Dear Easter new life people of God,
In Unbinding Your Heart , we've read together about two kinds of barriers we might have to overcome to bring our friends to Jesus. They are internal barriers and external barriers. First, internal, or personal, barriers, are the barriers inside our heads. When we think about talking to someone about our faith, we can get stuck before the words even come out of our mouth. Usually it's because we don't want to lose a friendship. We worry: What happens if I invite my neighbor to church and then they say no? What if I make my friend feel awkward? What if someone thinks I'm pressuring them? What if I come across as judgmental? What if . . . ? So most of the time, we don't talk to our unchurched friends about our faith. Then maybe we feel a little guilty about not doing it. And guilt rarely is helpful to keep us motivated. These inner barriers can keep us from ever mentioning faith to our friends. Take the step this week of inviting a friend, neighbor, or family member to join you in worship on Easter Sunday.
Note the announcements below as we celebrate this Holy Week.
Your Holy Week inspired pastor,
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Mr. Bob's Wish List - Call the church office today to grant a wish! (713-723-6262)
Session Room Improvements:
*Ceiling mounted video projector ($350) / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)
*Pull down projector screen ($150)
*Speaker system for video projector ($85)
-Landscaping & planting around the A/C by Education Building on West Bellfort ($700) / WISH GRANTED (Thank you anonymous donor!)
-Directional signage for campus for different buildings and specific locations (Office, kitchen, McPhail restrooms, parking, etc. $2,000)
-Courtyard benches ($400 each)
Postlude Mar 2013 - Recap of this month's presbytery meeting
One Great Hour of Sharing - Special offering received on Easter Sunday
Holy Week Schedule at St. John's
Good Friday Tre Ore Service, March 29: You are invited to the Good Friday service
at Salem Lutheran Church, 12 noon to 3 pm. Tre Ore is an ancient and moving liturgy, in
seven parts and focuses on Jesus' words from the cross. At 12:55 Pastor Jon will deliver
the Third Word: "Women, here is your son…"
Sunrise Service, March 31, 7 am: St. John's youth would like to invite everyone to
their sunrise service in McPhail Hall. Please remember to bring a single flower to place
in the flower cross. A continental breakfast will be available after the service.
Easter Sunday Worship, March 31, 10:30 am: Come and bring a friend as we worship God on Easter Sunday.
Inquirer's Class: Pastor Jon will teach a Sunday afternoon Inquirer's Class as an
orientation for those who are new to the church on Sunday, April 21 from 4-7 pm in the
Session Room with a light dinner provided. Those who come may then join the church
on Sunday, April 28, during worship.
St. John's Presbyterian Church
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
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