Monday, June 16, 2008

Living Water for the World Grant Received

St. John's has been awarded a $5000 grant for the installation of a water purification system for the village of Yaxcheku in the Yucatan Peninsula. The grant is from the Synod of the Sun’s Mission Initiative Program.

St. John's partners with ChristChurch Presbyterian in Bellaire for Living Waters for the World (LWW) water purification projects. Last year a clean water system was installed in Xmaben, Mexico. John Freeman was a team member for that installation.

The Synod of the Sun grant money, which will cover about a third of the necessary funds, will be used to purchase parts for the water system and to help defray costs associated with this year's fall trip. Volunteers are needed in several capacities; and there may be opportunities for St. John's members to participate in the trip itself. Persons interested are encouraged to attend Clean Water U for training. The next classes will be held September 10-14 and October 1-5, 2008 at Camp Hopewell near Oxford, Mississippi. Persons interested should contact John Freeman, 713-776-3548, or Becki VanCompernolle, 713-777-7714. The web site ( can provide more details.

St. John's has supported the Living Waters Project with their purchases of Mayan crafts and through contributions at last year's Living Gift Market. Living Waters will be a participant at the Living Gift Market again on November 16. These purchases and gifts are very much appreciated and help to carry on the mission of bringing "Clean Water to all God's Children."
— John Freeman