Thursday, February 25, 2010

St. John's Epistle for February 25, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

In the sermon last Sunday I talked about being a church that takes
people seriously and how that is what people really want from a
church. Think of any vital, critical institution in our country, and
the representatives of that institution. Are we primarily looking for
friendliness in our bank teller? In our senator? In our therapist? In
our oncologist? It's a bonus if they are nice, but what we really want
from the emergency room or Congress or our bank is an institution that
is competent and which takes us seriously.

Perhaps the culture no longer takes the church seriously because we
don't take ourselves seriously. Could it be that the more we strive to
be as friendly as a bar, the more we'll be viewed as seriously as
people view a bar?
Visitors don't come to church to be entertained or to have people fawn
over them. More than anything, people want leaders in the church to
take them seriously. They want to meet with other people who also
struggle with life's deepest questions. They want to be with people
who also know they are loved by a God who died for them. They want to
join a company whom the Father in Heaven steadily draws closer to
himself. They want to join a company of the committed who want to do
more than be entertained at church or meet people in bars, who want to
give themselves to a hurting world, even if it hurts. Now that doesn't
mean we can't still have fun together.

For instance, this Sunday is our annual Go Texan Day. This tradition
at St. John's involves dressing in a favorite western outfit and
bringing your chili (if possible in a crock pot) to the Chili Cook-
off. Whether you bring chili or not, please bring your appetite and
enjoy a time of fellowship and chili tasting. Desserts and
refreshments will be served.

Mary Sterner will lead a Lenten study called "A Closer Look at
Spiritual Disciplines" each Sunday during March at 4 pm in the session
room. Come learn about spiritual disciplines for different
personalities and explore the disciplines of simplicity and gratitude.

Mark your calendar for a church picnic on Saturday, March 20, from 11
am to 3 pm, Potluck at Noon at Buffalo Run Park (Pavilion #1), 1122
Buffalo Run Blvd., in Missouri City. Bring food to share. Grills will
be available. We will play games after lunch. All ages are invited and
by all means invite your friends, neighbors, family and colleagues. We
hope you'll join us for food, friends and fun!

Here are some Session highlights from our Clerk to Session, Mary
Herlitz, about last night's meeting:

Session will continue meeting on the 4th Wednesday.

Dave Nelson and Lois Stowell reported on the Feb. 6 Presbytery Meeting
where Mary Sterner was recognized for becoming a Certified Associate
Christian Educator.

George Dobbin was elected Treasurer.

Brad Urquhart, Max Kattner and Aron Jacobson were elected to the
Nominating Committee for 2010.

Jon Burnham reported that Ruth & Sherman Wilson have moved to
University Place and his health is improving.

Johnny Dyson and his band played for us last Sunday evening in an
event that was enjoyed by all who participated. We appreciate Johnny
and his band for sharing their talent with us.

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon
- - -

For EXTRA CREDIT view photos of The Johnny Dyson Band's performance
and read this message online by clicking on
- or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Good Friday Service

You are cordially invited to join your friends from St. John's at a Good Friday Tre Ore service at Salem Lutheran Church on Friday, April 2. Tre Ore is an ancient and moving liturgy of the Church which we have been observing with Salem Lutheran Church for many years. At 2:15 pm, Pastor Jon will present the Sixth Word: "It is finished" from John 19:30a. That portion of the service will take about 30 minutes and you are welcome to enter at 2:15 pm and leave at 2:45 pm.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pennies for Peace

Please place your pennies in the large water jug by the coffee table outside the church office and help build schools in Pakistan.


Go Texan & Chili Cook-off— Sunday, February 28

A tradition at St. John’s is dressing in a favorite western outfit and bringing your chili (if possible in a crock pot) to the Chili Cook-off . Whether you bring chili or not, please bring your appetite and enjoy a time of fellowship and chili tasting. Desserts and refreshments will be served.

Name Tag Sunday — Practicing the 10-Foot Rule

Some churches follow the 10-foot rule: When anyone is within 10 feet of another person, he or she offers a warm welcome and cheerful greeting using the person’s name. St. John’s Evangelism Ministry Team would like to invite all members of St. John’s to practice the 10-foot rule on Sunday, February 28.

The Committee will make this easy to do — no one will have to fumble for a name they know but can’t quite come up with — because everyone is invited to stop at the table under the walkway and write your name on the tags provided. Please wear the tags during worship and the Chili Cook-off.

Lenten Study

Lenten Study: "A Closer Look at Spiritual Disciplines"

Meeting at 4 pm
on the Four Sundays of March (7, 14, 21 & 28)

Learn about Spiritual Disciplines and Different Disciplines for Different Personalities. Explore the disciplines of Simplicity and Gratitude.


Congregation to Congregation C2C

Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston is starting a new project called Congregation to Congregation (C2C). Because of St. John’s past interest in Interfaith Dialog, we have been invited to participate. The project begins with three HUBS. Each HUB is regionally based and will consist of 10-12 diverse congregations and faith communities with 20 participants from each congregation and faith community. Each HUB will work with guidance from Interfaith Ministries to "learn" and to "do" together.

