Monday, June 29, 2009

St. John's Sunday Weekly Reminders, June 28

The Church Offices: The office will be open on Friday, July 3, and closed on Monday, July 6, in celebration of July 4.

Attention Ministry Team Members: All team members please check with your chairs concerning your summer meeting schedule. Many of the traditionally held meetings in July and August have been cancelled or moved to a different time.

September 20 Event: A special musical program, “Your Kind of Music,” featuring 40 years of popular music by the Johnny Dyson Band in McPhail Hall has been scheduled for Sunday, September 20. Mark your calendar and plan to attend this great fun event!

Project Update: The Mustard Seed Project kicked off at the beginning of the month with nine participants: Kay Greer, Mary Sterner, Michael and Felicity Bisase, Mark and Shannon DeSouza, Lynne Parsons, Ann Hardy, and Jennifer Durand. These participants were given $100 each to serve an at-risk child, or several children, in his/her community through acts of compassion. For the Project, one person has chosen to collect English and Spanish children’s books, another is collecting donations for the Covenant House (a home for run-away youth), and yet another person is using the grant money to provide aptitude testing for a troubled youth. Thank you to these participants who are giving of themselves and their time!There is still room for one more participant. If you are interested in participating in the Mustard Seed Project, please contact Jennifer Durand at 713-726-0425.

At their meeting on June 25, your Session ...
●Heard an update on plans to refurbish the Session Room.
●Approved St. John’s involvement in Week of Prayer for our Children in August.
●Elected Katie Coughlen and Marie Kutz to serve as elder representatives at a called Presbyety meeting on July 14.
●Approved a motion to increase the number of elders in each class from four to five beginning with the 2012 class. And approved a motion to increase the elders in each currently serving class from four to five by staggered terms, adding an elder to serve a one year term for the 2010 class and an elder to serve for two years for the 2011 class. These two motions require a congregational meeting for approval. This congregational meeting will be held on July 5, 2009 during worship.

Summer Mission Trips

St. John’s members are reaching out into the world and sharing God’s love this summer. Our youth will travel to Houma, Louisiana, July 12-18, with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to help repair hurricane damage. Kathie Hartzog will travel to Uganda, working at the Lluwanda Children’s Homes and Léonie Tchoconté and John Freeman will travel to Haiti with Solar Under the Son. Books are being collected by Kay Greer, a participant in the Mustard Seed Project. St. John’s is also introducing a new outreach mission, Mirembe Kawomera. You can also participate in a mission project in Houston with the Presbytery of New Covenant on Saturday, August 1.

THE VISION: To blanket every community in our presbytery with acts of service and compassion by involving every one of our congregations in adopting a project.

As part of this Day of Service for Houston, St. John’s Mission Ministry Team has scheduled a work day at Shearn Elementary School, 9802 Stella Link, only 2 miles away from St. John’s. Mark your calendars for August 1, 8 am – 3 pm. We will organize the teachers’ workroom, catalog books in the library and cover hallway and classroom bulletin boards. If you have any questions, call Kathie, 713-283-0098.

Lluwanda Children’s Home— Kathie Hartzog

It was a simple question, "Is there something I can do for the teachers?"

St. John’s has been involved with the Grace International Children’s Home in Lluwanda, Uganda ( for over 4 years. Representatives of Grace International have "manned" a booth at the St. John’s Living Gift Market since 2003. St. John’s members have partnered with Grace International by purchasing materials for construction and are sponsoring individual children who now reside there. Photographs of some of the children are on the Mission Ministry Team bulletin board in Building 2.

I stopped by the Lluwanda Children’s Home booth at the 2008 Living Gift Market. Poised to write my check, I asked a very simple question, "Is there something I can do for the teachers?" The response was, "Yes, they need someone to come and train them how to teach reading and writing."

When you read this I will be in Uganda. I am with a mission team from a church in Wimberly, Texas. We will focus on two major projects during our two-week stay:

· Organize a 4000 book library – In 2008 a library building was constructed at the Lulwanda Children’s Home. It will serve the teachers and children living in the home as well as the residents of the nearby village. 4000 books were collected in the U.S. and have already been shipped to Uganda. Upon arrival some of the mission team members will set about making bookshelves. The other mission team members will separate and organize the books. Once the books are organized on the shelves, the team will train the students and teachers on procedures to check the books out and in.
· Train teachers working with Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students on strategies for teaching reading and writing to young children. I was given a budget with which to purchase materials for these two classrooms and will assist these teachers in making plans for their application for accreditation by the Ugandan government. Mission Team members and I will also teach a series of demonstration lessons.

