Thursday, January 31, 2013

St. John's Epistle for January 31, 2013

Dear Jesus followers,

We are moving toward the kick off of the Unbinding Your Hearts study groups just a few weeks from now. If you want to join a group, call the church office at 713-723-6262.

The Saturday Morning Breakfast group invites you to come to McPhail Hall for breakfast at 8 a.m. this Saturday and bring a friend or neighbor. At 8:30 our speaker, Ted Wang of the Houston Police Department, will present a program on Home Safety. He will also offer pointers on safety awareness while driving and shopping. Please call Linda Dobbin, 281-778-5348, if you need a ride.

This Sunday St. John's youth will again participate in the annual "Souper" Bowl of Caring with the Presbyterian Youth collecting loose change as one leaves Worship. A variety of homemade soups will be served in McPhail Hall.

All ladies are invited to the Presbyterian Women's Bible study on Tuesday, February 5, at 9:30 am. Lesson 6 (The Elders) from 1 Peter 5:1-11; 2 John will be discussed. Led by Rev. Linda Herron.

Remember in prayer Dan Herron who is home recovering from knee replacement surgery. Also remember Ava Parker in Southwest Memorial Hospital and Lisa Darr Jury in Methodist Hospital Sugarland, and Kathleen Captain visiting in Omaha where her aunt died. 

Lent is a special season and it's almost here! Celebrate the coming season by joining your St. John's family for an Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, February 13, beginning at 7 pm.

Your looking forward to our hearts unbinding during Lent pastor,

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 27 Sunday Reminders

St. John’s Breakfast, February 2: Come to McPhail Hall for breakfast at 8 a.m. and bring a friend or neighbor! At 8:30 our speaker, Ted Wang of the Houston Police Department, will present a program on Home Safety. He will also offer pointers on safety awareness while driving and shopping. Please call Linda Dobbin, 281-778-5348, if you need a ride.

“Souper Bowl” Sunday, February 3: St. John’s youth will again participate in the annual “Souper” Bowl of Caring with the Presbyterian Youth collecting loose change as one leaves Worship. A variety of homemade soups will be served in McPhail Hall.

Circles 1 & 2: All ladies are invited to the Presbyterian Women’s Bible study on Tuesday, February 5, at 9:30 am. Lesson 6 (The Elders) from 1 Peter 5:1-11; 2 John will be discussed. Led by Rev. Linda Herron.

Ash Wednesday Service, February 13: Lent is a special season and it’s almost here! Celebrate the coming season by joining your St. John’s family for this special service, beginning at 7 pm.

Flower Calendar: Please sign your name on the Flower Calendar in the Narthex to reserve your special Sunday for giving flowers in the Sanctuary in 2013.

Ushers Needed: Please sign up to serve as an usher for the months of February, March, April and May. Just choose which Sunday per month you would like to usher. Encourage a friend to sign up for the same Sunday so that you can serve together. Ushering is such an easy way to serve the Lord. Join us by signing the Sign-Up sheet in the narthex or by contacting Lynne Parsons Austin. 


Weekly Calendar, January 27 - February 3

This week at St. John’s

Sunday, January 27 
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Room 209
12:00 pm  Beacon deadline
  5:00 – 6:30 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship

Monday, January 28
  9:00 am  Bob’s crew
  9:00 am  Staff Meeting
  6:30 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir

Tuesday, January 29
  9:30 am  Activity Day, Presbyterian Women
11:30 am – 1:00 pm  Special Brown Bag luncheon, Rm. 209
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, January 30
12:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  6:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop, Scout Room
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir

Thursday, January 31
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong” Room 209

Saturday,  February 2
  8:00 am  St. John’s Breakfast
  9:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group

Sunday, February 3 - “Souper” Bowl Sunday
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Room 209
11:45 am  After worship, the Presbyterian Youth will be collecting loose change as one leaves worship. Afterward you are invited to McPhail Hall for lunch with a variety of homemade soups.


Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) — February 2013 Schedule

February 10: Getting Real
How do we get real? We will talk about how we can be true to ourselves and how to get real.

February 17: Church Stories
What is church? We will define church, share our thoughts on church and share church stories with each other.

February 24: No PYF Meeting, Conclaves at Cho-Yeh.

March 3: Remembering Baptism
What is baptism? Do you remember your baptism? We will discuss
baptism, and reflect on our baptism. We will plan the March 31, 6:45 am Easter Sunrise Service.

March 10 & 17: No PYF Meeting, Spring Break

All youth, grades 6-12, are welcome at Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF). Join us on Sunday evenings from 5-6:30 pm (unless otherwise stated on the calendar) for fellowship, food, and fun! For more information, contact Mary at or 713-723-6262.


St. John’s Breakfast — Saturday, February 2

Come to McPhail Hall for breakfast at 8 am and bring a friend or neighbor!

At 8:30 our speaker, Ted Wang of the Houston Police Department, will present a program on Home Safety. He will also offer pointers on safety while driving and  shopping. Please call Linda Dobbin, 281-778-5348, if you need a ride.


St. John’s February Bible Circles

Circles 1 and 2 will meet Tuesday, February 5 at 9:30 am in Building 1. Lesson 6: The Elders (1 Peter 5:1-11; 2 John) will be discussed.

In God's household, those of elder status (by position and/or age and experience) are charged to demonstrate selfless love and a nurturing spirit to those under their care, and to equip sisters and brothers in Christ that they might embody the same qualities. To practice loving kindness is to bear witness to Christ, even, and especially, in the face of suffering.

The Sunday Circle meets February 24, 12 noon. Lesson 5 (1 Peter 3) will be studied. Contact Kathleen Captain, Sunday Chair, if you have any questions. Led by Rev. Linda Herron


December BIM Report

In December Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) food pantry served 1183 clients  (454 children and 729 adults), and 30 of the clients served were homeless.


Lent Study

Unbinding Your Heart
Prayer Partners, Prayer Walls & Day of Fasting

Unbinding Your Heart is a six-week study which meets once a week. The individual groups will be meeting on Sunday mornings or afternoons, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons. Call the church office to sign up for a group.

One of the powerful parts of Unbinding Your Heart is having a prayer partner. As part of the experience, you will pray with your prayer partner and check in with them once a week. The book also has a daily
devotional with a prayer exercise.

We will have a prayer wall. There you may place a prayer card seeking the prayers of others or you may tie a knot in a fish net as a symbol of praying a private prayer for yourself or someone else.

As part of our Lent study we will also have a Day of Fasting. You may choose to abstain that day from your computer, your TV, chocolate, alcohol, or food. Whatever you abstain from will leave a small hunger inside that will remind of your need and the world’s need for God. Be sure to use some of that extra hunger inside to lift up our Unbinding Your Heart experience.

The groups will begin meeting around the First Sunday in Lent (February 17) and finish around the end of March. Books are available in the church office. Read the first chapter before your first meeting.
If you have any questions about Unbinding Your Heart you may contact Lynne Parsons Austin, Mary Sterner or Jon Burnham.

Wake up, and strengthen what remains (Rev. 3.2)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Celebrate Ash Wednesday, Evening Worship Service, February 13, 7 pm

On February 13 at 7 pm you are invited to a powerful Ash Wednesday service that will include imposition of ashes on the forehead. The imposition of ashes will occur in the courtyard if weather permits. During the service we are invited to write a list of our sins which we will take outdoors into the courtyard. After burning our sins to signify our forgiveness by Christ, participants may come forward for the imposition of ashes.

