Thursday, September 30, 2010

St. John's The Epistle for September 30, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

On Saturday there is the St. John's Breakfast at 8 am in McPhail Hall
and presbytery's FOCUS event at 9 am at First Presbyterian Church,
4647 Preston Avenue, in Pasadena. Pasadena First is also hosting a
Presbytery Wide Youth Rally on Sunday at 4 pm. The youth will donate
used cell phones to a shelter for women so if you have a used cell
phone put it in the box provided in the narthex.

This Sunday, October 3, is World Communion Sunday. This special
service was started in 1936 as a sign of the the unifying power of
Christ in the Lord's Supper, and that in Christ all Christians are
one, regardless of nationality, race, or ethnicity. The Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) also marks this special day by a call to peacemaking,
urging us to be followers of the Prince of Peace. One concrete way
that we do this is with the Peacemaking offering. The Peacemaking
offering invites each congregation to find ways to promote peace
within the congregation and the community.

The theme for the 2010 Peacemaking offering is "Celebrate Christ, Our
Peace." Our congregation will retain twenty-five percent of the
offering it receives to use for local ministries of peacemaking within
the church and its community. Twenty-five percent is used by
presbyteries and synods, and fifty percent is used by the General
Assembly ministries through the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program.
Please prayerfully consider what you will give to the Peacemaking
Offering this Sunday.

This Sunday evening I will teach an Inquirer's Class in my office from
7-8 pm. Those who want to know more about St. John's are invited to
come to this class.

We have special events planned the next two Sundays after worship. We
will celebrate a Dedication Service of the courtyard cross, honoring
Nancy Flowers, on October 3, in the courtyard, immediately after
worship. The cross was Sean Coughlen's Eagle Scout Project and will be
recognized as well.

The next Sunday, October 10, you are invited to a Committal Service
for Travis Brown and Eleanor Brown in the Columbarium after worship on
October 10. Also, the evening of the 10th is our Stewardship Kick-Off
Potluck Dinner at 5 pm in Fellowship Hall with Rev. Mike Cole,
Executive Presbyter, as our guest speaker. Plan to attend and bring
your best dish to share.

We had hoped to have new carpet installed in the sanctuary by November
13 when we host the presbytery meeting. However, due to the slow
nature of the process, we will wait until January to install the new
carpet. In the meantime, we will shampoo the sanctuary before the
presbytery meeting. By the way, Bill Ehrenstrom and Mary Hughes are in
charge of planning and organizing our efforts that day. Mark November
13 on your calendar and plan to be at the church to help that day. We
will need many people working together for things to run smoothly.

St. John's will host a fall festival on October 31 at 4 pm, and invite
the local community. Trunks are needed! Please contact Mary Sterner or
Dave Nelson for more information.

Also on October 31, during the 10:30 am service, we will have an
Anointing Service for Healing. Anyone who has a special concern for
healing - whether physical, mental or emotional - is welcome to come
forward for prayer after the sermon. A few elders will support the
prayer and I will use olive oil on my finger to mark your forehead
with the sign of the cross. If you'd prefer the prayer but not the
oil, just cross your arms when that time comes and say "prayer only."
We had a very positive response from those who came forward for this
prayer during the summer. Tony Benn says it made a positive difference
in his life. The session plans to offer this special service on the
5th Sundays. Since October 31 is the next 5th Sunday that is when we
will do it. Healing on Halloween is a powerful proposition.

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our Ministry to the Houston Seafarers’ Centers

In 2009 the Ministry to the Port of Houston staff chaplains placed 10,378 gift boxes on board 432 ships which had seafarers from 69 different countries!

The following items are needed for St. John’s gift boxes (please remember all items need to fit in a shoebox) which will be packed in November:
Small games
2011 calendars
Lip Balm
Nail Clippers
Blank note cards
or postcards

Sandwich Makers Needed

St. John’s Sandwich Makers, “Wonder Team,” meets in McPhail Hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at at 6 pm to make sandwiches for local children.

Please join us on September 22 and October 13 & 27. No experience is necessary!

Start Shopping for Children’s Socks

Please bring children’s socks in all colors, only newborn through Kindergarten sizes starting on the first Sunday of Advent, November 28. The socks will be hung on two Christmas trees, one in the Narthex and one outside the church office.

St. John’s Presbyterian Women will deliver the socks to the House of Tiny Treasures and Small Steps Nurturing Center.