New Haiti Mission Trip

For most of us July 4th is the day for celebrating the USA’s birthday. For Léonie Tchoconté and John Freeman it is the day they will be leaving for Haiti as part of the Solar Under the Son/ Living Waters for the World team that will install a solar powered water treatment system at the St. Thomas Episcopal School in Arcahaie, Haiti.

Léonie will lead a small group that will teach hygiene and the proper use of clean water to mothers and children at the school while John will work with others installing the water treatment system and training the local men how to operate the system. They have been planning for months, and they will carry with them the equipment to build the water system and the health educational materials, some of which are written in Creole. This installation is not the first Living Waters for the World system in Haiti, but it is the first of a new generation of water systems because it will be powered by photovoltaic solar panels that convert sunlight to electricity. Electric power grids in Haiti are almost non-existent due to poverty, neglect and hurricanes. Haiti is the poorest county in the Western Hemisphere with an average income of about $1 per day and a life expectancy of 44 years.

Solar Power is a logical solution for providing electricity for clean water systems and the Synod of the Sun is developing a new program called Solar Under the Son to train people to install solar power systems in developing countries. St. John’s and New Covenant Presbytery are supporting the July installation that Léonie and John will participate in. You can contribute further through the new St. John’s Mission Fund. Also look for the SUTS/LWW booth at the Living Gift Market on November 22.

St. John’s Holiday Schedule

St. John’s office and campus will be closed on Monday, July 4, in observation of July 4th holiday. St. John’s staff wishes all a safe, restful and enjoyable holiday.

Delicious Peace Coffee — Peace Kawomera Cooperative

Mirembe Kawomera means "delicious peace" in the Ugandan language Luganda.
In 2004 JJ Keki, a Ugandan Jew, created the Peace Kawomera Cooperative. Mr. Keki traveled on foot, knocking on each of his neighbors’ doors, Jews, Christians and Muslins, asking all to put aside their differences. This community of coffee farmers was struggling to make a living. Now the farmers sell directly to the Thanksgiving Coffee Company. This has enabled farmers to send their children to school, afford health care, start savings accounts and reinvest in their farms. The Peace Kawaomera Co-op is made up of 750+ small-scale farmers and their families and has a strong leadership with all three faiths serving on the executive board.

The Thanksgiving Coffee Company motto is "Not Just a Cup — but a "Just" Cup of Coffee."
The co-op’s future depends on selling it’s coffee. The certified organic and fair trade coffee can be purchased during summer brunches.

St. John's Weekly Calendar June 28 - July 5

Sunday, June 28
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Congregational Pot Luck Brunch
12:30 pm PYF

Monday, June 29
5:00-6:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm No Bell Choir

Tuesday, June 30
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
10:00 am-2:00 pm Presbyterian Children’s Homes, Rm 205, Casondra Brown
1:30 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, July 1
6:30 pm “Walking Together” 7:30 pm Chancel ChoirThursday, July 2
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”

Friday, July 3
Saturday, July 4
7:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
4:00-8:00 pm W. Harris, McPhail Hall

Sunday, July 5
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Brunch by Caring Ministry

Friday, June 26, 2009

Pot-Luck Brunch this Sunday

Everyone is welcome to join us for a pot-luck brunch this Sunday at noon in Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish and come enjoy a variety of good food including some authentic Ghanaian dishes. Worship begins at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary and you are welcome to join us for worship as well. St. John's is an open and inclusive congregation that is small enough to care and large enough to make a difference.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

St. John's View this page "Epistle for June 24, 2009"

Remember this Sunday we are having a pot-luck brunch so bring a dish
and we will see you there!

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St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Monday, June 22, 2009

Congregational Potluck
Sunday, June 28

Bring your favorite dish to share

After Worship, Fellowship Hall


St. John's Sunday Reminders, June 21

Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: The newsletter will be assembled Tuesday, June 23 at 12:30 pm in Room 203. No experience necessary – on site training provided.

Attention Session Elders: This month’s Session meeting will be held on Thursday, June 25, at 7:30 pm.

Astros’ Promotion, Saturday, June 27, Minute Maid Park: Save the date! Please sign up with Bill Ehrenstrom.

