Thursday, May 20, 2010

St. John's Epistle for May 20, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

After worship this Sunday, May 23 Kathie Hartzog and Léonie
Tchoconté will tell us about their recent mission trips. Kathie went
to the Lulwanda Children's Home in Uganda and Lèonie helped install a
clean water system at Institution Racine/Ecole Normale children's
school in Haiti. Refreshments will be served.

Congratulations and best wishes to Shirley Boyd who is retiring this
week from Kolter Elementary School.

Pray for Jennifer Durand's boyfriend's niece, a 24 year old young lady
named Luz Angela Flores, who has late stage cancer and is not expected
to live through the weekend.

Also, keep Bonnie Poole in prayer as she is not doing well and is
receiving treatment at Manor Care. Her daughter, Toni, is also having
health issues so pray for her healing as well.

The Desserts with the Pastor continue with the PYF this Sunday at 6 pm
in Fellowship Hall and again on Tuesday, May 25, from 7-8 pm at the
home of Mary Herlitz and on Wednesday afternoon, May 26, from 2-3 pm
at the home of Doris Jean and Shelby Strickland. We are having a good
time of fellowship and getting to know one another. We are also
generating some good energy and ideas for church growth. One good way
you can help the church to grow is to invite a friend, colleague, or
family member to a church event or to worship with us. Your personal
invitation will make the difference and is a key to our growth.

The Pastor's Bible Class begins on the first Sunday in June at 9 am in
the church library. This is where current events encounters the Bible
in a meaningful and interesting guided conversation. This is a class
for adults to come and listen, share opinions and concerns, and
appreciate how relevant the Bible is to the world of 2010.

Congratulations to our college graduates!

-Steven Leach graduates with a Masters of Divinity from Princeton
-Alvine Sangang graduates from Stephen F. Austin with a BA in
-Nadine Sangang graduates from Stephen F. Austin with a Bachelors of
Business Administration in Finance and Management.
If you are aware of any other college graduates, please contact the
church office.

Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming May/June issue by
email,, or deliver it to Pam in Room 208. The
last chance to be part of this issue is this Sunday, May 23, at 12

St. John's Summer Brunches begins on June 6 with Fellowship Committee
serving brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Everyone is invited
to enjoy this time of fellowship. The Evangelism Ministry Committee
will make the fellowship even easier by providing name tags for this
special day.

The first of four sessions about Human Trafficking will be on Sunday,
June 6, 5:00 – 6:00 pm. Phyllis and John Freeman will be discussion
leaders. Millions of people – men, women and children - around the
world are victims of human trafficking. This modern day incarnation of
slavery deprives them of their freedom, income and right to live as
beloved children of God. The curriculum, The Thoughtful Christian-
Faithful Living in a Complex World, offers a glimpse at the scope and
complexity of human trafficking.

The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship fund provides a scholarship grant to an
active St. John's member who wishes to further an academic endeavor.
The grant can be used for undergraduate study and/or a technical or
trade school. Applications can be picked up in the church office.

Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am