Tuesday, January 25, 2011

St. John's Weekly Reminder, January 23

St. John’s Meeting of the Congregation, January 30: We will hold our annual meeting immediately following Worship.

Hear ye! Hear ye!! The February 5 St. John's Breakfast is coming soon! Save the date on your calendar! As usual, breakfast is at 8:00 am, followed by our speaker at 8:30. Mr. George Gaston, new CEO of Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital, will fill us in on the new hospitals at the Southwest location. Bring a friend or two.

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, February 6: After Church: Participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring. For questions about PYF, please call or email Mary Sterner (713)723-6262, mary2d@yahoo.com

Chefs Needed: Soup Makers are needed for Souper Bowl Sunday, February 6. Please see Mary Sterner to volunteer.

Blood Drive Dates: St. John’s will host five Sunday blood drives: February 27, May 1, July 10, September 11 and December 18. Come and bring your friends and neighbors as you share the gift of life!

Red Cross Disaster Team – St. John’s has been an official Red Cross Disaster Center for the past ten years. If we are to continue being available when a need arises, we need new volunteers. For information or to signup, please contact Phyllis Freeman, 713-776-3548.

Need a Large Print Hymnal?
St. John’s has large print hymnals which are available from our ushers for Sunday morning services.

January BIM Month: January is St. John’s month to provide for the B.I.M. food pantry. Help by picking up an empty grocery bag today on the walkway and returning a filled bag to the church any Sunday in January, or place a check in the offering plate with BIM on the memo line. BIM can buy $27 worth of canned food from the Houston Food Bank for every $l.00 you contribute.