Saturday, January 14, 2012

St. John's Weekly Reminders: January 15

Presbyterian Women Activity Day: All women of St. John’s are invited to “Fun day” beginning at 9:30 am assembling the Beacon, then lunch at Post Oak Barbecue (formerly Moses) at 11:30 am.

January BIM Month: January is St. John’s month to provide for the Braes Interfaith Ministries food pantry. Help by picking up an empty grocery bag today and returning a filled bag to the church any Sunday in January or place a check in the offering plate, writing BIM on the memo line. BIM can buy $27 worth of canned food from the Houston Food Bank for every dollar donated.

Children’s Choir: St. John’s Children’s choir will resume regular practice on Sunday, January 15 following Worship in Room 209. Please contact Shirley Boyd or Kyra Noons with any questions.

Blood Drive Coming: Make a commitment to help others by donating blood on Sunday, February 5, 8 am – 12 noon, Room 209.

Souper Bowl Sunday Coming, February 5: Make sure your pre-game plans include lunch in McPhail Hall following Worship. Lunch will consist of many different soups, including our famous traditional “Stone Soup.” St. John’s youth is asking the congregation to bring their favorite fresh or canned ingredient to the kitchen before church to be added to our vegetable stock.

“Are the Doors Locked?” The Property Committee is asking everyone when leaving the campus to ask this important question. Please give the doors an extra pull to make sure the locks are engaged.

Flower Calendar: Please sign your name on the Flower Calendar in the Narthex to reserve your special Sunday for giving flowers in the Sanctuary in 2012.