Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2 Reminders

Blood Drive Today: Please take the time to visit Building 2, Room 209, and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Advent Devotional Booklet: St. John’s 2012 Advent booklet, JOY!, is available in the Narthex today. Use the booklet to help you prepare your heart for this joyous season.

Presbyterian Women Bible Studies: Circles 1 & 2 will meet Tuesday, December 4, at 9:30 am. Lesson 4 (1 Peter 2:11-25) will be discussed. The Sunday Circle will meet December 16 at 12 noon.  All women are invited.

Advent Festival, December 9: All ages are invited to St. John’s Advent Festival in McPhail Hall, 9 – 10 am. Advent ornaments will be made, Wassail will be served and Christmas carols sung. A light continental breakfast will be provided.

Christmas Musical Program, Tuesday, December 18: Everyone is invited to the Sanctuary for pianist Rob Landes’ program. Sponsored by Presbyterian Women.

To the Congregation: Many of you may have had a favorite story about you and St. John's that you didn't get to share with us the night of the anniversary dinner and program. To that end, would you write out your special happening and submit it either directly to Pam Tedeschi or to me and we will include it in a "stories page" in an upcoming Beacon? Thanks, Linda Dobbin

Order Poinsettias for Christmas

Please sign the Poinsettia poster in the narthex if you would like to buy a poinsettia ($10.00) and help to beautify the Sanctuary.

The poinsettias are from Brookwood Community, come in a six inch pot averaging 16 inches in height with 5 to 7 blooms. Remember to write poinsettia in the memo line of your check. Poinsettias can be taken home after the Christmas Eve service.
