Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fall Christian Education Opportunities— Sunday, September 14

Inquirer’s Class— Pastor’s Office
Pastor Jon Burnham will teach an Inquirer’s Class for three Sunday mornings in his office from 9:00 - 9:45 am on September 14, 21 and 28. Those who take the class may join the church on September 28.

Godly Play, Children’s Church— Building One
Preschool through 1st grade experience Bible lessons taught in a Montessori approach that actively engages their hearts and their minds.

Workshops Rotation Sunday School Class— Room 209
The 1st through the 5th grade class is a state-of-the-art Sunday School class because our teachers have state-of-the-art hearts. Friends are always welcome.

Middle and High School— Room 207 & 210
Join the teaching team of Mary Gaber and David Rainwater (High School) and Murray Smith (Middle School) as they explore the Presbyterian faith.

The Bible Study for Everyone Class — Room 203
The class study will be Tom Wright’s book, John for Everyone. The class is discussion with members sharing as facilitators. Books are available for purchase in the church office. Call Suzette Harrel (713-666-6218) if you have any questions or need more information.

Lectionary Study Class— Room 205
Do you want to understand the Lectionary readings each Sunday? Come explore the passages of the Bible. Facilitated by Elaine DeSouza.