There will be a council of leaders for each HUB, which will consist of a representative from each congregation and faith community. The HUB council will determine what the "learning" and "doing" journeys will be. The C2C project will have a beginning and an end in each cycle of about 6 to 9 months. During that time each HUB will have a "learning journey" and a "doing (service project) journey" together.

If you would like to learn more about the exciting adventure and become one of St. John’s twenty participants, please contact Phyllis Freeman.

Church Picnic - Saturday, March 20

Saturday, March 20
11 am to 3 pm, Potluck at Noon

Buffalo Run Park (Pavilion #1)
1122 Buffalo Run Blvd., Missouri City

Bring Food to Share, Grills available
Games Following Lunch

All Ages Invited
Friends, Neighbors, Family (etc.) Welcome
We hope you’ll join us for food, friends and fun!

Directions to Buffalo Run Park, leaving from St. John’s campus, approx. 6 miles:
1. Head SW on West Bellfort.
2. Turn left on Chimney Rock.
3. Turn right at S. Main Street.
4. Turn left at Fondren Road.
5. Turn right at Buffalo Run/Cangelosi Road.
The park entrance is on the right and immediately adjacent to Thurgood Marshall High School on Buffalo Run Blvd.

Easter Lilies

Purchase a potted Easter lily from Brookwood Community to help beautify the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, then enjoy it at home after the service. To purchase your lily, sign up on the poster in the Narthex beginning on March 7, placing your check (made out to St. John’s with "lilies" written on the memo line) in the envelope on the bottom of the poster. The lilies cost $10 each. You may also place your check in the offering plate Sunday mornings.

Blessed Season of Lent

February 28: 2nd Sunday of Lent

March 7: 3rd Sunday of Lent

March 14: 4th Sunday of Lent

March 21: 5th Sunday of Lent

March 28: Passion/Palm Sunday, Confirmation Sunday and Easter Egg Hunt at 5 pm

April 1: Maundy Thursday Service 7 pm

April 2: Good Friday

April 4 Easter: Sunrise Service 7 am & Worship Service 10:30 am

January 2010 BIM Statistics& Status Report

During the month of January Braes Interfaith Ministries served 1,174 clients (506 children and 668 adults), 21 of whom were homeless.

St. John’s Breakfast— Saturday, March 6

Everyone is invited to join us for breakfast on March 6 at 8 am. At 8:30 am Max Kattner will present his program, "FPSO Production Unit Conversions." What a mouthful! You will have to come to breakfast to learn more!

Upcoming St. John’s Breakfasts:

April 3: Molly Sweeney, the "horse whisperer" of Sienna Stables and our SIRE (Houstons’s Therapeutic Equestrian Center) horses. She will tell us how to "cuddle up" to an animal that large.

May 1: David Lobpries of the Texas Parks and Wildlife will give us a presentation of some of the parks and will be zeroing in on the subject of ducks.

June 5: Eddie Russell of Cornelius Nursery will be talking to us about plants, trees and flowers of Houston and the Gulf Coast region.

Spiritual Gatherings for Women— March 11, 6 - 9 pm

Gurdwara Sahib of SW Houston, 14811 Lindita Drive, 281-565-5141, is a Sikh house of worship. There will be a 30-45 minute presentation by the host community about their faith tradition, followed by a questions-and-answers session and dinner.

Register at the Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston web site (, click Interfaith Relations tab at the top of the page, click Women’s Gatherings in Upcoming Events box.

Spring Forward/Fall Back— Sunday, March 14

One purpose of Daylight Saving Time (called "Summer Time" in many places in the world) is to make better use of daylight. Clocks are changed during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. Most of the U.S. begins Daylight Saving Time at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday, March 14.

St. John’s Book Group— Wednesday, March 17

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
— Mark Twain

You can find two parts of the ideal life, good friends and good books, at St. John’s Book Group. The Group is reviewing A History of God by historian Karen Armstrong. The next meeting will discuss Chapter 6, The God of the Philosphers. Everyone is invited to join the discussion at 7:30 pm led by Greg Weiher.

Special Education Advocacy— April 26

Interested in finding out more about special education advocacy?

Come to an information session on Monday, April 26, 10-11:30 am
at Small Steps Nurturing Center, 2902 Jensen Drive.

Contact Suzette Harrel at 713-501-4703 or


Session (Needs Name)

Session News/ Keeping in Touch with Your Session/Discovering your Session/ The Hot News/Clerk Calling/What’s New at Session Meetings/????????????

This begins a new recurring article for the Beacon from the Clerk to Session, Mary Herlitz. I will be sharing Session News and other tidbits of information. The article needs a title, what do you think? Send in your suggestions to and watch for the next Beacon to see what the title will be.

Did you know that Session members could have attended the Saturday All Committee Day, Presbytery Elder Training at St. Luke’s, the Session Retreat at ChristChurch, and the Presbytery Meeting at St. Philip? Most attended two of the Saturday morning meetings, some attended three and a few all four. That was four Saturday mornings in a row. That does not happen often, but the Session members’ participation shows their dedication to serving St. John’s.

