Thursday, November 4, 2010

St. John's Epistle for November 4, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

This Sunday will be our Stewardship Dedication Sunday. We will bring our pledge cards and Time and Talent Inventory forward and put them in a basket when the offering is received. As I mentioned in the sermon last Sunday, several of our givers have died in the past couple of years. We need those who are able to step forward and give more to make up the difference. We do not receive any financial support from the federal or state government or the presbytery. Neither do we have a list of 6,000 or so prospective donors. All we have is less than a hundred families who contribute. But we believe the Lord will provide a way for us to continue our mission of glorifying God by making disciples and meeting human needs. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

We are hosting a meeting of New Covenant Presbytery about a week from now on Saturday, November 13. The packet for the meeting is available online at All St. John's volunteers that day will wear red shirts. Please sign up on the sheet provided at the Stewardship Dedication Brunch this Sunday after worship. We need your help to make this happen. If you have questions about the meeting you may speak to Bill Ehrenstrom or Mary Hughes as they are coordinating the effort.

There is a wonderful article in this month's AARP Bulletin which mentions Braes Interfaith Ministries.
You may also read the article on-line by going to  Then, scroll down and on the left-hand side is the "latest state news" and click on Texas. The article should appear on the first page.

Our prayers are with George as he recovers from major surgery last weekend. He has been in ICU at MD Anderson this week. Keep George and Linda and their family in prayer during this difficult time of recovery.

We continue to remember Lois in prayer as she undergoes chemotherapy. Sally and Pauline have been leading the congregation's effort to support Lois.

Keep Shirley Boyd in prayer as she continues to regain her strength and mobility after a spinal laminectomy surgery.

We had a great "Trunk R Treat" event last Sunday. Several new families from the community were introduced to St. John's through this event. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I thought David Nelson's caricature of me was well done. That was only one of several different activities available from "Goin' Fishin" to "Pumpkin Toss" to "Apple Bobbing." Thanks to all who helped make this event a success.

In light of Stewardship season, consider this parable from Anthony De Mello in his book One Minute Wisdom:

"How would spirituality help a man of the world like me?" said the businessman.

"It will help you to have more," said the Master.


"By teaching you to desire less."

Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am