The ashes we use are gathered from the burning of palm branches from last year’s Palm Sunday. The ashes are mixed with water from the baptismal font to make a paste. This paste is used by the pastor and liturgists to make the sign of the cross on each of those present while saying the words: "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. Ashes were used in ancient times according to the Bible to express mourning. Dusting oneself with ashes was the penitent’s way of expressing sorrow for sins and faults. An ancient example of one’s
expressing penitence is found in Job 42:6 when Job says to God: "I despise myself, and
repent in dust and ashes." Examples are found in other books of the Bible including Jonah 3:6, Matthew 11:21 and Luke 10:13. Come and prepare your heart for the Lenten season


"Souper" Bowl of Caring, February 3

The Souper Bowl of Caring is a youth-led grass roots movement to help fight hunger. St. John’s has participated in the Souper Bowl for 19 years.

The vision is that each person attending church on Super Bowl Sunday will contribute $1.00.
(Of course, larger gifts are certainly accepted.)
This year, in addition to taking a collection as the congregation leaves the Sanctuary, St. John’s youth will be serving soup in McPhail Hall. All proceeds from the collection will be given to Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM).


Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 20 - January 26 Schedule

This week at St. John’s

Sunday, January 20 - Martin Luther King Day
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Room 209
Monday, January 21
  9:00 a m  Bob’s crew
  9:00 am  Staff Meeting
  6:00 pm  Cub Scouts Pack 8, Building One
  6:30 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir
Tuesday, January 22
  9:30 am  Activity Day, Presbyterian Women
  9:30  am  Board Meeting, Presbyterian Women
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688
Wednesday, January 23
9:00 am  Book Review, Holly Hall
12:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  6:00 pm  “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, McPhail Hall
  6:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop, Scout Room
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir
Thursday, January 24
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong” Room 209
Saturday, January 26
  8:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group
  9:00 am  Church Officer Training, Spring Branch Presbyterian Church
  3:00-7:30 pm  Boy Scout Troop 740, McPhail Hall
Sunday, January 27 – Beacon deadline
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Room 209
12:00 pm  Beacon deadline
12:00 Sunday Circle
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Meeting


January 20 Sunday Reminders

Unbinding Your Heart Event
40 Day Faith Journey
(starting the first week of Lent)

Learn more during Worship next Sunday, January

Ash Wednesday Service, February 13.
Passion/Palm Sunday. March 24
(Palm Sunday Celebration being planned)
Maundy Thursday Service, March 28
Good Friday, March 29
Sunrise Service, March 31
Easter Sunday, March 31

Flower Calendar: Please sign your name on the Flower Calendar in the Narthex to reserve your special Sunday for giving flowers in the Sanctuary in 2013.

Ushers Needed: Please sign up to serve as an usher for the months of February, March, April and May. Just choose which Sunday per month you would like to usher. Encourage a friend to sign up for the same Sunday so that you can serve together. Ushering is such an easy way to serve the Lord. Join us by signing the Sign-Up sheet in the narthex or by contacting Lynne Parsons Austin.

Congregational Meeting Information: If you were not able to attend our January Annual Meeting of the Congregation, January 13, you may pick up copies of the handouts in the church office.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

St. John's Welcomes Our New Elders

Class of 2015:

Franklin Caspa
(Administration/Personnel Committee)

David Muanza
(Property Committee)

David Nelson
(Fellowship/Caring Committee)

Kyra Noons
(Christian Education Committee)

Youth Elders, Class of 2013:

Jacob Ehrenstrom
Christianna Johnson


Church Calendar, January 13 - 20

This week at St. John’s

Sunday, January 13
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Congregational Meeting
  5:00-6:30 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Meeting

Monday, January 14
  9:00 a m  Bob’s crew
  6:30 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir

Tuesday, January 15
  9:30 am  Activity Day, Presbyterian Women
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, January 16
12:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  6:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop, Scout Room
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir

Thursday, January 17
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong” Room 209
  7:00 pm  St. John’s Book Group

Saturday, January 19
  8:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group

Sunday, January 20  Martin Luther King Day
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:45 am  Children’s Choir, Room 209
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship


Thursday, January 10, 2013

St. John's Epistle for January 10, 2013

Dear committed people of God,

All Committee Day starts this Saturday, January 12, at 9 am in Fellowship Hall with a light breakfast snacks and an opening presentation with everyone present. At 9:30 am we will break out into committees to scope out the year ahead. At 11:15 am we will return to Fellowship Hall for a closing gathering with the other committees. Come kick off the new year at St. John's on All Committee Day!

