Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Let's Pansy

Let's Pansy! This Saturday, November 8, from 8am - 12 noon.

Please email Murray Smith and assign yourself to one of the following teams. Or if you are shy about self-assignment, just let her know you want to help, and she'll find the job for you!

Food preparation - people willing to decide what to prepare and prepare it .
Food service - people who are willing and able to get the food into workers' hands.
Child Care/Safety - people willing to oversee the care of the children of the church who are present on Let's Pansy!
Day Child Entertainment - people willing to prepare and guide safe activities of the children of the church who are present on Let's Pansy! Day
Work Guides - people who are willing to be responsible for a particular area or flower bed - to tell others what needs to be done next.
Worker Bees - people who are willing to do what the Work Guides lead them to do.
Cheerleaders - people who can walk/wheel/amble among us and give us frequent words of encouragement and support

Please respond ASAP so that we can have a fun-filled and productive experience as we begin our Vision Quest! Call Murray at home (713-723-5285) to volunteer.