Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Special Upcoming Advent Dates:

● Advent Devotional booklet sign up, Sunday October 11
● Advent Devotionals deadline, Sunday, November 15
● First Sunday of Advent, November 29, Advent booklets distributed
● Second Sunday of Advent, December 6, Advent Festival
● Third Sunday of Advent, December 13
● Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 20


Ministry to the Port of Houston Shopping List

It’s time to start buying things for the Seafarers’ Christmas boxes. We already have many items for the 30+ boxes PW (Presbyterian Women) usually pack and take to the center at Houston’s port. Still needed are heavy work socks (no ankle socks), tooth brushes and toothpaste, and 30 or so large bars of bath soap. Some of the other items needed are:

Disposable razors (60)
Deodorant (30)
Shaving cream (30)
Lip balm (30)
Small Kleenex packs
Nail clippers
2010 calendars
Hard candy (no chocolate)

St. John's Breakfast - October 3

On the first Saturday of each month St. Johners and friends gather for a breakfast (8 am) and a program (8:30 am). Come and get a wonderful start to your weekend! If you need a ride, contact Linda Dobbin or Thalia Bunnell .

On Saturday, October 3, The Rev. Mike Karim, will speak about his Christian ministry at Rice University and his other ministerial undertakings.

Please join us!

August 2009 BIM Statistics & Status Report

Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) served 1,791 clients
(930 children and 861 adults).
15 of the above were homeless.

The Braes Interfaith Ministries food pantry has been very busy this year, seeing an increase in the number of clients compared to last year. In August alone we saw 300 more clients that in August 2008, 30 of them new families.

Unfortunately, monetary donations have decreased in spite of the increase in clients, creating a shortage of goods that can be distributed; for example, we can no longer afford to supply toilet paper and bars of soap. Toiletries are of course available only by donation.
Some of the food pantries have had to close their doors, so we feel very fortunate we can continue to be open 12 hours each week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday for four hours each day. Our clients may come monthly, whereas some agencies allow only quarterly visits; we are also one of the few that provides clothing.

The garden continues to supply fresh produce in spite of the hot, dry summer, but BIM is in great need of gardeners from 7:30 to about 10 am. If you feel you can help BIM in any way, please keep us in mind. Monetary donations are always greatly appreciated and needed, especially now in these economic times. Call 713-723-2671 for more information during the hours BIM is open.

Challenge Sunday Brunch, October 4

Don’t you miss the brunches? Miss the wonderful food and especially the fellowship?

The Stewardship Ministry is planning a "kickoff" stewardship brunch on Sunday, October 4, at 12 pm in McPhail Hall, and everyone is invited to come. After brunch, there will be a short discussion and a chance to brainstorm about projects, plans, goals and visions for 2010. It will be the ideal time to examine your view of stewardship and your personal commitment to St. John’s. Stewardship is thankfulness to God translated into love and service of our neighbor and also calls us to manage and use resources—spiritual and material—in a fitting response to God. It is a time to examine our gratitude to God for what God has done and keeps on doing for us in our lives.

World Communion & Peacemaking Offering - Sunday, October 4

What is your image of a peacemaker? On any Sunday morning, look at your fellow St. Johners and you will be looking at peacemakers. St. John’s congregation will reach out a hand of healing to people within our church, our community and the world through the Peacemaking Offering on World Communion Sunday.

World Communion Sunday is a time to be in communion with Christians everywhere. On this day we celebrate our unity as Christ’s church, made up of people of every nation around the world. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) also marks the special day by a call to peacemaking, urging us to be followers of the Prince of Peace. One concrete way that we do that is by receiving the Peacemaking Offering.

The Peacemaking Offering invites each congregation to find ways to promote peace within the congregation and within the community. For that reason, St. John’s will retain 25 percent of the offering we receive, another 25 percent goes to our presbytery or synod, and the remaining 50 percent goes to the General Assembly for peacemaking involvement throughout the world.

