Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2010 Confirmation Class Schedule

2010 Confirmation Class Schedule

Sundays 6:30-7:30 pm

St. John's Presbyterian Church

in the Session Room

Instructions for Students

1. Attend every session. If you are sick and cannot attend a session, notify Jon or Mary in advance and make an appointment to make up the session.

2. Attend Church activities (i.e. Sunday School, Worship, PYF activities)

3. Write a paper each week based on the previous week’s class discussion.

Class Schedule

Session 1: Who is God? / February 21--No paper due.

Session 2: Who is Jesus Christ? / February 28--Paper due: "My Idea of God" (about 150 words = about one full page)

Session 3: What is a Christian? And What are My Spiritual Gifts? / March 7--Paper due: "How I Think of Jesus" (about 150 words)

Session 4: What is the Presbyterian Church and how do we worship? / March 21--Paper due: "My Idea of a Christian" (about 150 words)

Session 5: Review and Examination by Session / March 24—Review (7:00 pm); Examination by Session (7:30 pm)--Paper due: "What the Presbyterian Church and worship mean to me" (about 150 words)

Confimation: March 28, 10:00 am

Members of the confirmation class who choose to confirm their faith

may be confirmed during worship on March 28, 2010.
