Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday Weekly Reminders, August 9
Sunday Parking: Please allow the “New Reserved Parking Spaces” to be used by those needing assistance…Be A Caring Friend!
Beacon Newsletter Deadline: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming August/September 2009 issue to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be a part of this issue is Sunday, August 16 at 12 noon if space is still available. Articles are placed as received.
Backpack Blessing, Sunday August 23: Students of all ages and teachers are invited to bring their backpack or briefcase to worship in celebration of the beginning of the new school year.
Blood Drive, Sunday, August 30: Come to Building One, 8 am – 12 Noon and help save lives – donate blood!
Name Tag Sunday, August 30: The Evangelism Ministry will have name tags in McPhail Hall during Rally Day and under the walkway before worship. Please stop by for your name tag and use its power to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. Reach out your hand in friendship and say welcome to all you meet.
Rally Day, Sunday, August 30: Mark this date on your calendar and make plans to meet in McPhail Fellowship Hall as we celebrate the fall Sunday school program.
Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, Sunday August 30: All rising 6th graders through 12th graders are invited to the kick-off PYF meeting. Please see David Nelson or Mary Sterner for more information.
Presbyterian Women, Sunday, September 13: All women are invited to a sneak preview of the 2009-2010 Bible Study (Joshua and His Journey of Faith) at a luncheon with a special program presented by Mary Marcotte.
Mark your calendar, Sunday, September 20, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by THE JOHNNY DYSON BAND presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.
Thanksgiving Coffee Project: Certified organic and fair trade coffee, grown by the Peace Kawomera (Delicious Coffee) Cooperative of Uganda, is available for sale during brunch in McPhail Hall. The Cooperative is made up of 750 + small scale farmers and their families from three faiths: Jews, Christians and Muslims. This coffee makes wonderful presents for friends and families!
Beacon Newsletter Deadline: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming August/September 2009 issue to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be a part of this issue is Sunday, August 16 at 12 noon if space is still available. Articles are placed as received.
Backpack Blessing, Sunday August 23: Students of all ages and teachers are invited to bring their backpack or briefcase to worship in celebration of the beginning of the new school year.
Blood Drive, Sunday, August 30: Come to Building One, 8 am – 12 Noon and help save lives – donate blood!
Name Tag Sunday, August 30: The Evangelism Ministry will have name tags in McPhail Hall during Rally Day and under the walkway before worship. Please stop by for your name tag and use its power to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. Reach out your hand in friendship and say welcome to all you meet.
Rally Day, Sunday, August 30: Mark this date on your calendar and make plans to meet in McPhail Fellowship Hall as we celebrate the fall Sunday school program.
Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, Sunday August 30: All rising 6th graders through 12th graders are invited to the kick-off PYF meeting. Please see David Nelson or Mary Sterner for more information.
Presbyterian Women, Sunday, September 13: All women are invited to a sneak preview of the 2009-2010 Bible Study (Joshua and His Journey of Faith) at a luncheon with a special program presented by Mary Marcotte.
Mark your calendar, Sunday, September 20, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by THE JOHNNY DYSON BAND presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.
Thanksgiving Coffee Project: Certified organic and fair trade coffee, grown by the Peace Kawomera (Delicious Coffee) Cooperative of Uganda, is available for sale during brunch in McPhail Hall. The Cooperative is made up of 750 + small scale farmers and their families from three faiths: Jews, Christians and Muslims. This coffee makes wonderful presents for friends and families!