The theme for Peacemaking 2009 is Peace and Justice Shall Kiss Each Other, Psalm 85:9-14:

I will listen for the word of God; surely the LORD will proclaim peace to his people, to the faithful, to those who trust in him.
Near indeed is salvation for the loyal; prosperity will fill our land.
Love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss.
Truth will spring from the earth; justice will look down from heaven.
The Lord will surely grant abundance; our land will yield its increase.
Prosperity will march before the Lord, and good fortune will follow behind.


Bravo - A Job Well Done!
St. John's Presbyterian Church wishes you another
25 years of helping our neighbors in SW Houston.


St. John's Weekly Reminder, September 27, 2009

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, October 3: A wonderful breakfast will be served at 8 am, and at 8:30 Mike Karim will present his program about his Christian ministry at Rice University.

Challenge Sunday Brunch, Sunday, October 4: Everyone is invited to the “kick-off” stewardship brunch at 11:45 pm in McPhail Hall. Mark your calendars for this special event.

Peacemaking Offering, Sunday, October 4: St. Johners will have a chance to reach out a hand of healing to people within our church, our community and the world through the Peacemaking Offering. St. John’s will retain twenty five percent of the offering, which is used to promote peace locally.

New Date - St. John’s Night Circle, Monday, October 5: St. John’s Night Circle will meet at St. John’s at 7:30 pm, hostess Barbara Brisch. The meeting time was changed in October in order to allow participation in the Tuesday Night National Night Out.

Advent Booklet Sign-Up, Sunday, October 11: The 2009 Advent Booklet will focus on holiday traditions, traditions from the past or traditions of the present. Begin to mull over your favorite tradition and be ready to sign-up for your contribution to this year’s Advent celebration.

Needed New Usher Teams for the next 4 Months: You may choose the Sunday each month you would like to be an active participant in worship at St. John’s, then serve as an usher just one Sunday a month. Sign up with your friends or your family on the sheet in the Narthex beginning September 13. You can also sign up to be a substitute if you are out of town frequently. Training will be provided.

Looking and Planning Ahead: November 8: Name Tag Sunday and Stewardship Celebration Barbecue; November 22: Harvest Sunday, Living Gift Market and Braes Interfaith Service at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church; November 29: First Sunday in Lent and the Hanging of the Greens.

St. John's Weekly Calendar: September 27 - October 4

This Week at St. John’s
Sunday, September 27
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
1 1:45 am Mustard Seed, Room 203
4:00 pm Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop
4:30 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF)

Monday, September 28
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, September 29

9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
10:30 am Holly Hall Book Review, St. Luke’s Methodist Church
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, September 30
6:30 pm “Walking Together”

Thursday, October 1 - BIM 25th Anniversary
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Room 207
6:00 pm BIM Dinner, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 9900 Stella Link Road
6:00 pm Brownie Troop 21151
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, October 2

Saturday, October 3

8:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
8:00 am St. John’s Breakfast
9:00 am Focus, Grace Presbyterian Church
9:00 – 10:30 am Daisy (Girl Scout) Troop 21174

Sunday, October 4. Peacemaking Offering, Stewardship Kick-Off
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Challenge Sunday Brunch
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Meetin

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Monday, September 21, 2009

St. John’s Recycling Update

St. John’s four recycle bins collected 9.32 tons (18,632.29 pounds) in July and 10.13 tons (20,252.50 pounds) in August as part of St. John’s Stewardship of the Earth.

St. John’s continues to recycle these items:
Aluminum drink cans
Aluminum cat/dog,food cans
Cell phones
Clothing & food for BIM
Eye glasses
Hearing aids
Ink printer cartridges
Movies & DVDs
Soda tabs

St. John's Weekly Reminders, September 20

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday September 22, 7:30 pm: Come join the discussion of The History of God by historian Karen Armstrong. Books are available in the church office.

Help Feed Hungary Children, Wednesday September 23: Please join the Wonder Team in McPhail Hall at 6 pm to help make 300 sandwiches for Kid’s Meals.

Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop, Sunday September 27: Meet in Pastor Jon’s office at 4 pm for a 30-minute overview, followed by Centering Prayer class beginning at 4:30 pm.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday October 3: A wonderful Breakfast will be served at 8 am, and at 8:30 Mike Karim will present his program about his Christian ministry at Rice University.

Challenge Sunday Brunch, Sunday October 4: Everyone is invited to the “kick-off” stewardship brunch at 12 pm in McPhail Hall. Mark your calendars for this special event.

New Usher Teams for the next 4 Months. You may choose the Sunday of the month you would like to be an active participant in worship at St. John’s, then serve as an usher just one Sunday a month. Sign up with your friends or your family on the sheet in the Narthex beginning September 13. You can also sign up to be a substitute if you are out of town frequently. Training will be provided.

The Choir is sponsoring a reception for Charlene Simmons after worship today. Charlene is moving to Maryland next week and will be greatly missed by her church family at St. John’s.

During their meeting on September 17, your Session:
“Began a discussion of how to realign the Session with the additional elders coming onto the Session next year.”
“Approved David Wintersgill as Business Manager and approved a job description
for that position.”
“Approved a Building Usage Guidelines policy.”

St. John's Weekly Calendar - Sept. 20 - 27

Sunday, September 20
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:30 am Reception for Charlene B. Simmons
6:00 pm Johnny Dyson “Your Kind of Music” for listening and dancing

Monday, September 21
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, September 22

9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
10:00 am Circle Bible leaders meeting
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Outreach Team Meeting, McPhail Hall
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688
7:30 pm Book Group

Wednesday, September 23
6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers
6:30 pm “Walking Together”

Thursday, September 24
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Room 207
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, September 25
Saturday, September 26
8:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
8:30 am – 12:00 pm Session and Pastoral Nominating Committee, “FastTrac”

Sunday, September 27
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
4:00 pm Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop
4:30 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Meeting


Hospitality Corner

‘You have put gladness in my heart,’
wrote the author of Psalm 4:7. (NRSV)

Welcome to God’s House!

Whether you are a member or a visitor to our St. John’s, you are not meant to be a stranger. Be assured that you are welcome.

Please extend a hand of friendship to everyone you meet.

- Brought to you by St. John's Evangelism Ministry Team

Holly Hall 2009-2010 Book Season - September 29

Season tickets are available now for the upcoming Holly Hall Book Review Series. Season tickets are $25 for four book reviews. Individual event tickets are $10 at the door. All reviews are held at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer at 10:30 am. Proceeds are used to cover the cost of care for those residents who, over time, may need assistance to remain at Holly Hall Retirement Center. To order your season tickets, make your check payable to Holly Hall Book Review and mail to Holly Hall Book Review, 8304 Knight Road, Houston, TX 77054.

The first review will be on Tuesday, September 29, when reviewer, Rose Mary Rumbley will review Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History by Fawn Brodie & The Hemingses of Monticello by Annette Gordon-Reed.

Introduction to Centering Prayer, September 27

Pastor Jon will teach an Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop on Sunday, September 27 at 4 pm. Everyone is invited. No previous experience is necessary. This will also serve as a refresher course for those who have already practiced centering prayer. After a 30- minute overview, we will have a 20-minute “sit” and then 10 minutes of debriefing and be finished at 5 pm.

Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God’s presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God.

The focus of Centering Prayer is the deepening of our relationship with the living Christ. The effects of Centering Prayer are ecclesial, as the prayer tends to build communities of faith and bond the members together in mutual friendship and love.

Challenge Sunday Brunch, October 4

Don’t you miss the brunches? Miss the wonderful food and especially the fellowship?
The Stewardship Ministry is planning a “kickoff” stewardship brunch on Sunday, October 4, at 12 pm in McPhail Hall, and everyone is invited to come.

