Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Session (Needs Name)

Session News/ Keeping in Touch with Your Session/Discovering your Session/ The Hot News/Clerk Calling/What’s New at Session Meetings/????????????

This begins a new recurring article for the Beacon from the Clerk to Session, Mary Herlitz. I will be sharing Session News and other tidbits of information. The article needs a title, what do you think? Send in your suggestions to office.sjpc@gmail.com and watch for the next Beacon to see what the title will be.

Did you know that Session members could have attended the Saturday All Committee Day, Presbytery Elder Training at St. Luke’s, the Session Retreat at ChristChurch, and the Presbytery Meeting at St. Philip? Most attended two of the Saturday morning meetings, some attended three and a few all four. That was four Saturday mornings in a row. That does not happen often, but the Session members’ participation shows their dedication to serving St. John’s.

The Session Retreat was held at ChristChurch Presbyterian, Bellaire, from 8:45 am to 3:30 pm. The day was spent learning about each other, developing trust, establishing boundaries, and discerning the way forward. They learned about themselves by making a membership time line, by finding out about their own personalities with the Keirsey Indicator, and how different personalities work well together. They spent time reflecting upon the Session’s relationships and responsibilities to God, congregation, staff and others. A Behavioral Covenant was begun to guide the Session action, beginning with praying for each other. It will be completed in the next few months. The last activity was a group discussion of how the ministries of the church are to be grown, expanded and improved in 2010. A Good Day!
— Mary Herlitz, Clerk of Session