St. John’s Circles—Tuesday, October 4

All St. John’s ladies are invited to join a circle. Circle meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month with two morning circles meeting at 9:30 am and one evening circle at 7:30 pm. The location of the three circles will be listed in the September 26 Sunday bulletin. Please call the church office for directions.

World Communion & Peacemaking Offering— Sunday, October 3

Presbyterians have celebrated World Communion Sunday since the mid-1930’s when a group of Presbyterian ministers met to pray and talk about the church’s role. Rediscovering the unifying power of Christ in the Lord’s Supper, they reaffirmed that in Christ all Christians are one, regardless of nationality, race, or ethnicity. From theirfirst meeting came the first World Communion Sunday in 1936.

This year October 3 is World Communion Sunday, a time we gather with believers from all over the world to break the bread of life and drink from the cup of salvation. This simple meal reminds us that Christ brings us together to make us one family.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) also marks this special day by a call to peacemaking, urging us to be followers of the Prince of Peace. One concrete way that we do this is with the Peacemaking offering. The Peacemaking offering invites each congregation to find ways to promote peace within the congregation and the community.

The theme for the 2010 Peacemaking offering is “Celebrate Christ, Our Peace.” Each congregation will retain twenty-five percent of the offering it receives to use for local ministries of peacemaking within the church and its community. Twenty-five percent is used by presbyteries and synods, and fifty percent is used by the General Assembly ministries through the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program.

Stewardship Kick-off Potluck
October 10, 5 pm

Guest Speaker: Mike Cole

"Let the Light Shine"

Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share


St. John's Weekly Reminders

Trunk-or-Treat: St. John’s will host a fall festival on October 31 at 4 pm, inviting the local community. Trunks are needed! Please contact Mary Sterner or Fellowship Committee for more information.

Advent Booklet Deadline November 7: Writers and artists are needed for St. John’s Advent 2010 Devotional Booklet. This year the booklet will focus on a favorite Christmas carol, why it is important and what memories, feelings and emotions are present as we sing or listen to the carol. Please see Mary Sterner or Pam Tedeschi if you are interested.

Usher Teams for October, November, December 2010 and January 2011: Please sign the sheet on one of the tables in the narthex to be part of one of the teams.

Session Highlights - September 22, 2010

• The new flooring is completed in Building 2
• The new carpeting in the Sanctuary is in the final planning stage. Hopefully it will be installed by the end of October
• The Administrative Committee reported on the very successful Desserts with the Pastor.
• An updated Personnel Policy was approved
• The Worship committee received approval for a Anointing Prayers for Healing Service on the Fifth Sunday of each month.
• A Dedication Service of the courtyard cross, honoring Nancy Flowers, will be held on October 3. The cross was Sean Coughlen’s Eagle Scout Project,
• A Committal Service for Travis Brown and Eleanor Brown will be held in the Columbarium after worship on October 10

Thursday, September 23, 2010

St. John's The Epistle for September 23, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

We had a big weekend last Sunday with Rev. Noelle Damico preaching and
then leading a workshop about Human Trafficking on Sunday afternoon
in McPhail. After worship the Presbyterian Women heard an update from
Jane Smith about her work in China.

Sue Benn requests used tennis shoes to be brought to the church office
by October 17. The shoes will be recycled into playground mulch in a
Girl Scout Silver Award project by Sue's granddaughter Elena.

Writers and Artists are needed for our Advent Devotional Book. Please
deliver your entry before Sunday, November 7, to Mary Sterner, Room
208, or email This year we will be writing/
drawing about our favorite Christmas carol, why it is important and
what memories, feelings and emotions are present as we sing or listen
to the carol.

We will have a dedication service for the memorial cross in the
courtyard after worship on October 3. The new teak cross is an Eagle
Scout Project by Sean Coughlen and he will be recognized. We will also
have someone speak in memory of Nancy Noble Flowers to whom the cross
is dedicated.

You are invited to a committal service for Travis Brown and Eleanor
Brown in the columbarium after worship on October 10. The family
welcomes all who wish to attend to join them for this special service.

Anyone who is interested in learning more about the church and who may
be interested in becoming a member of St. John's is invited to an
Inquirer's Class from 7-8 pm on these Sundays: October 3, 10, and 17.
Participants may meet with the Session to be received as members on
Sunday morning, October 24 and be recognized during worship that

Rev. Mike Cole, our Presbytery Executive, will help us kick off the
Stewardship Season as he speaks to us about our theme after a pot-luck
dinner at 5:30 pm on October 10 in McPhail Hall. Mark your calendar
and plan to come and bring your favorite dish to share.