After brunch, there will be a short discussion and a chance to brainstorm about projects, plans, goals and visions for 2010. It will be the ideal time to examine your view of stewardship and your personal commitment to St. John’s.

Stewardship is thankfulness to God translated into love and service of our neighbor and also calls us to manage and use resources—spiritual and material—in a fitting response to God. It is a time to examine our gratitude to God for what God has done and keeps on doing for us in our lives.

St. John’s Book Group - Tuesday September 29

St. John’s Book Group will begin discussing Chapter 2 of the book, A History of God by British historian Karen Armstrong, the author of nearly 20 books on religion and known as one of the world’s leading historians of spiritual matters. Everyone is invited to join the discussion at 7:30 pm. Led by Greg Weiher.

Welcoming the class of 2010-2012

A big thank you to the 2009 Nominating Committee (Gloria Avery,
Esther Bender, Pansy Meyer. Georgiana Simmons and Elders Barbara Brisch, Franklin Caspa and Jeanne Leach) for its hard work. The people who were approved at the Called Congregational Meeting on September 13 are as follows:

New Elders

Jo Ann Golden, Class of 2010
Jenny Glover, Youth Elder (1 year term)
Phyllis Freeman, Class of 2011
Kathleen Captain, Class of 2012
Bill Ehrenstrom, Class of 2012
Mary Hughes, Class of 2012
Max Kattner, Class of 2012
Lois Stowell, Class of 2012

McPhail Scholarship Committee

Shirley Boyd, Class of 2012

Nominating Committee for 2010

Connie Brown
Linda Dyson
Ann Hardy
Betty Nelson

Braes Interfaith Ministries Board

Louise Cherry

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Challenge Sunday Brunch, October 4

Don’t you miss the brunches? Miss the wonderful food and especially the fellowship?
The Stewardship Ministry is planning a “kickoff” stewardship brunch on Sunday, October 4, at 12 pm in McPhail Hall, and everyone is invited to come.

After brunch, there will be a short discussion and a chance to brainstorm about projects, plans, goals and visions for 2010. It will be the ideal time to examine your view of stewardship and your personal commitment to St. John’s.

Stewardship is thankfulness to God translated into love and service of our neighbor and also calls us to manage and use resources—spiritual and material—in a fitting response to God. It is a time to examine our gratitude to God for what God has done and keeps on doing for us in our lives.

October PYF Topics

All 6th through 12th graders are invited to PYF (Presbyterian Youth Fellowship) meetings, Sunday nights at 5 pm.

October 4: What’s #1?
October 10-11: 30 Hour Famine (Times TBA)
30-Hour Famine is an international youth movement to fight hunger. Our group will learn about issues related to hunger, and how they can make changes. Students will fast for thirty hours and raise funds for Crop Walk, to help fight hunger. During this time we will experience fellowship and fun while serving others.
October 11: No PYF
October 18: Your God Is Too Small
October 25: Holy Halloween!

Introduction to Centering Prayer, September 27

Pastor Jon will teach an Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop on Sunday, September 27 at 4 pm. Everyone is invited. No previous experience is necessary. This will also serve as a refresher course for those who have already practiced centering prayer. After a 30- minute overview, we will have a 20-minute “sit” and then 10 minutes of debriefing and be finished at 5 pm.

Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God’s presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God.

The focus of Centering Prayer is the deepening of our relationship with the living Christ. The effects of Centering Prayer are ecclesial, as the prayer tends to build communities of faith and bond the members together in mutual friendship and love.

FastTrac, Saturday, September 26

FastTrac is a workshop provided by the Presbytery of New Covenant to churches with new pastors. The purpose of the FastTrac is to strengthen the ministry of the pastor and Session. FastTrac will occur at St. John’s on Saturday, September 26, beginning with breakfast at 8:30 am and will conclude by noon. Participants will include the pastor, members of the session, and the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). Other staff members are welcome to attend but this is primarily for the pastor and session to work on their relationship and clarify expectations in order to strengthen their ministry together. It is facilitated by Rev. Diane Prevary and her husband, Elder Jim Bushong. We look forward to their leadership of this program at St. John’s.
- Pastor Jon


St. John's Sunday Weekly Reminders, September 13

Presbyterian Women today, 12:00 pm: All women are invited to a sneak preview of the 2009-2010 Bible Study (Joshua and His Journey of Faith) at a luncheon with a special program by Mary Marcotte.