The Session Retreat was held at ChristChurch Presbyterian, Bellaire, from 8:45 am to 3:30 pm. The day was spent learning about each other, developing trust, establishing boundaries, and discerning the way forward. They learned about themselves by making a membership time line, by finding out about their own personalities with the Keirsey Indicator, and how different personalities work well together. They spent time reflecting upon the Session’s relationships and responsibilities to God, congregation, staff and others. A Behavioral Covenant was begun to guide the Session action, beginning with praying for each other. It will be completed in the next few months. The last activity was a group discussion of how the ministries of the church are to be grown, expanded and improved in 2010. A Good Day!
— Mary Herlitz, Clerk of Session

Presbyterian Women’s Program & Luncheon - Tuesday, March 16

"Nothing is too big for God’s power, or too small for His attention."
—Jeannette Cliff George

Please join us at 9:30 am as we welcome Jeannette Cliff George. She is the founder and Artistic Director of the A.D. Players. Her professional theater background includes seasons with the Houston’s Alley Theatre, Washington’s Arena Stage and touring with the New York Shakespeare Company. Jeannette Cliff George’s books include Daisy Petals, Some Run with Feet of Clay, and Travel Tips from a Reluctant Traveler.

All members of St. John’s and their friends are invited to the program and luncheon which follows. In April Phyllis Freeman will introduce the Director of Houston Rescue and Restore, who will speak on the subject of human trafficking in Houston.

St. John's Weekly Reminders, Feb 21

Beacon Newsletter Assemblers: The February/March 2010 newsletter will be assembled on Tuesday, February 23, at 12:30 pm in Room 203. No experience is necessary.

Wonder Team Sandwich Makers, Wednesday February 24, 6 pm: Be part of the war against hunger by joining St. John’s Wonder Team Sandwich Makers in McPhail Hall! In less than 45 minutes you can make a difference for a child.

“The Interfaith Amigos”
Three clergymen, Sheikh Jamal Rahman, Pastor Don MacKenzie and Rabbi Ted Falcon, author of Getting to the Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-opening, Hope-filled Friendship of a Pastor, a Rabbi and a Sheikh, will speak at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 2353 Rice Blvd., on Thursday, February 25, at 7:30 pm. A book signing will follow the lecture.

Chili Cook-off, Sunday, February 28: A tradition at St. John’s is dressing up in a favorite western outfit and attending the Chili Cook-off to celebrate the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite chili (if possible in a crock pot). Desserts and refreshments will be served. See y’all there.

Haiti: St. John’s and ChristChurch are now working on filling the third cargo container. Please continue to bring clothing, shoes, non-perishable food items, hygiene products, cloth diapers, blankets, tents and sleeping bags. Also needed are medical supplies, ACE bandages, bandages, gloves, gauze, antibiotic ointment and alcohol pads. If possible please box all items with a generic title (shoes, hygiene supplies, etc.) written on the outside. Please deliver them to McPhail Hall.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday March 6, 8 am: Come for breakfast at 8 am, and then our own Max Kattner will present his program at 8:30 am, FPSO Production Unit Conversions. Come and learn!

This Week at St. John’s, Feb 21-28

Sunday, February 21 - lst Sunday in Lent
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
6:00 – 8:00 pm The Johnny Dyson Band
6:30 - 7:30 pm Confirmation Class

Monday, February 22
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688

Tuesday, February 23
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
10:00 am Circle Bible Leaders Meeting
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Young Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, February 24
6:00 pm Sandwich makers
7:30 pm Session

Thursday, February 25
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
6:00 pm– 7:30 pm Brownie Troop 21151
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, February 26

Saturday, February 27
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
3:00 pm– 8:00 pm McPhail Hall, private booking

Sunday, February 28 - 2nd Sunday in Lent Go Texan Day & Chili Cook-off
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:30 am Chili Cook-off, McPhail Hall
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
6:30 pm– 7:30 pm Confirmation Class

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

St. John's Epistle for February 16, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

Come worship God at the Ash Wednesday Service tomorrow, Wednesday,
February 17, at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. Come as you are but dress
warm as imposition of the ashes will occur in the courtyard. The Ash
Wednesday Service begins Lent and anticipates the Easter Cycle of
Sundays. The Easter cycle consists of six Sundays in Lent, seven
Sundays of Easter, and one Sunday of Pentecost. Throughout these
fourteen Sundays, the emphasis upon cross and resurrection expresses
the unity of the cycle. We observe Lent in anticipation of the
resurrection, and we celebrate Easter remembering the cost of the
cross's life-giving victory.

Kathy Roth is back home after another hospital stay and some
procedures on her heart. Keep her in prayer. Also, remember Frances
Sloan who just completed a round of radiation and Bonnie Poole who is
facing a round of chemo.

Everyone is invited to a special performance by The Johnny Dyson Band,
presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of
Music for listening and dancing this Sunday at 6 p.m. in Fellowship
Hall. Come and bring a friend or two.

Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming February/March
2010 to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be part of
this issue is this Sunday, February 21, at 12 noon.

The Chili Cook-off is Sunday, February 28, after worship in Fellowship
Hall. A tradition at St. John's is dressing up in a favorite western
outfit and attending the Chili Cook-off to celebrate the Houston
Livestock Show and Rodeo. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite
chili (if possible in a crock pot). Desserts and refreshments will be
served. See y'all there.