Summer Congregational Brunch Pot-Luck, June 28: A new tradition begins! On the last Sunday in June St. John’s congregation will be bringing food for the brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Bring your favorite dish to share. Drinks will be provided.
On June 28 please welcome our Ghanaian brothers and sisters as they join us in worship. They are also very excited to be sharing some authentic African dishes with us at the pot luck immediately following worship.

Mustard Seed Project: One of the Mustard Seed projects going on this summer is the collection of children’s books for children ages 2-6. At the end of the summer the books will be given to Small Steps Nurturing Center, which has one campus in First Ward and another in Fifth Ward. The children in the Center will be encouraged to take the books home to keep. If you have books appropriate for ages 2-6 that you would like to donate, please contact Kay Greer.

Holiday Schedule: The Church offices will be open on Friday, July 3, and closed on Monday, July 6, in celebration of July 4.

Missionary Fund: The Session believes it is important to support our members who feel called to participate on mission trips. Therefore the Session has established a Missionary Fund to support members participating in mission trips other than the summer youth trip. If you would like to support this type of mission work, please note “Missionary Fund” on your contribution. These funds will be disbursed by the Session upon the recommendation of the Mission Ministry Team.

September 20 Event: A special musical program, “Your Kind of Music,” featuring 40 years of popular music by the Johnny Dyson Band in McPhail Hall has been scheduled for Sunday, September 20. Mark your calendar and plan to attend this great fun event!

St. John's Weekly Calendar, June 21-28

This Week at St. John’s

Sunday, June 21 – Beacon deadline & Father’s Day
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Brunch by Worship Ministry

Monday, June 22
5:00-6:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, June 23
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
1:30 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688
7:30 pm Outreach Team Meeting

Wednesday, June 24
6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, June 25
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Session Meeting

Friday, June 26
Saturday, June 27
7:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
Astros’ Promotion (Minute Maid Park)

Sunday, June 28
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Brunch: Congregation Potluck

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

St. John's View this page "Epistle for June 17, 2009"

Vacation Bible School continues through Thursday of this week from
6:00 - 8:00 P.M. All are invited to attend!

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St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Sunday Announcements - June 14

Vacation Bible School Invitation: St. John’s invites all ages, 3 to adult, to attend our Vacation Bible School starting tonight at 6 pm and running through Thursday. A light supper will be served at 5:45 pm in McPhail Hall, and VBS starts at 6 pm. Come and enjoy the fellowship and learning.

Beacon Newsletter Deadline: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming June/July issue to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be a part of this issue is Sunday, June 21, at 12 noon.

Attention Session Elders: This month’s Session meeting will be held on Thursday, June 25, at 7:30 pm due to Vacation Bible School.

Astros’ Promotion, Saturday, June 27, Minute Maid Park: Save the date! Please sign up with Bill Ehrenstrom.

Summer Congregational Brunch Pot-Luck, June 28: A new tradition begins! On the last Sunday in June St. John’s congregation will be bringing food for the brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Bring your favorite dish to share. Drinks will be provided.

Middle and High School Summer Sunday School: Please gather in McPhail Hall on the sofas at 9 am. The curriculum study is “Coffee House.” Come and experience this new event!

Presbyterian Women Summer Tuesdays: Spend your Tuesday mornings in June, July, and August by helping fold and make bandages for our outreach ministry.

Missionary Fund: The Session believes it is important to support our members who feel called to participate on mission trips. Therefore the Session has established a Missionary Fund to support members participating in mission trips other than the summer youth trip. If you would like to support this type of mission work, please note “Missionary Fund” on your contribution. These funds will be disbursed by the Session upon the recommendation of the Mission Ministry Team.

September 20 Event: A special musical program, “Your Kind of Music,” featuring 40 years of popular music by the Johnny Dyson Band in McPhail Hall has been scheduled for Sunday, September 20. Mark your calendar and plan to attend this great fun event!

St. John's Weekly Calendar, June 14-21

Sunday, June 14 through Thursday, June 18
5:45 pm Light meal served in McPhail Hall
6:00-8:00 pm Vacation Bible School for all ages – 3 through adults

Sunday, June 14
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Brunch by Support Ministry

Monday, June 15
5:00-6:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together” (Meet in Room 208)
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm No Bell Choir

Tuesday, June 16
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
1:30 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, June 17
6:30 pm Walking Together 7:30 pm No Chancel Choir

Thursday, June 18
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”

Friday, June 19
Saturday, June 20
7:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
9:00 am Daisy Troop 21174

Sunday, June 21 – Beacon Deadline
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Brunch by Worship Ministry

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

St. John's View this page "Epistle for June 10, 2009"

VBS Beach Party starts this Sunday in McPhail Hall and continues
through Thursday from 6-8 PM! (June 14-18) A light dinner will be
served. Activities for Ages 3-103. Come and bring a friend. Read more
below ...

