Tuesday, September 8, 2009

St. John's Weekly Calendar, Sept 6 - 13

Focus Registration Deadline Today: Brochures with the registration form can be picked up from the coffee table outside the church office and in the Narthex. Christian Formation will pay all early registration fees. If you miss today’s deadline, please mail your registration form with your payment to Carrie Walker by September 15. Focus will meet at Grace Presbyterian on Saturday, October 3.

St. John’s Breakfast, September 12: Please make note of the change of date. We’re planning a good breakfast at 8 am, and then at 8:30 Aaron Jacobsen will tell us about his vocation as an orthotist and prosthetic resident. He makes limbs for individuals who have lost them due to accident, diabetes, or military encounters.

Beacon Newsletter Deadline: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming September/October 2009 issue to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be a part of this issue is Sunday, September 13 at 12 noon if space is still available. Articles are placed as received.

Presbyterian Women, Sunday, September 13, 12 pm: All women are invited to a sneak preview of the 2009-2010 Bible Study (Joshua and His Journey of Faith) at a luncheon with a special program presented by Mary Marcotte.

Tuesday, September 15, 7 pm: Don’t miss your chance to brainstorm about Houston and human trafficking. Come learn how to be part of the solution.

Mark your calendar, Sunday, September 20, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by THE JOHNNY DYSON BAND presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.

Attention Parents/Grandparents: We need cute, humorous, or sweet stories about the beginning of the school year for the September/October Beacon. Please bring them to Room 208 or deliver to Linda Dobbin.