service for him will be scheduled a few weeks from now. More information about the  arrangements will be shared with the congregation when they are finalized. In the meantime, join me in prayer for the Garza family.

Jon B.

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

St. John's Epistle for April 25, 2012

Dear Easter people,

The sermon this Sunday focuses on the beautiful shepherd in John 10:10-18. The risen Christ is the beautiful shepherd. He is risen. He is righteous. He is ready to serve and save his sheep. Thus, the sermon title for this Sunday: Christ the Beautiful Shepherd: Risen, Righteous and Ready. You may view a video of last Sunday's sermon. By the way, the choir and Mark sounded fantastic last Sunday!

This Sunday, April 29, we have several good things happening. The Presbyterian Women are having a Bake Sale. There is a Blood Drive. The Handbells are playing during worship. The youth are serving as liturgists and ushers during worship. We have a healing service. All of these opportunities for the Spirit to move mean this will be a great Sunday to invite a friend or family member to ride with you to worship at 10:30 am and perhaps even to Sunday School at 9 am.

Eddie Garza is at home now with hospice care. Keep him and Hilda in your prayers. They are such dear people. We stand with them in prayer as they make this journey.

We also remember our member William Ator who is back in Sudan during a time of increased tensions between the Republic of Sudan and South Sudan that have led to an attack on and destruction of a Bible school and a Presbyterian church, as well as 2 independent churches. Let's keep William in prayer and also his wife and children who are still here with us: Suzana Deng, Atillio Ator (12) and Yor Ator (10).

In March 2012, Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) food pantry served 832 clients including 302 children and 530 adults. BIM is one of many ways we reach out to the community and offer them the healing love of Christ, the beautiful shepherd. Let us continue to offer to others Christ's abundant life.

Your fellow pilgrim on this joyful journey,

Pastor Jon        

Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Burnham (Jon's Blog, Facebook, Twitter
Pastor of St. John's Presbyterian Church (Church's WebsiteBlog, Facebook
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035 (Map & Directions to church)
Phone church office 713-723-6262; Email church office
Sunday Schedule: Church School for all ages: 9:00 am; Worship 10:30 am; Youth Fellowship 5 pm

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Senior Sunday— May 6

Please join our Houston High School 2012 graduating seniors, Sean Coughlen, Patrick Harrel, Mitch Sawyer and Zach Sponberg and their families, for a special reception in McPhail Hall following worship


Service with a Smile

The Worship Committee is looking for people seeking a unique service opportunity...service as an usher on Sunday mornings.

Ushering opportunities are available for the coming months of June, July, August and September. You may serve once a month on a Sunday of your choice for all four months, or as time permits. Sign-up sheets are available in the narthex; or contact Lynne Parsons Austin via email at

This opportunity doesn’t demand a huge time commitment,the ability to cook, nor extraordinary physical feats. All that is required is a friendly handshake, a warm smile and a loving heart. The work is simple, but the blessings are abundant. Offering people a warm and friendly welcome is an important part of the worship experience. Come and enjoy the fellowship! We can hardly wait for you to join us in this effort.


St. John’s On-going Mission— March BIM Report

In March 2012 BIM (Braes Interfaith Ministries) food pantry served 832 clients (302 children and 530 adults).


March Session News - Reports and Action Items

*Property: Costs of repair of Building 1 have been settled and were over $3,000 less than Session
approved for the project. Elders Alexander and Wintersgill were thanked for their work in getting the building repaired.

*Property: The air condition systems are very old and may crash at anytime. Property is working to get a short-term solution and beginning to look at long-term solutions.

*Property: A new congregation of another denomination has requested contracting to use some of our buildings on Saturdays. Property will gather more information, consult with Christian Education and bring it back to the session in May.

*Administration/Personnel update on Mary Sterner’s leave: Mary will be on campus one day a week and will work from home the other four days each week. A reporting form is being drawn up to make the communication between Sterner, Christian Education, Administration and Personnel committees and the Financial Secretary. The plan was approved by Session.

*Worship recommended Jon for vacation in July with Linda Herron preaching those Sundays.
*Worship announced new hymnals are coming out in 2013. There is a big saving if they are ordered and paid for before January 1, 2013. This will be revisited in May.