This Sunday, January 13, is our annual congregational meeting at the end of the worship service. Annual reports of the different committees will be presented and the Session will present the budget. As usual, the congregation will act on any changes in the pastor's terms of call. 

Last Sunday we ordained and installed these new elders: Franklin Caspa, Dave Muanza, Dave Nelson, Kyra Noons, Jacob Ehrenstrom and Christianna Johnson. We appreciate their positive response to God's call to serve our faith community. Let us lift them up in prayer as they begin their service on the Session.

Next week I will be at Mo Ranch for continuing education. The conference is called "Developing and Leading Healthy Congregations: A Family Systems Approach." Family Systems Theory enables leaders to think differently about congregational relationships. The purpose of the conference is to equip and enable clergy and church professionals to lead their congregations with emotional integrity and maturity. I think my work at this conference will bear much fruit in my service as your pastor.

Well, the college football season has ended with Alabama once again reigning supreme. Only the Aggies beat the Crimson Tide this year. And what a year the Aggies had with a Top 10 finish and Johnny Football winning the Heisman trophy. Dare I even say it? ... Gig 'em! ... This Sunday we are hoping for a miracle in Boston as the Texans take on the Patriots. Don't be surprised if the Texans sneak up and win this one. Stranger things have happened.

Your looking forward to this weekend with you pastor,

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

PYF Sunday January 13 Meeting

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Sunday, January 13: All youth, grades 6-12, are welcome to the Sunday meeting from 5-6:30 pm. Today we will explore “Sacred Places.” We will define sacred spaces, share our experiences with sacred spaces and talk about how to create our own sacred spaces. For more information, contact Mary at or 713-723-6262.


Annual Meeting, January 13

Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Sunday, January 13: St. John’s will meet for the annual Congregational Corporation meeting following the worship service in the Sanctuary.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Church Officer Enrichment

Presbytery’s 2013 Church Officer Enrichment will be held Saturday, January 26, at Spring Branch PC, Houston, 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., with registration at 8:30 a.m. This annual event focuses on equipping, enriching, and encouraging all Church Officers either newly ordained or with years of experience- for the calling of spiritual leadership and practical leadership.

The day’s workshop options are designed to provide smaller, interactive, and practical learning experiences on topics that speak to the work of deacons, teaching and ruling elders, clerks, treasurers, and other leaders. Workshop topics include:

Hospitality 101

• Digging into the Heidelberg Catechism - A New Translation?
• Revival Then and Now
• Safe Sanctuaries - Child Protection Policies that are More than Words on Paper
• I Am a Treasurer, Now What?
• Peacemaking in a Conflicted World
• Making a Meaningful Caring Visit: Offering Counsel, Setting Boundaries and Giving from the
Depth of Our Faith
• Session Records Review and Clerk Forum
• I’m Ordained, but Am I Called?
• BEFORE It’s Too Late
• Table Matters: Or Presbyterian and Reformed Understanding of Communion
• Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Links to full information about the event as well as online registration are available at

From New Covenant Presbytery Connections, January/February 2013


New Class Announced

Coming Soon

Unbinding Your Heart E-vent
40 Day Faith Journey
(starting the first week of Lent)


January 6 - Sunday Insert Reminders

Flower Calendar: Please sign your name on the Flower Calendar in the Narthex to reserve your special Sunday for giving flowers in the Sanctuary in 2013.

Ushers Needed: Please sign up to serve as an usher for the months of February, March, April and May. Just choose which Sunday per month you would like to usher. Encourage a friend to sign up for the same Sunday so that you can serve together. Ushering is such an easy way to serve the Lord. Join us by signing the Sign-Up sheet in the narthex or by contacting Lynne Parsons Austin.