Mary Sterner will teach a Lenten study called "A Closer Look at
Spiritual Disciplines" each Sunday in March beginning on March 7 at 4
p.m. in Room 205. Participants will learn about Spiritual Disciplines,
Different Disciplines for Different Personalities, and the disciplines
of Simplicity and Gratitude. Contact Mary for information.

St. John's and ChristChurch are now working on filling the third cargo
container for Haiti. Please continue to bring clothing, shoes, non-
perishable food items, hygiene products, cloth diapers, blankets,
tents and sleeping bags. Also needed are medical supplies, ACE
bandages, bandages, gloves, gauze, antibiotic ointment and alcohol
pads. If possible please box all items with a generic title (shoes,
hygiene supplies, etc.) written on the outside. Please deliver them to
McPhail Hall.

Here is the Prayer of Confession for the 1st Sunday in Lent which is
this Sunday. Pray it and reflect upon it as we begin the Easter Cycle
this Sunday.

"Gracious God, you know the difficult paths we tread; you know the
challenges we face. Forgive us, when we wander away from your
guidance. Reclaim us, when we seek other gods that lead to our own
destruction. Guide us back to you, that we may rest in your shelter.
Strengthen our resolve, that we may face the demons of our lives and
courageously resist the temptations that blind us to your love. In
hope and trust, we pray. Amen."

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon

- - -
BONUS PROJECT: To see a few photos and read this online, click on
- or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Monday, February 15, 2010

St. John's will host a very special musical event
on Sunday, February 21

"Your Kind of Music, 40 Years of Popular Music"
with The Johnny Dyson Band

Mark your calendar and don't miss this special evening of music


February 17


St. John's Weekly Reminders, February 14

Presbyterian Women’s Program & Luncheon, Tuesday, February 16: All are invited to hear the special speaker, Dr. Melinda Stanley (Ehrenstrom) on “Anxiety.” She is a psychologist and professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine. Luncheon follows.

Ash Wednesday Service, February 17, 7 pm: Celebrate the upcoming Lent season with this special worship service.

Mark your calendar, Sunday, February 21, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by The Johnny Dyson Band, presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.

February Beacon Newsletter, February 21: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming February/March 2010 to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be part of this issue is Sunday, February 21, at 12 noon.

Chili Cook-off, Sunday, February 28: A tradition at St. John’s is dressing up in a favorite western outfit and attending the Chili Cook-off to celebrate the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite chili (if possible in a crock pot). Desserts and refreshments will be served. See y’all there.

A Closer Look at Spiritual Disciplines: St. John’s Lent study will begin on Sunday, March 7. We will meet four Sundays in March at 4 pm in Room 205. Throughout the study we will learn about Spiritual Disciplines, Different Disciplines for Different Personalities, and the disciplines of Simplicity and Gratitude. Contact Mary Sterner for information.

Haiti: St. John’s and ChristChurch are now working on filling the third cargo container. Please continue to bring clothing, shoes, non-perishable food items, hygiene products, cloth diapers, blankets, tents and sleeping bags. Also needed are medical supplies, ACE bandages, bandages, gloves, gauze, antibiotic ointment and alcohol pads. If possible please box all items with a generic title (shoes, hygiene supplies, etc.) written on the outside. Please deliver them to McPhail Hall.

This Week at St. John’s, Feb 14-21

Sunday, February 14 - Scout Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Worship Committee meeting
5:00 pm Centering Prayer

Monday, February 15
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688

Tuesday, February 16
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s program and luncheon
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Young Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, February 17
7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service

Thursday, February 18 9
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Apartment Ministry, Rm 205
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Friday, February 19

Saturday, February 20
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
8:00 am – 10:30 am Daisy (Girl Scout) Troop 21174

Sunday, February 21 – Beacon deadline – lst Sunday in Lent
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
6:00 – 8:00 pm Music for listening and dancing: The Johnny Dyson Band
6:30 – 7:30 pm Confirmation Class

Thursday, February 11, 2010

St. John's The Epistle for February 11, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

I had a great time away on continuing education last week at Austin
Seminary at their Winter Lecture Series. I enjoyed some fruitful time
for listening and reflection. I also enjoyed seeing a bit of Austin.
The seminary is on the north side of the UT campus. It's a nice
setting for the seminary. I'm glad to have the seminary nearby as it
is a great resource for ministry. There are not that many PC(USA)
seminaries in the US so it is nice to have one a couple of hours away.

We had a good session retreat a couple of weekends ago with excellent
participation. We worked on a covenant the session will make between
ourselves and God, ourselves and one another, and between ourselves
and the congregation. We will share it with the congregation when
completed as a model for how we will work together at St. John's to
glorify God by making disciples and meeting human needs.

We've had a few session members in and out of the hospital for various
reasons over the past month including Aaron who celebrated the birth
of his son Jonas, Jeanne who had surgery, Kathy who had a fainting
spell at choir last week, and George who had a procedure Monday
morning. I'm happy to report all of these folks are doing better now.
Keep the Session in your prayers.

