Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sunday Weekly Reminders, May 31

St. John's Breakfast - Saturday, June 6, 8:00 am: Pot luck breakfast - bring your favorite dish, and at 8:30 Kathy Roth will be our speaker, talking about mental health/mental retardation. We all need updates on a subject that probably affects all of us. Come for breakfast and relax! If you need a ride please contact Thalia Bunnell at 713-723-5215, or Linda Dobbin at 281-778-5348. Remember, there are no breakfasts in July and August.

Blood Drive, June 7: Please come and share the gift of life in Building One, 8 am – 12:30 pm. Giving blood is one way that even a non-medical person can render a vital medical service. Please come and help us meet our quota.

Name Tag Sunday, June 7: Remember a person’s name is the sweetest sound a person can hear and saying their name makes them feel welcome and appreciated. Please stop by the table under the walkway and fill out a name tag to wear during worship and our first brunch.

Summer Brunches: St. John’s summer tradition begins on June 7 with the Congregational Life/Fellowship Ministry Team serving brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Everyone is invited, members, friends and guests to enjoy this wonderful time of fellowship.

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday, June 9: Our book group will continue to meet during the summer months. All are invited to come, Room 203 at 7:30 pm.

Scholarship Application Deadline, June 15: The Myrtis McPhail Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship grant to any active St. John’s member. Applications can be picked up in the church office.

Summer Congregational Brunch Pot-Luck, June 28: A new tradition begins! On the last Sunday in June St. John’s congregation will be bringing the food for the brunch in McPhail Hall following worship. Bring your favorite dish to share. Drinks will be provided.