*Received a report from Ed Knight and David Gibson of Presbyterian Children’s Home and
Services regarding Houston Single Family Program. Continuing in discernment.
— Ann Hardy


The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Application

Deadline: May 27, 2012

The Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship grant to any active St. John’s member who wishes to further an academic endeavor. The grant is to be used for undergraduate study and/or a technical or trade school and shall be given to the recipient for his/her discretion. To be eligible, the applicant must submit a formal written request which outlines his plans and goals.Applications are available in the church office.
— Curtis Brisch


St. John's Breakfast - May 5

Everyone is invited to the Saturday morning Breakfast Club. We will meet as usual at 8 am for breakfast. At 8:30 am we will welcome our speaker, Lynne Parsons Austin, a member of the Harris County District Attorney’s office. She will inform us as to how they prepare a case, present a case to a jury and her part in
the process.


You are Invited:

To surf,  check out,
read, peruse,
critique, (well, gently!)
St. John’s new WEBSITE

A current, fresh, clean, uncluttered website can be a great evangelism tool. Websites are typically the first place a potential guest goes to decide whether they want to visit a particular church. Our website is designed with the needs of our potential visitors in mind and also to provide information and connection to our members.

Thank you to our logo designer, David Nelson, and Masami Mizukami, Small Steps teacher, who took many of the photos used on the website.

Check it out, put it on your Facebook page, share it with your friends. Share our website with someone you might want to invite to St. John’s — now, that’s an easy invitation!
— Your Faith in Action Committee


Healing Service - April 29

In the 10:30 am service, we will have an Anointing Service for Healing. Anyone who has a need for healing — whether physical, mental or emotional — is welcome to come forward for prayer after the sermon.


Monday, April 23, 2012

St. John's Weekly Reminders, April 22

Sunday Circle, Sunday April 22: The Sunday Circle will be called as disciples to honor the destitute while he calls the wealthy to account in the lesson “Greatly Honored are Those Who Have Been Persecuted for the Sake of Justice!” (Matthew 5:10, 13:20-21; Romans 8:31-39).

Church Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: Come to Room 203, Tuesday, April 24 at 9:30 am, to help assemble the April/May Church Newsletter. No experience is necessary!

“Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, Wednesday, April 25: Please gather in McPhail Hall at 6 pm to help make 300+ sandwiches for Kid’s Meals. We promise you will be home within the hour.

Braes Interfaith Appraisal Day, Friday April 27: Three experienced antique dealers will appraise your treasures at the Braes Resale and Consignment Shop (10319 South Post Oak), 11 am – 3 pm. Support Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) and learn about your treasures at the same time. All profit from the store goes directly to BIM.

Tickets Still Available: It’s not too late to get your tickets for the BIM benefit concert on Sunday, April 29, 5 pm at Willow Meadows Baptist Church. Judy England will perform. Tickets can be purchased in the church office.

Blood Drive, Sunday, April 29: Please come to Building Two, Room 209, starting at 8 am to share the gift of life! All donors will be entered into a drawing to win an umbrella. (Two will be given away!) Help make a difference in the world!

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, May 5: Everyone is welcome to McPhail Hall at 8 am for breakfast with speaker, Lynne Parsons Austin, at 8:30 am.

Bob’s Crew: Everyone is invited to join the property committee sponsored “Bob’s Crew” every Monday at 10 am. The focus is on maintaining, repairing and improving St. John’s campus. Coffee and snacks are provided.

Usher Opportunities: The Worship Committee is looking for ushers for the upcoming summer months. Please contact the church office ( or talk to Lynne Parsons Austin.


Weekly Calendar, April 22 - 29

Sunday, April 22 – Beacon Deadline
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Room 209
12:30 pm  Sunday Circle
  4:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, McPhail Hall
Monday, April 23
10:00 am  Bob’s Crew (property grounds projects)
  6:30 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir
  7:30 pm  Worship Committee
Tuesday, April 24
  9:30 am  Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day 
  9:30 am  Beacon Assemblers
12:00 pm  Staff Meeting
  5:00 pm  Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688
  7:30 pm  Faith in Action Committee
Wednesday, April 25
  6:00-8:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop 21151
  6:00  Sandwich Makers, McPhail Hall
  7:30 pm  Caring Committee
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir
Thursday, April 26
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
Saturday, April 28
  8:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group
Sunday, April 29
  8:00 am -12:30 pm  Blood Drive, Room 209, Building 2
  8:30 am – 12:00 pm  Bake Sale, McPhail Hall
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Room 209
12:00 – 3:00 pm  Ghanaians, McPhail Hall
  4:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, McPhail Hall
  5:00 pm  Braes Interfaith Ministries Benefit Concert featuring Judy England, 
                 Willow Meadows Baptist Church


Thursday, April 19, 2012

St. John's Epistle for April 19, 2012

Dear people of God's Easter promise,

Your session is currently in conversation with Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services (PCHAS) about joining them in a ministry that they would finance, build, insure, staff, and operate on our campus. The concept calls for a single parent family ministry that will provide temporary housing and services for single mothers with children who are in great need of ministry by the church. 

