Thursday, August 7, 2008

Retreat at St. John's with Mary Marcotte

You are all invited to a Christian Formation Ministry Retreat at St. John's with Mary Marcotte from 6-9 PM on Friday, August 8 and 9 AM - 12:30 PM on Saturday, August 9. She will guide us in a process of discernment about the direction of our Christian Formation Ministry on Friday evening and do some training with our leaders in Christian Formation on Saturday morning. Mary is the Associate General Presbyter for Discipleship and Leadership Development for New Covenant Presbytery. Mary serves as an advisor and facilitator for discipleship and leader development through the Congregational Resourcing Team and provides support to the educators of the presbytery through the Committee on Ministry. She promotes inter-congregational connections and supports various specialized group ministries (Youth Connections Council, Presbyterian Women, etc). and supports training opportunities for professional and lay leaders in our presbytery. Mary resources the Commissioned Lay Pastor subcommittee of the Committee on Ministry. Mary is a graduate of Rice University and is a Certified Christian Educator. She is an Elder and member of Pines Presbyterian Church. Mary and her husband have 2 adult children.