Presbyterian Women Bible Study, Tuesday, January 8: Circles 1 & 2 will meet at 9:30am in Building II. Lesson #5 (1 Peter 3) of this year’s study, Dispatches to God’s Household will be studied.

“Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, Wednesday, January 9: Everyone is invited to McPhail Hall at 6 pm to help feed Houston’s hungry children. No experience is necessary, and you will be home within the hour.

All-Committee Day, Saturday, January 12: Gather in McPhail Hall at 8:30 am for a continental breakfast followed by committee meetings. The January 2013 session meeting will follow.

Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Sunday, January 13: St. John’s will meet for the annual Congregational Corporation meeting following the worship service in the Sanctuary.

St. John’s Book Group, Thursday, January 17, at 7:30 pm: All are welcome to join the discussion, Chapters 6, 7 and 8, from the book The God I Don't Understand by Christopher J.H. Wright. Copies of the book are available in the office.


St. John's Calendar, January 6 - 13

Sunday, January 6 – Ordination and Installation of Officers
  9:00 am  Church School
10:00 am  Called Session Meeting, Pastor Jon’s Office
0:30 am  Worship Service

Monday, January 7
  9:00 a m  Bob’s crew
  9:00 am  Staff Meeting
  6:00 pm  Cub Scouts Pack 8
  6:30 pm  Walking Together
  7:00 pm  Bell Choir

Tuesday, January 8
  9:30 am  Circles, Presbyterian Women Bible Study
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
  7:00 pm  Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, January 9
12:00 pm  Centering Prayer
  6:00 pm  “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers, McPhail Hall
  6:00 pm  Girl Scout Troop, Scout Room
  7:30 pm  Chancel Choir

Thursday, January 10
  8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Community Bible Study, Buildings 1 and 2
  6:30 pm  “Stay Young, Stay Strong” Room 209

Saturday, January 12
  8:00 am  Women’s Bible Small Group
  9:00 am  All Committee Day
12:30 pm  Session Meeting

Sunday, January 13 
  9:00 am  Church School
0:30 am  Worship Service
11:30 am  Congregational Meeting
  5:00 pm  Presbyterian Youth Fellowship


Thursday, January 3, 2013

St. John's Epistle for January 3, 2013

Dear light bearing people of God,

Happy New Year! We begin the new year with an Epiphany service this Sunday at 10:30 am. Songwriter Alanis Morisette has a song from 1992 called "Thank You" in which she talks about all these bad things that happened to her that made her stronger. She talks about frailty, having a breakdown, and how it made her realize what she can and can't do. She says "Thank you disillusionment" because our recognition of our own disillusionment sets the stage for us to be ILLUMINED. How do you move from DISALLUSIONED to ILLUMINED? There are so many people that are wanting Epiphany to happen in their life. They want to be illumined. All too often they seek illumination in unhealthy and unsuccessful ways. This Sunday's sermon, from Matthew 2:1-12, is called "Epiphany: From Disillusioned to Illuminated."

Many thanks to our church staff and volunteers who led our beautiful Christmas Eve services. I also appreciate Rev. Linda Herron who preached last Sunday. God has blessed our congregation with an outstanding church staff and highly capable lay leaders.

Remarkably, our 2013 stewardship campaign ended up with one more pledge than last year for a total of $1,000 more pledged than we had in 2012. Thank you to all who pledged! If you are unsure of how much you may have remaining on your 2012 pledge, you may call Curtis at 281-221-7416 and he will tell you.

This Sunday these church members who were elected by the congregation will be ordained and installed as Ruling Elders for the Class of 2015: Franklin Caspa, Dave Muanza, Dave Nelson, and Kyra Noons. Our Youth Elders for 2013 will be Jacob Ehrenstrom and Christianna Johnson. We appreciate their willingness to answer God's call to serve the congregation in this important way and will keep them in prayer and offer them our support in the coming year.

Your seeking Christ's illumination on this Epiphany Sunday pastor,


St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am