Sunday, November 15, 2009

2009 Seafarers’ Christmas Boxes

St. John’s Christmas boxes will be loaded and delivered in early December to the Port of Houston. Thanks to all who donated money and items to make this outreach possible. Special thanks goes to Betty Nelson who, once again, has sewn 30 cloth stationary folders for pens, pencils, paper and envelopes!

Boxes will be stuffed with essentials: a pair of work socks, shaving cream, disposable razors, deodorant, soap, shampoo, toothbrush & paste, and a big 2010 calendar. Extras will include a snack baggie with dental floss, band-aids & q-tips, a pocket comb, emery board and nail clippers; another with pencil sharpener, glue stick, highlighter, eraser, scissors and carbonaire clip. The sailors will also get a pack of Kleenex, deck of cards, small game, flashlight, key chair, mending kit, a selection of hard candy, and a scarf with the Texas flag and state map.

Keep this article so you know what to buy for next year! Watch for sales and shop the dollar stores. Bring donations anytime to the Recycle Center in the Fellowship Hall. Extras that won’t keep are given to Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM), which always needs personal items.
— Joann Navratil
