Concert: Allen Barnhill and his trombone students from the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University will present a free concert this Tuesday, March 29, at 7 pm in the sanctuary of St. John's Presbyterian Church. The Meyerland and Westbury communities and our congregation are invited to attend. Come and bring a friend!
St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, April 2: 8:00 am breakfast will be served, and at 8:30 Houston Mayor Annise Parker will be our speaker. So that we have a good head count for the breakfast, please call Louise Cherry at 713-723-3187 or Linda Dobbin at 218-778-5348. Please add this event to your calendar!
March Holly Hall Church Drive for Operating Funds: Holly Hall, a Christian retirement community, depends on the generosity of others to help cover the cost of care for those residents who can no longer afford it. Please make your checks payable to Holly Hall Church Drive.
Session News March 23, 2011
- The Session was happy to receive Dan Herron back into the fellowship of St. John’s by letter of transfer from First Presbyterian Church of Palestine,
- Session approved the report from the Outreach Committee that St. John’s remain a partner with the American Red Cross as a possible Red Cross Shelter for minor local disasters.
- Anyone interested in helping with one of the last Ike Recovery Work Weekends should talk to Phyllis Freeman.
- Session approved a request from the Worship Committee for a dedicated memorial gift fund for the purchase of a set of banners for the sanctuary in memory of Lois Stowell.