PCHAS would build three single family duplexes and one office duplex on our campus in the area of land we own on West Bellfort Ave beyond our parking lot on the side where the recycling bins sit. The office duplex will house a qualified full time PCHAS employee who will live on site and will oversee the program twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. This is a bold vision and a wonderful ministry opportunity that God has brought to us. 

Copies of the proposal are in the church office. We can also send you a copy by email or you can view it online. PCHAS has written to the Meyerland Home Owners Association outlining the proposed new ministry for single parents with children. The Meyerland HOA has not voiced any objections to the project. Keep this ministry concept in prayer as we move forward with a discernment process that will include the session, congregation, presbytery and PCHAS. 

Your excited about new ministry opportunities here pastor,
Jon B.
Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Burnham (Jon's Blog, Facebook, Twitter
Pastor of St. John's Presbyterian Church (Church's WebsiteBlog, Facebook
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035 (Map & Directions to church)
Phone church office 713-723-6262; Email church office
Sunday Schedule: Church School for all ages: 9:00 am; Worship 10:30 am; Youth Fellowship 5 pm

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Monday, April 16, 2012

Summer at St. John's

Vacation Bible School
June 24 – 28
Meal served at 5:30 pm

Programs for children and adults


Sunday April 29 at St. John's

Blood Drive
8 am - 11:45 am

All donors will be entered in a drawing to win an umbrella.
Two large umbrellas will be given away.

Presbyterian Women Bake Sale
8 am - ?

Shop early - open until everything is sold


Braes Interfaith Appraisal Day, Friday April 27

Three experienced antique dealers will appraise your treasures at the Braes Resale and Consignment Shop (10319 South Post Oak), 11 am – 3 pm. Support Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) and learn about your treasures at the same time.

All profit from the store goes directly to BIM to support the food bank.

Weekly Reminders: April 15

Sunday Circle, Sunday April 22: The Sunday Circle will be called as disciples to honor the destitute while he calls the wealthy to account in the lesson “Greatly Honored are Those Who Have Been Persecuted for the Sake of Justice!” (Matthew 5:10, 13:20-21; Romans 8:31-39).

Church Beacon Newsletter: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming April/May issue by email ( or deliver to Room 208. The last chance to be part of this issue is April 22 at 12 noon.

“Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, Wednesday, April 25: Please gather in McPhail Hall at 6 pm to help make 300+ sandwiches for Kid’s Meals. We promise you will be home within the hour.

Braes Interfaith Appraisal Day, Friday April 27: Three experienced antique dealers will appraise your treasures at the Braes Resale and Consignment Shop (10319 South Post Oak), 11 am – 3 pm. Support Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) and learn about your treasures at the same time. All profit from the store goes directly to BIM.

Presbyterian Women’s Bake Sale, Sunday, April 29: Don’t miss this chance to buy delicious homemade goodies. Visit McPhail Hall before and after worship to find your favorite dessert – but you really should shop early! All proceeds go to the “Because We Care” fund.

Blood Drive, Sunday, April 29: Please come to Building Two, Room 209, starting at 8 am to share the gift of life! All donors will be entered into a drawing to win an umbrella. (Two will be given away!) Help make a difference in the world!

Saturday, October 13, 56th Anniversary Celebration: Please mark this special day on your calendar. A potluck will begin at 5 pm with a program to follow. Child care will be provided. I am very interested in collecting hymns that we have sung in the past, which are no longer in today’s hymnal. Please continue to look for memorabilia, photographs, etc. Please contact me, Linda Dobbin, with your hymns and any other items.

