Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12 Worship Insert Items

St. John’s staff wishes everyone a blessed and happy Easter. Please note the church offices were opened on Good Friday but will be closed on Easter Monday.

St. John’s Book Club, April 14: All readers are welcome to attend the Book Group, at 7:30 pm. This meeting will decide on the next book to be read, so please bring your ideas and suggestions.

Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: The newsletter will be assembled Tuesday, April 14 at 12:30 pm in Room 203. No experience is necessary!

Sharing Our Parking Lot: St. John’s will be providing overflow parking for the Westbury Giant White Elephant Garage Sale being held at Westbury United Methodist on Saturday, April 18.

Town Meeting, April 19: Please plan to remain after worship service next Sunday for the purpose of hearing and responding to a report by the Ghanaian Task force.

Presbytery Women’s Program, April 21: Please come hear our special guest speaker Barbara Wilson, acting volunteer coordinator for New Covenant Presbytery Recovery Disaster Team.

Astro Promotion, Saturday, April 25: Save this date! Details will be announced.

Attention St. Johner’s: Please reserve the parking lot by the Sanctuary for those who have difficulty walking. We want to encourage everyone to attend the worship services and have noticed that our members with mobility problems are unable to park close to the Sanctuary. Thank you for your consideration.

Life-Scan, Saturday, May 9: St. John’s will host Life Line Screening, the nation’s largest provider of community-based preventive screenings. If you would like to make an appointment for one of its scans, please call 1-888-653-6441.

St. John’s Supports Children Events: St. John’s is sponsoring two events, Justice for Children’s Dinners (Sundays April 19, April 26 & May 3) and Introduction to Special Education Advocacy (April 25 or May 6). Please see the two inserts for full details.