Universal Health Care Conference:
Come explore the issue of health care reform and learn how to become involved in earnest prayer, intentional education and decisive action concerning Texas healthcare issues. The regional conference of Faith Communities for Prayer, Education and Action is being provided by the Presbyterian Association for Community Transformation with a grant from the General Assembly (2008) of the PCUSA. Gather today from 2 – 6:30 pm at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 540l Fannin, Jones Bldg., 77054.

Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: The newsletter will be assembled Tuesday, September 15, at 12:30 pm in Room 203. No experience is necessary – on site training is provided.

Tuesday, September 15, 7 pm: Did you know that Houston is the hub for human trafficking in America? Don’t miss your chance to brainstorm about becoming part of the solution to this horrific problem.

St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday September 22, 7:30 pm: Come join the discussion of The History of God by historian Karen Armstrong. Books are available in the church office.

New Usher Teams for the next 4 Months: You may choose the Sunday of the month you would like to be an active participant in worship at St. John’s, then serve as an usher just one Sunday a month. Sign up with your friends or your family on the sheet in the Narthex beginning September 13. You can also sign up to be a substitute if you are out-of-town frequently. Training will be provided if you are new to ushering.

This Week at St. John’s September 13-20

This Week at St. John’s

Sunday, September 13 – Beacon Deadline
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Called Congregational Meeting
12:00 pm Presbyterian Women’s luncheon; program: Mary Marcotte
12:00 pm Beacon deadline
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship Meeting

Monday, September 14
5:00-6:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, September 15
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Human Trafficking Informational Meeting, Rm.205
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, September 16
6:30 pm “Walking Together”

Thursday, September 17
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
6:00 – 7:30 pm Brownie Troop 21151
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Session Meeting
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, September 18

Saturday, September 19

8:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
9:00-10:30 am Daisy (Girl Scout) Troop #21174

Sunday, September 20
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Meeting
6:00 pm Your Kind of Music with the Johnny Dyson Band, McPhail Hall

Thursday, September 10, 2009

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St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

St. John's Weekly Calendar, Sept 6 - 13

Focus Registration Deadline Today: Brochures with the registration form can be picked up from the coffee table outside the church office and in the Narthex. Christian Formation will pay all early registration fees. If you miss today’s deadline, please mail your registration form with your payment to Carrie Walker by September 15. Focus will meet at Grace Presbyterian on Saturday, October 3.

St. John’s Breakfast, September 12: Please make note of the change of date. We’re planning a good breakfast at 8 am, and then at 8:30 Aaron Jacobsen will tell us about his vocation as an orthotist and prosthetic resident. He makes limbs for individuals who have lost them due to accident, diabetes, or military encounters.

Beacon Newsletter Deadline: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming September/October 2009 issue to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be a part of this issue is Sunday, September 13 at 12 noon if space is still available. Articles are placed as received.

Presbyterian Women, Sunday, September 13, 12 pm: All women are invited to a sneak preview of the 2009-2010 Bible Study (Joshua and His Journey of Faith) at a luncheon with a special program presented by Mary Marcotte.

Tuesday, September 15, 7 pm: Don’t miss your chance to brainstorm about Houston and human trafficking. Come learn how to be part of the solution.

Mark your calendar, Sunday, September 20, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by THE JOHNNY DYSON BAND presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.

