Tuesday, January 19, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminders

BIM: January is the month that St. John’s is committed to stock the food pantry and provide toiletries at Braes Interfaith Ministries. If you choose to make a monetary
contribution, remember that your contribution of $1.00 can provide $27.00 worth of food from the Houston Food Bank.

Flower Calender: Please sign your name on the Flower Calendar in the Narthex to reserve your special Sunday for giving flowers in the Sanctuary for 2010.

Presbyterian Women’s Program & Luncheon, Tuesday, January 19: All members of St. John’s and their friends are invited to the program with special speaker, Marie Kutz. She will be talking about her trip to China.

Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: The January/February 2010 Newsletter will be assembled on Tuesday, January 19, at 12:30 pm, in Room 203. No experience is necessary.

Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Sunday, January 24: St. John’s will meet for the annual Congregational/Corporation meeting on Sunday, January 24, following the worship service in the Sanctuary.

Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions: St. John’s Wellness Ministry invites all interested persons to join us on Monday night, 6:30 pm, for “Walking Together” and Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30 pm, for “Stay Strong Stay Young” class. All equipment is provided.

SouperBowl of Caring, Sunday, February 7: St. John’s youth will again participate in the annual SouperBowl of Caring followed by a soup luncheon in McPhail Hall. Plan on coming to enjoy the fellowship and feed hungry people at the same time.

Mark your Calendar, Sunday, February 21, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by The Johnny Dyson Band, presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.