This Week at St. John's: April 15 - 22

Sunday, April 15
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Room 209
4:00 pm Centering Prayer
4:30 pm Lenten Study
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, McPhail Hall

Monday, April 16
10:00 am Bob’s Crew
6:00 pm Pack 8
6:30 pm Walking Together
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, April 17
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Association Meeting, McPhail Hall
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, April 18
6:00-8:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 21151
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, April 19
8:30 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2 and McPhail Hall
9:00 am Southwest Ministerial Alliance Breakfast, St. John’s
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Christian Education Committee

Saturday, April 21
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
9:00 am Troop 21174, Scout Room

Sunday, April 22 - Beacon Deadline
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Room 209
12:30 pm Sunday Circle
4:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, McPhail Hall

Thursday, April 12, 2012

St. John's Epistle for April 12, 2012

Dear Easter people,

Easter Sunday was a great celebration! Attendance was very good at both services with a combined attendance around 250 people. Youth group members did a good job of leading the sunrise service which is always a special service. The 10:30 am service was genuine with the music and baptisms supporting the sermon text about the resurrection of Jesus as described in Mark's gospel. WE are the rest of the story that God wants to share with the world. God calls us to bear witness to the gospel both with our lives and with our mouths.

This Sunday we are blessed to have Rev. Linda Herron preach the Word of God to God's people here. Looking ahead to April 29, we have a healing service which is becoming more and more popular and powerful. On that same Sunday, April 29, we have a bake sale and a blood drive.

Judy England will be in concert on April 29, 2012 at Willow Meadows Baptist Church, 4300 West Bellfort Ave., Houston, TX, 77035. This is a benefit concert for Braes Interfaith Ministries and all proceeds will go to BIM. Speak to Vivian in the church office for ticket information.

Here is a video of our children playing in the courtyard on Palm Sunday and here is a video of my Good Friday homily at Salem Lutheran Church. Thank you to the Faith in Action Committee for handling an inspired redesign of our church website.

Your pleased to be on this post-resurrection journey with you pastor,

Pastor Jon
St. John's Presbyterian Church (Church WebsiteBlog
5020 West Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77035 (Map & Directions to church)
Phone church office 713-723-6262; Email church office
Sunday Schedule: Church School for all ages: 9:30 am; Worship 10:30 am; Youth Fellowship 5 pm

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Juice and Cookies at Small Steps Nurturing Center!

Come for “juice and cookies” and a LOT more!

Thursday, April 12 at 10:00 am
Jensen Campus, 2902 Jensen Drive

In a one hour visit to the Jensen campus, you will learn about Small Steps outstanding program, tour the campus and the neighborhood where our students live, and hear about many ways to volunteer and become part of the Small Steps family.

Please contact or RSVP to Verna Noack – 713-236-0330 or email

Scholarship Application— Deadline May 27, 2012

The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship grant to any active St. John’s member who wishes to further an academic endeavor. The scholarship grant is to be used for undergraduate study and/or a technical or trade school and shall be given to the recipient for his/her discretion. To be eligible, the applicant must submit a formal written request which outlines his plans and goals.Applications are available in the church office. — Curtis Brisch

Braes Interfaith Appraisal Day, Friday April 27

Three experienced antique dealers will appraise your treasures at the Braes Resale and Consignment Shop (10319 South Post Oak), 11 am – 3 pm. Support Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) and learn about your treasures at the same time.

All profit from the store goes directly to BIM to support the food bank.

Sunday April 29 Twin Events

Blood Drive

8 am - 11:45 am

All donors will be entered in a drawing to win an umbrella.
Two large umbrellas will be given away.


Presbyterian Women Bake Sale

8 am - ?
Shop early - open until everything is sold


St. John's Weekly Reminder: April 8

Small Steps Nurturing Center: Everyone is invited to a one-hour visit on Thursday, April 12 to the Jensen campus (2902 Jensen Drive) at 10 am. Come learn about their program, tour the campus and learn how you can join and help make a difference. Please contact or RSVP Verna Noack, 713-236-0330 or

Book Group, Thursday, April 12: Everyone is invited to the next book group meeting at 7:30 pm. The book to be discussed is Bruiser by Neil Shusterman.

AniMeals Needed: Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston is low on pet food for the seniors they serve for IM’s Meals on Wheels. The AniMeals program helps the seniors not feel compelled to share their limited food and resources with their pet companions. Please bring your donations to Building 2 at St. John’s not later than Thursday evening April 12, or you can deliver it yourself to IM on Friday, April 13, between 7 am and 6 pm. Dog and cat food is especially needed. Thank you.

Braes Interfaith Appraisal Day, Friday April 27: Three experienced antique dealers will appraise your treasures at the Braes Resale and Consignment Shop (10319 South Post Oak), 11 am – 3 pm. Support Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) and learn about your treasures at the same time. All profit from the store goes directly to BIM.

Saturday, October 13, 56th Anniversary Celebration: Please mark this special day on your calendar. A potluck will begin at 5 pm with a program to follow. Child care will be provided. Please keep looking for memorabilia, photographs, poetry, music, any and all remembrances of St. John’s for this event. Please contact Linda Dobbin with any ideas or items.