We remember Lois and George in prayer. Kathy Roth was in the hospital
for a heart check this week and is doing well. Let's also remember Max
who is having some back pain.

You are invited to a Protestant Open House this Sunday, September 26,
at 1:30 pm at St. Paul's United Methodist Church on Main Street. I
will speak about the sacraments and other Protestant ministers will
speak about a few other subjects for 10 minutes each. Then there will
be small group discussion and a tour of the facilities. This event is
sponsored by Interfaith Ministries of Houston. All are welcome.

In "One Minute Wisdom," De Mello tells about a woman who complained to
a spiritual master that riches hadn't made her happy. The Master said,
"You speak as if luxury and comfort were ingredients of happiness;
whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear, is something to be
enthusiastic about."

I am enthusiastic about what God is doing in this congregation. We are
on a roll here. Good things are happening. I wonder if you share my
enthusiasm for God's work at St. John's? Since you are reading these
words, the odds are good that you do share my enthusiasm. The question
then becomes with whom will we share this enthusiasm? All our events
and services are open to your friends and colleagues and family. I
wonder which one of them you will invite to join you here this Sunday?

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Session Behavioral Covenant



March, 2010 

It is the mission of St. John's Presbyterian Church to glorify God by making disciples and meeting human needs.  To achieve this mission, we, the session, offer  

Our Promises to God 

1.  WE PROMISE to seek God's guidance in making decisions by maintaining an active prayer life both individually and corporately and a diligent study of Scripture. 

2.  WE PROMISE to take seriously our session responsibility to use our time and talents wisely in disposing and allocating the limited congregational resources for our members and the community at large. 

3.  WE PROMISE to participate joyfully and actively in the worship service and to engage and encourage the congregation to do the same. 

4.  WE PROMISE to participate actively in service beyond the church, to educate ourselves of the needs in the community and to help St. John's use its resources to best serve the community. 

Our Promises to the Congregation and Staff 

1.  In response to our discernment of God's call, WE PROMISE to pray for and lead our congregation and staff through example and mutual support, and to instill confidence in our ministry by reflecting the mission of the church in all decisions, words and deeds. 

2. WE PROMISE to be visible, transparent and accessible to all members of this congregation and

  • to listen actively and non-judgmentally,

  • to respect all individuals,

  • to create an environment where

          joys are celebrated,

          healing is facilitated,

      open and constructive communication is promoted, questions and concerns are welcomed,

      misinformation is quelled, and

      an atmosphere of trust and respect is fostered. 

3.  WE PROMISE to seek to recognize our own fallibility and strive to live and lead in accordance with Christ-like love and teachings. 

4.  WE PROMISE to nurture the spiritual life of this congregation and to challenge and equip our members to serve God's world. 

5.  WE PROMISE to honor our past, live in positive hopeful service in the present and to be faithful stewards as we plan for the future. 

6.  WE PROMISE to educate the congregation in what it means to be Presbyterian and how we organize and live out our ministry at St. John's. 

Our Promises to Each Other 

1.  WE PROMISE to promote trust among ourselves:

    • to support each other in prayer

    • to treat each other with respect and consideration, recognizing our differences, focusing on each individual's strengths

    • to seek counsel and support from each other 

    • to hold each other accountable in maintaining a positive and open environment, and

    • to respect the need for confidentiality in certain matters before session, and not identify individual positions on those matters.


  1. WE PROMISE to communicate in these ways:

    • to listen respectfully and with an open mind before we speak

    • to reflect upon what we have heard, and

    • to speak directly and succinctly to the issue at hand

    • when in disagreement, to speak directly and promptly to the person(s) concerned, rather than to others

    • to conduct session business face-to-face in meetings, rather than via e-mail.

    • to define and respect boundaries.


  1. WE PROMISE to support our shared leadership

    • to participate in discussions

    • to refrain from side conversations

    • to address difficult issues promptly and fairly

    • to strive for consensus

    • to vote our conscience(s)

    • to support the majority decision; however,

    • to address minority concerns directly to Session,

    • to step back quietly if unable to support the majority, and

    • to allow session to speak with one voice.


  1. WE PROMISE to uphold these covenants:

    • to honor them at all times;

    • to review their relevance and our faithfulness to them at each Session Meeting.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

St. John's Epistle > September 16, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) got off to a good start with 16
youth and adults present last Sunday evening. We had another dozen
adults at the centering prayer workshop at the same time. We are off
to a good beginning in our Christian Education programs this fall.
Both PYF and Centering Prayer continue this Sunday at 5 pm at the

This Sunday, September 19, Rev. Noelle Damico will preach during
worship and lead a seminar on human trafficking at 3:30 pm in
Fellowship Hall which will kick off "Human Trafficking Awareness Week"
in Houston. We welcome her from New York.