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St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

VBS Beach Party starts this Sunday!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Between Me and God - Questions to Ponder

Do I have a planned time to read the Word this week?

Am I focusing on what I have read?

Am I growing with the Word this week?
-Brought to you by St. John’s Evangelism Ministry Team


Summer Brunches

Please Come! All are invited!

Don't miss this wonderful time of
food, friendship and sharing

McPhail Fellowship Hall
following Worship

St. John's Weekly Calendar, June 7-14

Sunday, June 7 - First brunch of the summer
Name Tag Sunday – Teacher Appreciation Sunday

8:00 am – 12:30 pm Blood Drive, Scout Room – Walk-ins welcome!
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Brunch by Congregational Life/Fellowship Ministry

Monday, June 8
5:00-6:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, June 9
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688
7:30 pm St. John’s Book Group

Wednesday, June 10

6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers
6:30 pm Walking Together
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, June 11
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Fellowship, Christian Formation, Caring, Support Team
Ministry Meetings

Friday, June 12

Saturday, June 13
7:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group

Sunday, June 14 through Thursday, June 18
6:00 – 8:00 pm Vacation Bible School for all ages – 3 through adults

Sunday, June 14
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Brunch by Support Ministry

Sunday Announcements - June 7

Middle and High School Summer Sunday School: Please gather in McPhail Hall on the sofas at 9 am. The curriculum study is “Coffee House.” Come and experience this new event!

Presbyterian Women Summer Tuesdays: Spend your Tuesday mornings in June, July, and August by helping fold and make bandages for our outreach ministry.

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday, June 9: Our book group will continue to meet during the summer months. All are invited to come, Room 203 at 7:30 pm.

Missionary Fund: The Session believes it is important to support our members who feel called to participate on mission trips. Therefore, the Session has established a Missionary Fund to support members participating in mission trips other than the summer youth trip. If you would like to support this type of mission work, please note “Missionary Fund” on your contribution. These funds will be disbursed by the Session upon the recommendation of the Mission Ministry Team.

Beacon Deadline: June/July’s Beacon Newsletter has been extended one week until June 21 to allow coverage of Vacation Bible School. All articles are being accepted at this time; please deliver to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be part of this issue is June 21 at 12 noon.

Summer Congregational Brunch Pot-Luck, June 28: A new tradition begins! On the last Sunday in June St. John’s congregation will be bringing food for the brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Bring your favorite dish to share. Drinks will be provided.

Have you registered for Vacation Bible School?
June 14 – 18, 6-8 pm


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

St. John's View this page "Epistle for June 3, 2009"

The Lord be with you.

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Jon B.
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Ode to a Green Thumbed God

Psalm 65 is a whopper. Deists need not apply. For this God is not a clock winder who gets the machine going and flits off to another universe to take care of some unfinished business. Rather, this is a STAYING God, an ever present God, a green thumb God who delights in the detailed daily maintenance tasks. Listen up to the Psalmist.

Praise is due to you,

O God, in Zion;

and to you shall vows be performed,

O you who answer prayer!

You forgive our transgressions ...

By awesome deeds you answer us with deliverance ...

By your strength you established the mountains ...

You silence the roaring of the seas ...

you provide the people with grain...

You crown the year with your bounty ...

Pastures, hills, meadows, and valley shout and sing together for joy delighting in an intimate connection with the loving God whose divine hands fashioned clod hoppers, crawfish, you and me, and yes, even the smarty pants who can't see beyond their own nose to get a sense of the unseen Seer who is still intimately involved in a love relationship with all earthly things.


♪♫ Eric Bibb - "Don't let nobody drag your spirit down"


Name Tag Sunday - June 7

On Sunday, June 7, St. John’s will hold it’s first "Nametag Sunday." As you walk down the walkway to worship that morning the Evangelism Ministry Team asks that you stop at the table and write your name on the tags provided. Please wear the nametag at worship and during brunch.

Everyone get nervous when they have to address someone they don’t know. Everyone also gets embarrassed when they talk to a person they have known for a while but can’t remember their name. BUT… if the person is wearing a nametag, all nervousness and embarrassment can be avoided. Nametags have the power to "introduce" because the nametag serves as an icebreaker.

