Saturday, January 19, 2008

2008 St. John’s Session Ministries Goals

Christian Formation

  1. To have a youth and children's teacher training event beginning August 2008, and provide follow up check in every 6 weeks through the school year
  2. The Youth subcommittee will write a job description and develop funding by July 1st to hire a youth staff person – planned for part time 12 to 15 hours per week.
  3. To have plans for Vacation Bible School completed by May 1st including topics and dates.

Congregational Life: Caring

  1. To have a new pictorial directory in 2008.
  2. To take ownership of the sponsorship of new members.

Congregational Life – Fellowship

  1. To increase the committee by one healthy male who can lift.
  2. To develop and implement a new fellowship program for year 2008. (i.e. Fellowship X Four)
  3. To continue "Trunk or Treat" to make it an annual tradition.

Mission – Evangelism

  1. Membership of St. John's Presbyterian Church will grow to 300 by December 31, 2008. Current numbers are 287.
  2. Increase the rate of growth of new member by 20%. In 2007, we had 15 people join. In 2008, our goal is 18.
  3. Conduct one Natural Church Development survey in 2008.
  4. Begin a Sunday School class studying books on evangelism which will meet at least four months of the year.
  5. Host two community outreach events in 2008.

Mission – Outreach

  1. To continue and build on the strength of the current outreach efforts by highlighting ministries in the Beacon, on the website, having a clear leader with a high level of permission to run the ministry.
  2. To integrate youth and young adults more fully into outreach ministry by meeting with the youth team quarterly and resulting in at least one outreach ministry where youth and young adults are the key leaders.
  3. To present educational series to reach out to the community intentionally.
  4. To develop new ministry in 2008 that is a regular hands on ministry for St. John's members.
  5. To grow together in fellowship and faith by meeting for fellowship each month and including Bible study and prayer in each meeting.


  1. To reseal the parking lot.
  2. To install restroom(s) in McPhail Hall.


  1. Budget and Finance – to operate within the budget in 2008.
  2. Stewardship – to develop a reasonable list of the needs of the church for pre-stewardship season communication to assist in decision making.
  3. Administration/Personnel – to conduct an annual performance review for each staff member and provide contact information to them to voice concerns


  1. To double participation in the worship oversight committee by 2008. Five are participating now, the goal is at least 10.
  2. To increase worship attendance by 10%. Average attendance in 2008 has been 140, which would be an increase of 14 to 154.
  3. To increase participation of elementary aged children in worship. The goal is 6 children.
