Wednesday, September 16, 2009
St. John's Sunday Weekly Reminders, September 13
Presbyterian Women today, 12:00 pm: All women are invited to a sneak preview of the 2009-2010 Bible Study (Joshua and His Journey of Faith) at a luncheon with a special program by Mary Marcotte.
Universal Health Care Conference: Come explore the issue of health care reform and learn how to become involved in earnest prayer, intentional education and decisive action concerning Texas healthcare issues. The regional conference of Faith Communities for Prayer, Education and Action is being provided by the Presbyterian Association for Community Transformation with a grant from the General Assembly (2008) of the PCUSA. Gather today from 2 – 6:30 pm at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 540l Fannin, Jones Bldg., 77054.
Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: The newsletter will be assembled Tuesday, September 15, at 12:30 pm in Room 203. No experience is necessary – on site training is provided.
Tuesday, September 15, 7 pm: Did you know that Houston is the hub for human trafficking in America? Don’t miss your chance to brainstorm about becoming part of the solution to this horrific problem.
St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday September 22, 7:30 pm: Come join the discussion of The History of God by historian Karen Armstrong. Books are available in the church office.
New Usher Teams for the next 4 Months: You may choose the Sunday of the month you would like to be an active participant in worship at St. John’s, then serve as an usher just one Sunday a month. Sign up with your friends or your family on the sheet in the Narthex beginning September 13. You can also sign up to be a substitute if you are out-of-town frequently. Training will be provided if you are new to ushering.
Universal Health Care Conference: Come explore the issue of health care reform and learn how to become involved in earnest prayer, intentional education and decisive action concerning Texas healthcare issues. The regional conference of Faith Communities for Prayer, Education and Action is being provided by the Presbyterian Association for Community Transformation with a grant from the General Assembly (2008) of the PCUSA. Gather today from 2 – 6:30 pm at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 540l Fannin, Jones Bldg., 77054.
Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: The newsletter will be assembled Tuesday, September 15, at 12:30 pm in Room 203. No experience is necessary – on site training is provided.
Tuesday, September 15, 7 pm: Did you know that Houston is the hub for human trafficking in America? Don’t miss your chance to brainstorm about becoming part of the solution to this horrific problem.
St. John’s Book Group, Tuesday September 22, 7:30 pm: Come join the discussion of The History of God by historian Karen Armstrong. Books are available in the church office.
New Usher Teams for the next 4 Months: You may choose the Sunday of the month you would like to be an active participant in worship at St. John’s, then serve as an usher just one Sunday a month. Sign up with your friends or your family on the sheet in the Narthex beginning September 13. You can also sign up to be a substitute if you are out-of-town frequently. Training will be provided if you are new to ushering.