Attention Parents/Grandparents: We need cute, humorous, or sweet stories about the beginning of the school year for the September/October Beacon. Please bring them to Room 208 or deliver to Linda Dobbin.
This Week at St. John’s

Sunday, September 6
9:00 am Church School
9:45 am Called Session Meeting
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Focus Registration deadline

Monday, September 7, Church Office Closed
5:00-6:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm No “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm No Bell Choir

Tuesday, September 8
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
6:00 – 8:00 pm Trafton Academy, McPhail Hall
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, September 9
8:30 am – 12:00 pm Advocacy Training Event, Rm 205, Suzette Harrel
6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers
6:30 pm “Walking Together
7:00 pm Evangelism Team Meeting

Thursday, September 10
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
6:30 pm Fellowship Team Meeting
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Worship, Congregation Life, Support, Christian Formation Mtgs.

Friday, September 11

Saturday, September 12

8:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
8:00 am St. John’s Breakfast

Sunday, September 13 – Beacon deadline
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am PW Luncheon for St. John’s Women, Program: Mary Marcotte
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Meeting

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

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St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Human Trafficking - Lets do something about it!

Did you know that Houston is the hub for human trafficking in America?

Come join others from St. John’s who are concerned and discuss how we might address this horrific problem as the body of Christ. Please meet on Tuesday, September 15 @ 7 pm at St. John's Presbyterian Church, 5020 West Bellfort.

Sunday Weekly Reminders, August 30

Circles, Tuesday, September 1: Circle 1 chair, Louise Cherry and Circle 2 chair, Linda Dyson, will both meet at St. John’s at 9:30 am; Night Circle: Kathleen Captain, chair, will meet at St. John’s at 7:30 pm.

Focus Registration Deadline: Brochures with the registration form can be picked up from the coffee table outside the church office and in the Narthex. The deadline to hand in your registration form to St. John’s office is Sunday, September 6. Christian Formation will pay all early registration fees. If you miss this deadline, please mail your registration form with your payment to Carrie Walker by September 15. Focus will meet at Grace Presbyterian on Saturday, October 3.

Church Office Closed, September 7: The church staff wishes all a safe and restful Labor Day holiday.

St. John’s Breakfast, September 12: Please make note of the change of date. We’re planning a good breakfast usually at 8 am, and then at 8:30 Aaron Jacobsen will tell us about his vocation as an orthotist and prosthetic resident. He makes limbs for individuals who have lost them due to accident, diabetes, or military encounters.

Presbyterian Women, Sunday, September 13, 12 pm: All women are invited to a sneak preview of the 2009-2010 Bible Study (Joshua and His Journey of Faith) at a luncheon with a special program presented by Mary Marcotte.

Mark your calendar, Sunday, September 20, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by THE JOHNNY DYSON BAND presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.

Thanksgiving Coffee Project: Certified organic and fair trade coffee, grown by the Peace Kawomera (Delicious Coffee) Cooperative of Uganda, is available for sale during brunch in McPhail Hall. The Cooperative is made up of 750 + small scale farmers and their families from three faiths: Jews, Christians and Muslims. This coffee makes wonderful presents for friends and families!

Chancel Choral Rehearsal:
Choir will now practice on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm.

Sunday Announcements - August 30

This Week at St. John’s

Sunday, August 30 – Rally Day, Blood Drive, Nametag Sunday
8:00 am Blood Drive, Scout Room
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service 5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship Kick-off Meeting

Monday, August 31
5:00-6:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 pm Bell Choir

Tuesday, September 1
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Circles 1 & 2
11:30 – 1:30 pm Brown Bag Advocacy Ministry
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688
7:30 pm Night Circle

Wednesday, September 2
6:30 pm “Walking Together”

Thursday, September 3
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
6:00 – 7:30 pm Brownie Troop 21151
6:30 pm “Stay Strong, Stay Young” followed by “Walking Together”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, September 4

Saturday, September 5

8:00 am Women’s Small Bible Group
9:00 – 10:30 am Daisy (Girl Scout) Troop #21174

Sunday, September 6
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Focus Registration deadline
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) Meeting