After worship Jane Smith will update the Presbyterian Women on her
work as a missionary in China at a luncheon in Fellowship Hall after

Our prayers are with one of our youth, a new member by the name of
Michael Rodgers, whose broken ankle bone will need surgery on Friday
morning in order for it to heal properly. Please pray for wisdom for
his surgeon as well as a steady hand, and for perfect healing for
Michael's ankle.  

We continue to remember George and Lois in prayer as they battle
cancer. Also remember Frances Stanley at home after back surgery last
Friday. Shirley Boyd's grandson, Alec, has been having some tests run
and we remember him in prayer as well.

Sue Benn requests used tennis shoes to be brought to the church office
by October 17. The shoes will be recycled into playground mulch in a
Girl Scout Silver Award project by Sue's granddaughter Elena.

The following items are needed for the Seaman's Center. All items will
be packed in November and need to fit in a shoebox: Small games; 2011
calendars; Toothpaste; Lip Balm; Deodorant; Nail Clippers; Blank note
cards or postcards.

Remember in prayer our Anchor House Ministry for cancer patients and
their families and if you would like to get involved speak to Sally

During the month of August, Braes Interfaith Ministries served 1295
clients (597 children and 683 adults), 15 of whom were homeless.

Writers and Artists are needed for our Advent Devotional Book. Please
deliver your entry before Sunday, November 7, to Mary Sterner, Room
208, or email This year we will be writing/
drawing about our favorite Christmas carol, why it is important and
what memories, feelings and emotions are present as we sing or listen
to the carol.

I leave you this week with a thought about serenity from Anthony De
Mello's book "One Minute Wisdom."

"Are there ways for gauging one's spiritual strength?"
"Give us one."
"Find out how often you become disturbed in the course of a single

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 19 Special Speaker

Special Speaker Rev. Noelle Damico
Sunday, September 19

10:30 am (Worship Service)

3:30 pm McPhail Hall

"The church has a vital role to play as part of a society-wide effort
to address modern-day slavery." — Rev. Damico

Noelle Damico is the National Coordinator of the Presbyterian Church (USA) Campaign for Fair Food. She sits on the Presbyterian Church’s Human Trafficking Roundtable and facilitates Freedom Network Training Institute trainings for Presbyterian clergy and leaders.

Noelle is ordained in the United Church of Christ and holds a M.Div.
and Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminary.


Church Apartment Ministry — Anchor Houses

We are finding we do need younger blood in our ministry. Most of us think we are young chicks now working in the ministry until we start doing physical labor. We moved two apartments the end of August to The Greenbriar. We now have three two-bedroom apartments there. We were hoping to have an open house for our St. John’s members, but we had tenants move in immediately. We are proud of our apartments and hope to let you see them soon. It will be on short notice, though.

We moved the breakables ourselves and had the movers move the rest. Marie and I decided we needed to exchange some of the furniture from the apartment we are eventually getting rid of. Fortunately a nice young man came to our rescue as we were transporting a dresser on a dolly down the street two blocks. Little did he know that was just the beginning of his good deed, but he was a trooper and moved the rest of the furniture we wanted to exchange. I think he had a very nice dinner that night!

We still have four apartments at Nob Hill. One of those will be deleted in December and one in June, and then we get to move two more apartments to The Greenbriar the first of June. We manage to keep the apartments full. Of course they continue to need our support and prayers. — Sally Shaw

Haiti Update

Mission Trip Successful!

Clean fresh well water is flowing at the JeLA orphanage and school and this water is supplying the surrounding village of Limbé, Haiti, with water as well!
A solar-powered water treatment system was just installed, thanks to a team from ChristChurch Presbyterian Bellaire, Leonié Tchoconté from St. John’s (John Freeman had to cancel at the last minute), Bellaire SW Houston Rotarians and also thanks to the generous contributions of St. John’s, ChristChurch and the Community of the Servant Savior Presbyterian members and two Houston Rotary Clubs, New Covenant Presbytery, and Living Waters for the World.

The JeLA orphanage and school has about 150 regular students and its ranks had swollen due to the recent earthquake. The village of Limbé is located near Cap Haitian on the north coast of Haiti. Prior to the installation of the water treatment system the only source of drinkable water was a small spring whose flow had dwindled to a trickle. People have also been drinking from a small river that is also used for washing and bathing. People have had to walk about a half mile to get water, carrying water buckets on their heads.