Other prayer concerns include Bonnie Poole and Frances Sloan whose
cancer has returned. Frances is taking radiation and Bonnie is
preparing for chemo therapy. Jan Herbert's mother recently died and we
remember her family in prayer.

Congratulations to Mary Sterner who has received her certificate as an
Associate Christian Educator. She was honored during worship last
Sunday and at the presbytery meeting last Saturday. Way to go, Mary!
She and I will teach a confirmation class for 7th and 8th graders
beginning the last Sunday in February. Those who complete the course
may join the church as confirmed members on Palm Sunday, March 28.

Last Sunday was SouperBowl Sunday. We enjoyed soup for lunch after
worship and collected $1,274 for hunger. This money will be given to
Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) which is our church's local
cooperative distributor of food to the hungry in our community. Since
every dollar given to BIM is multiplied by $27 due to their purchase
at the wholesale level, in effect we contributed the equivalent of
$34,398 last Sunday. That's remarkable for a congregation of 300

This Sunday is Valentine's Day and we will celebrate Scout Sunday.
Scouts will serve as greeters and will be introduced during worship.
They may also sell some mulch in the Narthex after worship.

On Sunday, February 21, St. John's will host a very special musical
event: "Your Kind of Music, 40 Years of Popular Music" with the Johnny
Dyson Band. Plan to come and bring a friend.

Our work in Haiti continues. We received a thank-you letter from
Michel Paul of the JeLA Orphanage and School in Limbé, Haiti. As of
February 2, 2010 St. Johns has sent $800 to JeLA and $200 to a second
orphanage, and in partnership with ChristChurch, our boxcar-sized
container is on its way to Haiti. A second container is ready to be
filled. The need continues. Thanks to all for your response.

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon

- - - - -
To view The Epistle online, click on
- or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2010 Confirmation Class Schedule

2010 Confirmation Class Schedule

Sundays 6:30-7:30 pm

St. John's Presbyterian Church

in the Session Room

Instructions for Students

1. Attend every session. If you are sick and cannot attend a session, notify Jon or Mary in advance and make an appointment to make up the session.

2. Attend Church activities (i.e. Sunday School, Worship, PYF activities)

3. Write a paper each week based on the previous week’s class discussion.

Class Schedule

Session 1: Who is God? / February 21--No paper due.

Session 2: Who is Jesus Christ? / February 28--Paper due: "My Idea of God" (about 150 words = about one full page)

Session 3: What is a Christian? And What are My Spiritual Gifts? / March 7--Paper due: "How I Think of Jesus" (about 150 words)

Session 4: What is the Presbyterian Church and how do we worship? / March 21--Paper due: "My Idea of a Christian" (about 150 words)

Session 5: Review and Examination by Session / March 24—Review (7:00 pm); Examination by Session (7:30 pm)--Paper due: "What the Presbyterian Church and worship mean to me" (about 150 words)

Confimation: March 28, 10:00 am

Members of the confirmation class who choose to confirm their faith

may be confirmed during worship on March 28, 2010.


Johnny Dyson Band, February 21

St. John's will host a very special
musical event on Sunday, February 21

"Your Kind of Music, 40 Years of Popular Music"
with the Johnny Dyson Band

Mark your calendar and don't miss this special evening of music


A Second Thank You from the JeLA Orphange in Haiti

From: Michel Paul, JeLA orphanage in Limbé, Haiti,
February 10, 2010

Dear friends, In brotherly love, we are greeting to write you. First of all, we thank you for your assistance you have just sent for the survivors of the earthquake. You practice hospitality and you share with God’s people who are in need. We urge you brothers and sisters in view of God’s mercy to support Haitian people. We glory your help in the way of Jesus Christ. You obey the way and we hope the grace of God bless you until the end of time. We think he’ll give you endurance, love and encouragement in your work as it is written "we have to love each other." For this reason, he died to save the world.

JeLA is a community organization united by common interest,working with orphans. Our mission is to help the poor children and the elders who can’t have a breakfast. Your assistance permitted to prepare the breakfast, dinner and super and bought some prescriptions to take care of them. Have a look a what the money you sent did.

Clothing for Children and adults : Pants, jeans slippers, shirts, shoes = $140

Breakfast Items: coffee, milk, bread, butter, chocolate, spaghetti, cookies, eggs, soup = $180

Dinner/Supper: rice $60, peas $25, bananas $45, meal $90, maize $40, oranges & lemons $15, sugar &vegetables $40, oil $25, prescription & serum $225, Other ingredients $15.

Finally, we need some more assistance and we thank you for another transfer we got. Please, put hands together for the love of God. May the Lord of hope fill you with joy and peace. We are looking forward to seeing you. Stay positive and beautiful. Thanks !

Thanks from the JeLa Orphanage in Haiti

A Thank You Note to St. John’s

From the JeLA Orphanage

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

We are lost for words to thank you for your help. We hope God will reward you. Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in bains, our father in heaven feeds them. Sing for joy to God our strength forever.

Thousands people have been died in the earthquake. Many of them left their house and are lodged in church hall,on the street and on the yard of schools because there are really fears. Nowadays, we are more orphans children on the street and we have to think of them for the future. JeLA is a group united by a common interest. Our mission is to take care of the orphans. Well,we have already started, we have to go until the end of time.

