Thursday, January 20, 2011

St. John's Epistle for January 20, 2011

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

A video of our Presbyterian Youth Fellowship produced play during the Christmas Eve Early Service is now on YouTube at -thanks to Bob. This video is unlisted so you need this link to see it. Click and remember what you saw or see what you missed. PYF will have a lock-in this Saturday night in Fellowship Hall from 9 pm to 9 am.

Last Sunday was our first day with the new carpet in the sanctuary. The new carpet looks great. Thanks to all who were involved in this project.

Happy Birthday to Charlotte and Vera both of whom turn 90 this week. Charlotte's birthday was Tuesday and Vera's was Wednesday. Congratulation to both of them!

Here is our Schedule for All-Committee Day this Saturday, January 22.

8:30 am - Continental Breakfast in Fellowship Hall, All committee members are invited

9:00 am - Opening activities and presentation around the theme of "Missional Renaissance"

9:30 am - Committee meetings in Building II

11:30 am - Final gathering and reporting in Fellowship Hall

Noon - Lunch for Session members only

1-3 pm - Session Meeting in Session Room

Our theme for Saturday will be "Missional Renaissance" and it is based on making these three shifts.

Shift #1: Internal focus to an external focus
The shift is from the church at the center to the Kingdom of God at the center.  Ask yourself if this particular ministry will "bless the world."  Will this ministry, as it is lived out, reveal God's heart for the world?  Is it bigger than the church in your place?  In this shift, the church is no longer seeing the ministry as a way to attract new members, but rather as a way to point back to the church's mission in the world.  The mission is beyond the individual church.

Shift #2:  Program development to People development
This mission is beyond well-conceived programs.  The church is not looking for another well received program.  The mission should attract people in the church and also beyond the church.  "We should feed the hungry people; but when their stomachs are full, we should also teach them or mentor them or find them work, whatever we can do to elevate their capacity to provide for themselves."  The ministry should move the church from a participation mindset to a mindset that encourages spiritual maturation.  As we examine the ideas submitted we hope to find ministries that move to the development of individuals and their lives.  Growth through service!  

Shift #3:  Church-Based to Kingdom-Based Leadership
The shift here would be from the old model of the church which is institutional, maintenance-oriented, positional, pastoral, church-focused and highly controlled to Kingdom-oriented leadership where words such as organic, disruptive, personal, prophetic, kingdom-focused, empowering can be used.  Those who participate in this ministry will, in all likelihood, have a
focus on the kingdom and how to draw individuals into a ministry.  This shift no longer looks at the leadership of the church as directors, but rather producers.  Training is to move the individuals out!

I wonder St. John's and your involvement may be different if we made these three shifts? That is what we will consider as we begin a new year in ministry at All Committee Day this Saturday, January 22 at 8:30 am in Fellowship Hall.

Looking ahead, on Sunday, January 30 we will have or annual Congregational Meeting after worship.

Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am