Leonié will provide more details of the mission trip at a presentation to the congregation in November. In the meantime plans are being made to look for other ways to assist JeLA.

One possibility is to dedicate the contributions to the Heifer booth at the St. John’s Living Gift Market to be held November 21. JeLA desperately needs means of sustainability, and a cow or goat provided by Heifer through St. John’s would be an excellent resource. More on this later.

Thanks again to St. Johners who made the gift of Living Waters available to the poor children of JeLA and Limbé!
— John Freeman

Crop Walk, November 7

Let’s Walk

The Houston annual area Crop Walk is coming Sunday, November 7

Will you be there? St. John’s needs walkers and sponsors.


Sandwich Makers Needed

St. John’s Sandwich Makers, “Wonder Team,” meets in McPhail Hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at at 6 pm to make sandwiches for local children.

Please join us on September 22 and October 13 & 27. No experience is necessary!
Help feed hungry Houston children!

Start Shopping for Children’s Socks

Please bring children’s socks in all colors, only newborn through Kindergarten sizes starting on the first Sunday of Advent, November 28. The socks will be hung on two Christmas trees, one in the Narthex and one outside the church office.

St. John’s Presbyterian Women will deliver the socks to the House of Tiny Treasures and Small Steps Nurturing Center.

Our Ministry to the Houston Seafarers’ Centers

In 2009 the Ministry to the Port of Houston staff chaplains placed 10,378 gift boxes on board 432 ships which had seafarers from 69 different countries!!

The following items are needed for St. John’s gift boxes (please remember all items need to fit in a shoebox) which will be packed in November:
Small games
2011 calendars
Lip Balm
Nail Clippers
Blank note cards or postcards

BIM Statistics & Status Report, August 2010

During the month of August, Braes Interfaith Ministries served 1295 clients (597 children and 683 adults), 15 of whom were homeless.

Movie Night Options — PC(U.S.A.) Documentaries

The PC(U.S.A.) has supported the production of two documentaries on stories of hope in the face of disaster.

Coming Home: Hurricane Katrina Five Years Later is the story of three New Orleans homeowners and the transformation of their homes and lives through the help of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. You will recognize the blue shirts. (Information: and trailer:

Kepulihan: Stories from the Tsunami follows three lives, forever changed by the tragic tsunami in 2004, over five years as they reflect upon where they have come from and where they are going. (Information and trailer:

NBC has the rights to air Coming Home until March 2011 and has already shown the film in Chicago, New Orleans, Fort Worth and Seattle (among others). ABC has the rights to air Kepulihan beginning November 21, 2010.

Please contact your local affiliate or station manager (713-778-4763) and ask them to show these stories of hope in the face of disaster. And if they are able to show one of the films, watch together as a church or in small groups for discussion, and remember to thank your affiliate or station for sharing these gifts with the larger community.
— Steven Leach

Advent Devotional Book

Wanted: Writers and Artists
— Deadline Sunday, November 7

St. John’s will celebrate the season with the publication of our annual Advent Devotional Book. It will be distributed on the 1st Sunday of Advent, November 28, and at the Family Advent Celebration on Sunday, December 5. Please deliver your entry before Sunday, November 7, to Mary Sterner, Room 208, or email

This year we will be writing/drawing about our favorite Christmas carol, why it is important and what memories, feelings and emotions are present as we sing or listen to the carol. See Mary Sterner to sign up.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stewardship Kick-off Potluck
October 10, 5 pm
Guest Speaker: Mike Cole
"Let the Light Shine"

Centering Prayer Begins Today: Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. To learn more about Centering Prayer please join Pastor Jon in his office Sunday, September 12 at at 5 pm.

Beacon Newsletter: The September/October issue will be assembled on Tuesday, September 14 at 12:30 pm, in Room 203. No experience is necessary.

Focus Registration: Our yearly Presbytery educational event with a choice of 25 workshops will be held on Saturday, October 2, at First Presbyterian Church, 4647 Preston Avenue in Pasadena. If you are going to send in your registration form directly, you may register online or mail your application before September 15. Catalogues are available in Mary’s office.

Human Trafficking Awareness Week Kick-Off
September 19

The Rev. Noelle Damico, national coordinator of the PC(USA)’s campaign for fair food, is coming to Houston to participate in Faith and Freedom Weekend.