Michel Paul,

JeLA Orphanage and School

Limbé, Haiti

February 1. 2010

(As of February 2, 2010 St. Johns has sent $800 to JeLA and $200 to a second orphanage, and in partnership with ChristChurch, our boxcar-sized container is on its way to Haiti. A second container is ready to be filled. The need continues.)


Church Picnic - Saturday, March 20

St. John's Church Picnic
Saturday, March 20

Time: 11 am - 3 pm, Potluck at Noon

Location: Buffalo Run Park (Pavilion #1)
1122 Buffalo Run Blvd.,
Missouri City

All Ages Invited!
Friends, Neighbors, Family Welcome


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

God’s Work for Haiti

ChristChurch Presbyterian, Bellaire and St. John’s Presbyterian, Houston have joined forces to speed relief to Haitian orphanages and a hospital.

In July, 2009, ChristChurch and St. John’s had partnered for the installation of a water system for the St. Thomas Parish School and Church, Arcahaie, Haiti. The team had begun plans for their next project, the construction of a well and water treatment system at the JeLA School and orphanage in LimbĂ©, Haiti when the earthquake struck on January 12th. The Bellaire SW Houston Rotary Club had already contributed money for the well and a contract had been let. A member of our team and that same Rotary Club, Surpris Cherazard, was on an inspection tour in Haiti with six other Rotarians when the earthquake struck. Fortunately, Surpris and the other Rotarians survived and returned safely to Houston.

The CCP/SJP team immediately switched from planning water systems to a Haiti earthquake relief mode. Using funds raised quickly by St. John’s and ChristChurch and using their personal contact at the JeLA orphanage the team has begun wiring funds to the orphanage and hopefully soon a second orphanage at LĂ©ogĂĄne that was totally destroyed by the quake. Getting money quickly to the orphanages by direct contact (via Western Union) is vitally important because many refugees have fled the Port-Au-Prince area to escape the chaos and smell of the city. This flood of refugees has swelled the numbers of children and elderly at schools and orphanages in the outlying areas. Reports indicate that international aid has not followed the refugees into the country. However, it is possible, if money is available, to buy food, some of which is crossing the border from the Dominican Republic. Gratitude for the aid we have sent has been seen in heartrending emails from the orphanage. One dream we have is to have churches in the Presbytery adopt one of these Haitian orphanages or schools. The need is great and it will continue for years.

In addition to the money wired into Haiti, the ChristChurch/St. John’s team accelerated work on filling a shipping container with medical and personal hygiene supplies, food, water and clothing; work that had begun before the earthquake. Through Surpris, who is a Director at Restoration Global, that organization had provided us with a box-car sized shipping container fitted out like a mobile clinic with examination tables, basic medical facilities, a generator and even an air conditioner. The container could not be shipped empty and had to be filled before it could be shipped. Shipping of the container is under the direction of Christian Alliance Inc. which prepared the container as a clinic and has years of experience shipping containers to 3rd world countries. Donations of medical supplies and clothes came from ChristChurch, St. John’s, and a variety of other sources such as Faith in Practice, Medical Bridges, the Haitian Multicultural Association, an association of Cameroon tribal members, several doctor’s and dentist’s offices, a number of individuals and the Sheila Jackson Lee campaign. The container will be shipped by Christian Alliance directly to the Diquini- Adventist Hospital in Port-Au-Prince; a hospital the team had visited last summer and where Surpris has a personal connection. The supplies in the container will be shared between the Diquini-Adventist Hospital and St. Thomas Parish in Arcahaie and the JeLA orphanage. As a mobile clinic, the container will be used at various locations. The container has been filled and the team is now working on a second container.

This work by the ChristChurch/St. John’s Living Waters for the World/Haiti Relief team is a labor of love for God. It is our living gift to the people of Haiti. On recent Sundays we have told our story at worship services at ChristChurch, at St. John’s and at the Community of the Servant Savior Presbyterian churches in place of the sermon. We would be happy to make a presentation at any church as part of the service or as a stand-alone presentation. For more information contact John Freeman (713-776-3548, or Rev. Mark Cooper ( 713-667-6574, Individuals interested in participating in Living Waters for the World are invited to contact us. Roughly half of the 18 LWW water treatment installations in Haiti were damaged or destroyed by the earthquake and must be repaired soon. There is much work to be done. We invite you to join us!

Finally, the need for funds and medical supplies, personal hygiene products and clothes is ongoing. Material donations can be made by contacting John or Mark. Monetary donations are needed to keep the money flowing to the orphanages. Checks can be made out to ChristChurch Presbyterian (5001 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401) or to St. John’s Presbyterian (5020 W. Bellfort, Houston, TX 77035) and marked for Haiti Relief or Living Waters for the World.

It is important to remember that Haiti will not experience recovery in a few weeks or months. They will need our support over the long haul.

John Freeman
Director, Master of Liberal Studies
Rice University


Confirmation Classes Begin

Pastor Jon Burnham and Mary Sterner will teach a 5-week confirmation class for 7th and 8th graders beginning on February 21 at 6:30 pm. Those who complete the course can join the church as confirmed members on Palm Sunday, March 28. Speak to Jon or Mary for more information.

