Tuesday, August 25, 2009

St. John's Sunday Weekly Reminders, August 23

Every Sunday please allow the new “Reserved” parking spaces to be for those needing assistance…Be A Caring Friend!

Prayers Needed: Please tie a knot and say a prayer for Charlene B. Simmons, who is having health issues. The prayer quilt will be on the table in the Narthex and will be moved to McPhail Hall during brunch.

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday, August 25:
All interested readers are invited to join the discussion of The History of God by Karen Armstrong. Books are available in the office.

Blood Drive, Next Sunday, August 30: Come to Building 1, 8 am–12 pm and help save lives! Please add green leafy vegetables and protein to your meals.

Rally Day, Sunday, August 30: Next Sunday please meet in McPhail Hall for a continental breakfast at 9 am as St. Johners celebrate the beginning of our fall educational schedule. All ages are invited.

Name Tag Sunday, August 30: The Evangelism Ministry will have name tags in McPhail Hall during Rally Day and on the walkway before worship. Please stop by for your name tag and use its power to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. Reach out your hand in friendship and welcome all you meet.

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, Sunday August 30: All rising 6th through 12th graders are invited to the kick-off meeting at 5 pm.

Circles, Tuesday, September 1: The Presbyterian Women’s circles will meet at 9:30 am (Circles 1 & 2) and 7:30 (Night Circle).

At their meeting August 20, your Session
“Heard an update from the Ghanaian Task Force and worked on a memorandum of understanding by and between United Ghanaian Presbyterian Church and St. John’s Presbyterian Church…Approved a lovely cross made by Connie and Herb Brown that will represent our church in the presbytery office along with representative crosses from other churches in the presbytery…Moved fourteen persons from the active to the inactive roll of the church.”