Thursday, December 20, 2012

St. John's Epistle for December 20, 2012

Dear Advent people who are pregnant with new life,

This Monday we will have two Christmas Eve services. The 5 pm Family Service will be led by our Director of Christian Education Mary Sterner, and our youth and children. Come as you are and bring your friends and family to sing Christmas carols and ponder the youth present some thoughts on Christmas in the form of a play. The 11 pm Cande Light Service will be led by our Parish Associate, Rev. Linda Herron, and feature a guest harpist and our church musicians, Mark Swindler and Alina Klimaszewska. Come and bring your friends and family to our Christmas Eve services.

This Sunday, December 23, during worship we will hear and act on a report from the Nominating Committee who will recommend the church members listed below. 

Elders for the Class of 2015: Franklin Caspa, Dave Muanza, Dave Nelson, Kyra Noons
Youth Elders for 2013: Jacob Ehrenstrom and Christianna Johnson
2013 Nominating Committee members from the congregation: Kathleen Captain, Bill Ehrenstrom, Brad Urquhart
Scholarship Committee: Shirley Boyd

Nominations from the floor will be accepted provided the person being nominated has agreed to serve if elected and the person making the nomination specifies which person on the list above they would like their nominee to replace.

This Sunday we will receive the Joy Gift Offering. One half of the offering supports Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges. Through this support, these schools offer an opportunity to young adults to advance their education and escape the cycle of poverty and prejudice. The Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions receives the other half of the Offering and uses it to assist pastors, missionaries, and church workers in special need. Your gifts enable the Assistance Program to support active and retired church workers who have unexpected needs they cannot meet.

Your ready for Christ's rebirth in my heart and yours pastor,