Johnny Dyson Band, February 21

St. John's will host a very special event on Sunday, February 21

"Your Kind of Music, 40 Years of Popular Music"
with the Johnny Dyson Band

Mark your calendar and don't miss this special evening of music


Lent Study

“A Closer Look at Spiritual Disciplines,” Lent study will begin on Sunday, March 7. We will meet four Sundays in March, at 4 pm in Room 205. Throughout the study, we will learn about Spiritual Disciplines, Different Disciplines for Different Personalities, and explore the disciplines of Simplicity and Gratitude. Contact Mary Sterner for questions.

St. John's Weekly Reminders

Sunday, February 7 - SouperBowl Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:30 am Soup lunch in McPhail Hall – everyone is invited.
5:00 pm Centering Prayer

Monday, February 8
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:00 – 8:00 pm Evangelism Ministry Committee Meeting

Tuesday, February 9
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm “Stay Young Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688
7:00 pm Administration Personnel Committee Meeting

Wednesday, February 10
6:00 pm Wonder Team Sandwich Makers
7:00 pm Fellowship and Property Committee Meeting
7:30 pm Christian Education Committee Meeting

Thursday, February 11
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
6:00 – 7:30 pm Brownie Troop 21151
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Caring Committee Meeting

Friday, February 12

Saturday, February 13

8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
9:30 – 1:30 pm Girl Scouts, McPhail Hall
3:00 pm Boy Scout Court of Honor, McPhail Hall

Sunday, February 14 - Scout Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Worship Committee Meeting
5:00 pm Centering Prayer

This Week at St. John's - February 7-14

Presbyterian Women’s Program & Luncheon, Tuesday, February 16: All interested persons are invited to hear the special speaker, Dr. Melinda Stanley (Ehrenstrom) on “Anxiety.” She is a psychologist and professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine. Luncheon follows.

Ash Wednesday Service, February 17, 7 pm: Celebrate the upcoming Lent season with this special worship service. All are welcome.

Mark your calendar, Sunday, February 21, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by The Johnny Dyson Band, presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.

February Beacon Newsletter, February 21: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming February/March 2010 to Room 208 or the church office. The last chance to be part of this issue is Sunday, February 21 at 12 noon.

Chili Cook-off, Sunday, February 28: A tradition at St. John’s is dressing up in a favorite western outfit and attending the Chili Cook-off to celebrate the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite chili (if possible in a crock pot). Desserts and refreshments will be served. See y’all there.

Help Children Stay in School: Be a mentor once a week at Shearn Elementary School. Training is coming up in 2 weeks. Call Phyllis Freeman, 713-776-3548, for details.

Caution Alert: Last Sunday a parked car was broken into in the Sanctuary parking lot during Worship, and a purse was stolen. Please remember not to leave any items, bags or valuables on your seats.

A Closer Look at Spiritual Disciplines: St. John’s Lent study will begin on Sunday, March 7. We will meet four Sundays in March, at 4 pm in Room 205. Throughout the study, we will learn about Spiritual Disciplines, Different Disciplines for Different Personalities, and the disciplines of Simplicity and Gratitude. Contact Mary Sterner for information.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thank you note from the director of the orhpanage in Limbe, Haiti

Dear collaborator ,

We congratulate you for your immediate assistance.We are grateful to you. Your action is very appreciable and we'll never forget it.Sincerely, you prove your love and we ask God can bless you more. Everybody needs to eat a certain number of calories each day. We have to eat and increase our physical performance. You know, Haiti is a poor country. After the earthquake, Haitian government can't provide food for Haitians. We have to thank all of those who help us in the nightmare. In Limbe and Cap-haitian, we didn't receive anything from the government and we couldn't leave them to die. The city hall and the organization put their hands together in order to save the needy. Your assistance helps us to prepare the breakfast, lunch and super for them.We have bought some serums and other prescriptions to take care of them. Just have a look!

  • Breakfast : Bread and butter, coffee with milk or chocolate or spaghetti, ripe figure banane, egg etc...

  • Lunch :Rice with peas, juice or banana with sauce, maize with meat sauce or vegetables, fish ect...

  • Supper : Soup, cookies, break and juice etc....

We bought some clothes for children and adults. Your assistance is very important because when you don't eat very well you might get sick. There are many people that want to come back to Limbe and Cap Haitian but they don't have any money. This afternoon, we are going to meet and plan with the Local authority in other to give them the opportunity. All the members of JeLA thank you very much and they ask to support this association with the needy children because the knowledge is power the key to success. Please, we ask you again to support JeLA in the way for the community. Praise the Lord !

Thanks for everything.

Kyra Noon's video supports Haiti Relief

The song "Hold On Haiti" is available at iTunes,, and a few others and all of the proceeds from the downloads go to Haiti Relief efforts. Performed by Kyra/Neutral Sister - who is a church member at St. John's Presbyterian in Houston.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lent Study

“A Closer Look at Spiritual Disciplines,” Lent study will begin on Sunday, March 7. We will meet four Sundays in March, at 4 pm in Room 205. Throughout the study, we will learn about Spiritual Disciplines, Different Disciplines for Different Personalities, and explore the disciplines of Simplicity and Gratitude. Contact Mary Sterner for questions.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lent Begins at St. John's

Ash Wednesday Service
February 17
7 pm

Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent, derives its name from the ancient practice of marking the foreheads of worshipers with ashes from the burned palm branches of the previous year.

