Monday, March 19, 2012

March 7 Session Highlights

Reports on:
●Budget after two months, with income and expenses within the usual norms.
●Repairs to Building I. Bldg has been repaired, carpeting done, painting is completed.
●Mary and Mallory Sterner’s progress and Mary’s work status.

And Session approved:

●Moving forward with the concept of setting up Session Liaison Groups within the congregation (result of visioning meetings)
●Annual Statistical Report for the presbytery (completed by Curtis Brisch).
●Faith in Action request to submit grant proposals to the presbytery for marketing(evangelism), peacemaking through the Lulwanda Children’s Home and a Living Waters for the World trip.
●Covenanting with the Reverend Linda Herron as a Parish Associate, which will not add any cost to the budget passed in the congregational meeting in January. (The presbytery Committee on Ministries will need to approve this action.)