On Nametag Sunday, the Evangelism Ministry Team asks you to approach someone you usually do not greet with a friendly hello, say their name, and see how their face lights up. Remember a person’s name is the sweetest sound a person can hear and saying their name makes them feel welcome and appreciated. Stay and hold a conversation, learn about their interests, and hear their life story.

Presbyterian Women's Summer Schedule

Spend your Tuesdays mornings in June, July and August working with the St. John’s Presbyterian Women as they roll and fold bandages from donated sheets from Angelica Textile.

St. John's Fitness Ministry Summer Schedule

St. John’s Fitness Ministry Summer Schedule
Building Two, Room 209

Monday & Wednesday
6:30 pm
Walking Together

Tuesday & Thursday
6:30 pm
Growing Stronger Together

"Wonder Team" Needs Summer Volunteers

St. John’s Sandwich Makers, "The Wonder Team," will continue to make sandwiches during the upcoming summer months in McPhail Hall on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6 pm. Please join us on June 10 and 24 and July 8 and 22. No experience is necessary, and you’ll be home within an hour!

Our sandwiches are delivered to Kids Meals, a 501(c) non-profit organization which serves over 1200 pre-school children in need of food. It provides free nutritious meals that are delivered to the homes of the children Monday through Friday year-round. Kids Meals partnership with Neighborhood Centers Inc. and Houston Food Bank feeds a child for only 35 cents per meal. Visit to learn more.
It is said the difference between sympathy and compassion is that the one who sympathizes sees and feels but does nothing. The one who has compassion sees, feels and then does something about the need.

Jesus asks us to help the sick, and giving blood is one way that even a non-medical person can render a vital medical service. Donated blood saves lives!

Blood Drive
Building II
Sunday, June 7
8 am - 12 Noon


Have you registered for VBS?

Vacation Bible School
June 14 – 18
6 - 8 pm

Join us for a program of faith-filled fun for ages three and up!


Sunday Weekly Reminders, May 31

St. John's Breakfast - Saturday, June 6, 8:00 am: Pot luck breakfast - bring your favorite dish, and at 8:30 Kathy Roth will be our speaker, talking about mental health/mental retardation. We all need updates on a subject that probably affects all of us. Come for breakfast and relax! If you need a ride please contact Thalia Bunnell at 713-723-5215, or Linda Dobbin at 281-778-5348. Remember, there are no breakfasts in July and August.

Blood Drive, June 7: Please come and share the gift of life in Building One, 8 am – 12:30 pm. Giving blood is one way that even a non-medical person can render a vital medical service. Please come and help us meet our quota.

Name Tag Sunday, June 7: Remember a person’s name is the sweetest sound a person can hear and saying their name makes them feel welcome and appreciated. Please stop by the table under the walkway and fill out a name tag to wear during worship and our first brunch.

Summer Brunches: St. John’s summer tradition begins on June 7 with the Congregational Life/Fellowship Ministry Team serving brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Everyone is invited, members, friends and guests to enjoy this wonderful time of fellowship.

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday, June 9: Our book group will continue to meet during the summer months. All are invited to come, Room 203 at 7:30 pm.

Scholarship Application Deadline, June 15: The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship grant to any active St. John’s member. Applications can be picked up in the church office.

Summer Congregational Brunch Pot-Luck, June 28: A new tradition begins! On the last Sunday in June St. John’s congregation will be bringing the food for the brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Bring your favorite dish to share. Drinks will be provided.

St. John's Weekly Calendar, May 31 - June 7

Sunday, May 31 – Pentecost
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am – 12:30 pm Mustard Seed Planning Meeting, Room 205
5:00 pm Centering Prayer, Pastor's study

Monday, June 1
5:00-6:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Evangelism Team Meeting

Tuesday, June 2
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
11:30 am-1:30 pm Brown Bag Luncheon: Special Education Advocacy Ministry
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, June 3
6:30-7:30 pm Brownie Troop 21151, Scout Room, D. Ragan
6:30 pm Walking Together
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, June 4
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”

Friday, June 5

Saturday, June 6
8:00 am St. John’s Breakfast
7:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
9:00 am Daisy Troop 21174

Sunday, June 7
First Brunch of the Summer -Name Tag Sunday – Teacher Appreciation Sunday
8:00 am – 12:30 pm Blood Drive, Scout Room
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Brunch by Congregational Life/Fellowship Ministry