Monday, May 3, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminders - May 2

We welcome into membership Jim Austin, Lynne Parsons Austin, and Michael Rodgers, who joined St. John’s on April 25, 2010. Jim transferred from All Saints Episcopal, Houston, and Lynne from First Presbyterian Church, Houston, and Michael completed Jon’s confirmation class.

Circles, Tuesday May 4:
Circle 1, 9:30 am, Louise Cherry, Chair, will meet at the church, Charlotte Stafford and Vera Newell hostesses and Circle 2, 9:30 am, Linda Dyson, chair, will meet at church, shared hostesses. Night Circle, 7:30 pm, Kathleen Captain, chair, will meet at Vivian Ivy’s, 5830 Cartagena.

Starting June 6: Pastor Jon’s Adult Bible Study will confront the news with scripture and meet at 9 am in the Library. We will effectively apply the Bible to stories ripped from the headlines. The format will be open discussion with respectful participation by all who desire to have a voice and listen to others.

Braes Interfaith Ministries Web Site: BIM has launched its new web site at Please take the time to look, paying special attention to the “Special Sales” under the Braes Resale and Consigment Store tab at the top of the page.

Presbytery Brown Bag Series, Wednesday, May 12: Everyone is invited to the Presbytery (1110 Lovett Blvd, 77006) at noon to hear Dennis Mark, director of Redeeming Ministries. Redeeming Ministries is the Houston arm of the Not For Sale campaign against human trafficking.

Session News:
- The Session rejoiced and prayed for the ten new members received during the last month.
- Jenny Glover reported on the Called Presbytery Meeting that approved the merger of Central Presbyterian Church and St. Philip Presbyterian Church. The united church will be called St. Philip Presbyterian Church.
- All the Session members will be attending Desserts with the Pastor and summer
brunches are being planned.
- Brad Urquhart and Bill Ehrenstrom, with Phyllis Freeman as an alternate will represent St. John’s at the May 8 Presbytery Meeting.
- The Ghanaian Church will have a Revival in McPhail Hall each evening during the week of May 24. They will also have a special service and meal on June 6 after our worship service and brunch.