● Ashes are Old Testament symbols of sadness and humility. Job, in the midst of all his troubles, cried out to God from the ash heap. (Job 2:8).

● The ashes symbolize the Christian’s intent to repent of sins, to accept purification from the Lord, and to make a public witness of one’s faith in Christ as Lord and Savior.

● Since Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, the ashes symbolize one’s intention to deepen his or her spiritual life. Lent is a time for spiritual renewal and growth in dedication and service.

St. John’s Breakfast— Saturday, February 6

Come at 8 a.m. for something wonderful to eat and bring your friends, relatives and neighbors!!

At 8:30, we will welcome our speaker Gillian Cooke, who is the coordinator/facilitator of the Ministry Team Volunteers of the Chaplaincy Service at Memorial Southwest. She will be talking to us about her childhood in England during World War II and how the children were treated and evacuated after the bombing started. Her story will rivet you and hold your attention. Time will be allotted, of course, for questions for Gillian.

Scout Sunday— February 14

This year St. John’s will celebrate Scout Sunday on February 14. On that day, the Scouts will join us in the Sanctuary for worship. February is chosen for this special event because it is the anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scout program by Lord Baden Powell in England. This year the Boy Scouts of America is 100 years old.


The SouperBowl collection is a youth-led movement that started in 1990 to fight hunger and poverty. It’s origin is Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina. The vision is that each person attending church on SouperBowl Sunday will contribute $1.00. (Of course, larger gifts are certainly accepted.)

No money goes to a national organization because each participating group determines which local charity will recieve the funds. In 2009 $10,372,676 was collected from 13,848 groups. To date, 15,437 groups have registered in 2010. (Visit

St. John’s has participated in the SouperBowl collection for 16 years. This year, in addition to taking a collection as the congregation leaves the Sanctuary, the youth will be serving soup in McPhail Hall. One of the soup choices will be "stone soup" created from donated items from the congregation. Bring your favorite fresh or canned ingredient to the kitchen before church to be added to our chicken stock. All proceeds from the collection and the soup donations (and any leftover canned ingredients) will be donated to Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM).

St. John's Weekly Reminders

Book Group, Wednesday, February 3: Everyone is welcome to join St. John’s Book Group as they continue discussing Karen Armstrong’s A History of God. Copies of the book are available in the church office. The only requirement is a love of reading.

St. John’s Breakfast, Saturday, February 6: Breakfast is served at 8 am, and our special speaker, Gillian Cooke, will present her program at 8:30 am. She will be talking to us about her childhood in England during World War II.

Presbyterian Women’s Program & Luncheon, Tuesday, February 16: All interested persons are invited to hear the special speaker, Dr. Melinda Stanley (Ehrenstrom). She is a psychologist and professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine. Luncheon follows.

Ash Wednesday Service, February 17, 7 pm: Celebrate the upcoming Lent season with this special worship service. All are welcome.

Mark your calendar, Sunday, February 21, 6 pm: Everyone is invited to a special performance by The Johnny Dyson Band, presenting a unique musical program featuring 40 years of Your Kind of Music for listening and dancing.

Chili Cook-off, Sunday, February 28: A tradition at St. John’s is dressing up in a favorite western outfit and attending the Chili Cook-off to celebrate the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite chili (if possible in a crock pot). Desserts and refreshments will be served. See y’all there.

BIM: January is the month that St. John’s is committed to stock the food pantry and provide toiletries at Braes Interfaith Ministries. If you choose to make a monetary
contribution, remember that your contribution of $1.00 can provide $27.00 worth of food from the Houston Food Bank.

Help Children Stay in School. Be a mentor once a week at Shearn Elementary School. Training is coming up in 2 weeks. Call Phyllis Freeman for details.

This Week at St. John’s, Jan 31 - Feb 7

Sunday, January 31
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
Monday, February 1
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bell Choir
7:00 - 8:30 pm Venture Scout Crew 688
7:30 pm Outreach Ministry Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 2
9:30 am Circles 1 and 2
11:30 am Brown Bag Luncheon, Special Education Advocacy Ministry
6:30 pm “Stay Young Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Scout Troop 688
6:30 pm Evening Circle –Note: Change of Time
Wednesday, February 3
7:30 pm St. John’s Book Group
Thursday, February 4
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
Friday, February 5
12:00 pm Rescue and Restore, Bldg. II
Saturday, February 6
7:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
8:00 am St. John’s Breakfast
9:00 am Presbytery Meeting, St. Philip’s Presbyterian, 4807 San Felipe
9:00 am Daisy (Girl Scout) 21174
10:00 am Haiti collection, McPhail Hall (Lèonie Tchocontè)
Sunday, February 7 SouperBowl Sunday
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:30 am Soup Luncheon, McPhail Hall
5:00 pm Centering Prayer