Monday, February 16, 2009

Bereavement Group

— Mary Hughes, Moderator

Our own Mary Hughes will be the moderator for the Bereavement Group which begins at St. John’s Tuesday, March 3, at 7 pm. The group will meet for six weeks. Pre-registration is required. Sign up in the church office.

Mary earned a bachelor’s degree in 1968 from Texas Woman’s
University, majoring in nursing with a minor in sociology and psychology. In 1988 she earned double masters’ degrees in science from Texas Woman’s University, focusing on medical-surgical nursing as well as psychiatric-mental health nursing. She is on clinical faculty at University of Texas Health Science Center. She has been a clinical nurse specialist in the psychiatry section of the Neuro-oncology Department at M. D. Anderson since 1990.

Through the Association for Death Education and Counseling she became a Certified Grief Therapist. In 1986 she was awarded the Sword of Hope award from the American Cancer Society; in 1993 she was awarded the Brown Foundation, Inc., Award for Outstanding Nurse Oncologist; in 1996, the Quality of Life Lectureship at the Fall Institute from the Oncology Nursing Society.