Easter Lilies given in memory:
Kathy Roth in memory of Evelyn Weinburger
Linda and Dan Herron in memory of their parents
Simone Westmoreland in memory of Jack Westmoreland
Sally Shaw in memory of Dan Shaw
David Muanza in memory of Papa Ngoyi Lukusa Apache

Easter Lilies given in honor:
Claire and Tom MacAdam in honor of their parents
Mindi Stanley and Bill Ehrenstrom in honor of Sou Sou Asmar,
parents, grandparents and Pat and Phil Costa

St. John's Weekly Calendar: April 8-15

Sunday, April 8 – Easter Sunday – One Great Hour of Sharing
7:00 am Sunrise Service
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 – 3:00 pm Ghanaians, McPhail Hall

Monday, April 9 - Church Offices Closed
10:00 am Bob’s Crew
6:30 pm Walking Together
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, April 10
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
12:00 pm Staff Meeting 5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, April 11
6:00-8:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 21151
6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, McPhail Hall
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, April 12
8:30 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
10:00 am Small Steps Tour
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm St. John’s Book Group

Saturday, April 14
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
3:00 pm Private party, McPhail Hall

Sunday, April 15
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Children’s Choir Rehearsal
4:00 - 4:30 pm Centering Prayer
4:30 - 6:00 pm Lenten Study
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, McPhail Hall

Thursday, April 5, 2012

St. John's Epistle for April 5, 2012

Dear colorful resurrection people,

Let's paint this weekend red and dark gray tonight for the Maundy Thursday service at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Red reminds us of the color of the wine poured at the last supper and the color Judas's blood that was spilled in the "Field of Blood" in which he committed suicide after his betrayal of Jesus. The sermon text for Maundy Thursday is Mark 14:10-27 and the sermon title is The Betrayal of the Christ: Judas, Peter, God and You.

Let's color Good Friday black as Jesus cries out from the cross: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" And black for his last words, "It is finished." Black is also the color of the sky after his death. Join me on Good Friday at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church at 12:30 pm when I present a five minute homily in a 20 minute brief service that is part of a longer three hour service. You may want to arrive at 12:15 and you may leave at 1 pm. The Salem Church is just across West Bellfort from the Kroger store.

Easter Sunday let's color a glorious yellow like the bright and shining sun whether you come to worship at the youth led 7 am sunrise service or 10:30 am our resurrected Lord will meet you there. The Easter sermon text is Mark 16:1-8 and the sermon title is The Resurrection of the Christ: The Rest of the Story. We will also celebrate the baptism of Shawn and Shane Kwende, sons of Syntia Abiyah and Steffan Kwende, during the 10:30 am service. Easter Sunday is a great time to invite friends and family to worship. Invite someone to come with you to worship this weekend.

Below is a schedule of events for this holy weekend. However, the real event is the event that will happen in your heart as you reconnect to the risen Christ within you.

Your companion on the journey beyond the empty tomb,
Pastor Jon
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Easter Weekend Schedule

Thursday, April 5 – Maundy Thursday
7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service, Sanctuary

Friday, April 6 – Good Friday
12:30-12:50 pm "Today you will be with me…" Pastor Jon Burnham speaking at a Tre Ore (three hour) Service at Salem Evangelical Church

Saturday, April 7
8:00 am Women's Bible Small Group
8:00 am St. John's Breakfast

Sunday, April 8 – Easter Sunday
7:00 am Sunrise Service - Youth led with snacks after the service
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service

Note: Anyone missing a portable Belkin keyboard left on coach in Fellowship Hall may speak to Vivian about it. It was found on the couch in Fellowship Hall a few weeks ago.

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Sunday, April 1, 2012

St. John’s Breakfast— April 7

Everyone is invited to Saturday morning breakfast April 7 at 8 am. At 8:30 am Teresa Darr and Pam Tedeschi will explore the modern world of quilting by exploring the Log Cabin quilt block. A small trunk show will be included.

Maundy Thursday Service— April 5 @ 7 pm

The word "Maundy" comes from the Latin word mandatum, which means "commandment." In the gospel of John, Jesus makes this statement during the Last Supper: "I am with you only a little longer. ... I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:33-35, NRSV). Please join in this special service, showing loving concern for one another, and partaking of Holy Communion.

St. John’s Holiday Schedule

St. John’s church office will be closed Monday, April 9 for the Easter holiday. St. John’s staff wishes everyone a wonderful Easter.

