St. John’s January Food Drive
for Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM)
January is St. John’s month to provide food for BIM. Please give generously. You can help with a contribution of food and toiletries, putting your items in the bins in the Narthex or you can make a monetary donation. Please make your check out to St. John’s with BIM on the memo line. With every $1.00
donation BIM is able to get $27 worth of food from the
Houston Food Bank.
Suggested Toiletries:
Toilet paper
Laundry Detergent
Bar soap
Toothpaste and toothbrushes
Suggested Food Items:
Beans (1 lb. packages)
Pasta (2 lb. packages)
Rice (2 lb. packages)
Peanut Butter and jelly
Macaroni and cheese
Pork and beans
Canned tomato Sauce
Canned and/or dry soup
Canned vegetables & fruit
Canned meat (tuna, chicken, Vienna Sausage, Spam)
Dry milk (individually packaged)
— Sponsored by Faith in Action Committee
Braes Interfaith Ministries