Add to your Summer Calendar!

Vacation Bible School

June 24 – 28

Meal served at 5:30 pm
Programs for children and adults


Sunday Reminders, April 1

Easter Lilies: Purchase an Easter lily, $10 each, to beautify the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, and then enjoy it at home after the service. Sign up on the poster in the Narthex or place your check in the offering plate Sunday morning with “lilies” written on the memo line.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, April 7: Everyone is invited to Saturday morning breakfast at 8 am. At 8:30 am Teresa Darr and Pam Tedeschi will explore the modern world of quilting.

Holiday Schedule: St. John’s office will be closed on Easter Monday, April 9.

Small Steps Nurturing Center: Everyone is invited to a one-hour visit on Thursday, April 12 to the Jensen campus (2902 Jensen Drive) at 10 am. Come learn about their program, tour the campus and learn how you can join and help make a difference. Please contact or RSVP Verna Noack, 713-236-0330 or

Braes Interfaith Appraisal Day, Friday April 27: Three experienced antique dealers will appraise your treasures at the Braes Resale and Consignment Shop (10319 South Post Oak), 11 am – 3 pm. Support Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) and learn about your treasures at the same time. All profit from the store goes directly to BIM.

Saturday, October 13, 56th Anniversary Celebration: Please mark this special day on your calendar. A potluck will begin at 5 pm with a program to follow. Child care will be provided. Please keep looking for memorabilia, photographs, poetry, music, any and all remembrances of St. John’s for this event. Please contact Linda Dobbin with any ideas or items.

Weekly Calendar, April 1 - 8

Sunday, April 1 – Palm/Passion Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Church Picnic with Easter Egg Hunt at 12:30 pm
4:00 – 4:30 pm Centering Prayer
4:30 – 6:00 pm Lenten Study

Monday, April 2 – Thursday, April 5
6:00 pm Ghanaians, McPhail Hall

Monday, April 2
10:00 am Bob’s Crew
6:00 pm Pack 8, Building I
6:30 pm Walking Together
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, April 3
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Circle
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, April 4
6:00-8:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 21151
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Session Meeting

Thursday, April 5 – Maundy Thursday
8:30 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service, Sanctuary

Friday, April 6 – Good Friday
9:30 am Ghanaians, McPhail Hall
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Tre Ore Service at Salem Evangelical Church

Saturday, April 7
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
8:00 am St. John’s Breakfast
900 am Troop 21174
10:00 am Private wedding followed by reception, McPhail Hall

Sunday, April 8 – Easter Sunday
7:00 am Sunrise Service
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 – 3:00 pm Ghanaians, McPhail Hall

Sunday, April 29 Special Events

Blood Drive
8 am - 11:45 am

All donors will be entered in a drawing to win an umbrella.
Two large umbrellas will be given away.


Presbyterian Women
Bake Sale
8 am - ?

Shop early - open until everything is sold


Scholarship Application— Deadline May 27, 2012

The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship grant to any active St. John’s member who wishes to further an academic endeavor. The scholarship grant is to be used for undergraduate study and/or a technical or trade school and shall be given to the recipient for his/her discretion. To be eligible, the applicant must submit a formal written request which outlines his plans and goals.Applications are available in the church office. — Curtis Brisch

Easter Sunrise Service— April 8, 7 am

St. John’s traditional youth-led Easter Sunrise Service will be April 8 at 7 am, followed by a light breakfast served in McPhail Hall. Don’t miss this joyous musicial celebration!

Tre-Ore Service, April 6

Ecumenical Tre Ore (Three-Hour) Service on Good Friday, April 6, from noon to 3 pm at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church (4930 W. Bellfort)

The service, during the traditional hours before Christ’s death, is in seven parts and focuses on Jesus’ words from the cross. Worshipers may come and go between the parts.

Noon – Introduction and "Father, forgive them…"Pastor Karin Liebster (Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church)

12:30 "Today you will be with me…"Pastor Jon Burnham (St. John’s Presbyterian Church)

12:55 "Woman, here is your son…"Minister J. Stephen Sandifer (Southwest Central Church of Christ)

1:20 "My God, My God…"Pastor Matthew Vandagriff (Willow Meadows Baptist Church)

1:50 "I am thirsty."Chaplain Stephen Martin (VA Medical Center/ELCA)

2:15 "It is finished."Rector Gena Davis (Grace Episcopal Church)

2:35 "Father into your hands…"Pastor Tommy Williams (Westbury United Methodist Church)