The weekend event is an interfaith initiative to begin dialoguing, uniting, and acting to raise awareness of the injustice of human trafficking. With millions living in slavery around the world, communities of faith play a key role in uniting for freedom.

Rev. Damico will speak Sunday, September 19
10:30 am worship service
3:30 pm in McPhail Hall

Everyone is invited to attend.


This Week at St. John's, September 12-19

Sunday, September 12
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Beacon Deadline
12:00 pm Fellowship and Worship Committee Meetings
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, PYF

Monday, September 13
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bells
7:00 pm Evangelism Ministry Committee Meeting
7:00 pm Nominating Committee Meeting

Tuesday, Septemer 14
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, September 15
7:30 pm Stewardship/Finance Committee Meeting

Thursday, September 16
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7 – 8:30 pm Trafton Academy, McPhail Hall
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Saturday, September 18
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
11:00 am – 2 pm Girl Scouts, Scout Room

Sunday, September 19
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
11:45 am Presbyterian Women Program and Luncheon, guest Jane Smith
3:30 pm Guest Speaker Noelle Damico, McPhail Hall
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, PYF

Thursday, September 9, 2010

St. John's The Epistle for September 9, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

We welcome these new babies into the world and pray for God's
blessings on their families!

-Abigail Susannah Boyd, granddaughter of Laurie and Bill Henderson and
great-granddaughter of Connie and Herb Brown.

-Amelia Elaine Gore, daughter of Jill and Trey Gore and granddaughter
of Virginia and Ken Krueger.

-Quinn Tyler Leach, son of Stephanie and Will Leach, grandson of
Jeanne and Bill Leach, and great-grandson of Thalia and Don Bunnell.

Remember in prayer Helen Roby who had a successful cataract surgery
and Frances Stanley who is having back surgery on Friday. Our prayers
are ongoing for Lois and George and their families as they have tests
and undergo treatments for cancer.

Congratulations to BJ Ragan who has successfully completed his Eagle
Board of Review. BJ is the son of Diane and James Ragan and the
grandson of Pat Ragan.

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of Bob Davis upon the death
of his brother, George William Davis, Jr., MD, who died on September

This Sunday at 5 pm the Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) resumes in
Fellowship Hall. Come and bring a friend.

Also, at 5 pm this Sunday I will teach a seminar on Centering Prayer.
No experience is necessary. Come and learn how this practice may
enrich your spiritual journey. This seminar is for those who have
never tried centering prayer as well as those who have extensive
experience with centering prayer.

Rev. Noelle Damico is coming from New York to speak at St. John's on
Sept. 19th. According to Phyllis, Noelle is a fabulous and dynamic
speaker. She will preach that morning in our worship service and then
lead an interfaith service in Fellowship Hall at 3:30 pm. The
afternoon event will kick off Human Trafficking Awareness Week in

Our yearly Presbytery educational event with a choice of 25 workshops
will be held on Saturday, October 2, at First Presbyterian Church,
4647 Preston Avenue in Pasadena. If you are going to send in your
registration form directly, you may register online or mail your
application before September 15. Catalogues are available in Mary's

Braes Interfaith Ministries (BIM) needs financial assistance to help
with ongoing expenses. Remember that $1 given to BIM becomes $27 of
food for the hungry.

"If you must tell me the truth," said Emily Dickinson, "give it to me
slant, so that I can bear it."

Parables are the Bible's way of telling the truth "slant." Parables
can open doors to us on truths we might not otherwise be willing, or
able, to see. May God open such doors for us as we consider Luke
15:1-11 in a sermon called "God Never Gives Up" this Sunday. Until
then, have a blessed week.

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminders

St. John’s Holiday Schedule: St. John’s office and campus will be closed tomorrow, Monday, September 6.

Circles, Tuesday, September 7: Circle 1, 9:30 am, Louise Cherry, Chair and hostess, will meet at the church; Circle 2, 9:30 am, Linda Dyson, Chair, will meet at the church with all members hosting; Night Circle 7:30 pm, Kathleen Captain, Chair and hostess, will meet at the church.

St. John’s Book Group, September 7: Everyone who loves to read is invited to come join the Book Group at 7:30 pm.

Beacon Newsletter: Please deliver all Beacon articles for the upcoming Sept/Oct issue by email,, or deliver to the church office or Room 208. The last chance to be part of this issue is September 12 at 12 noon.

Focus Registration: Our yearly Presbytery educational event with a choice of 25 workshops will be held on Saturday, October 2, at First Presbyterian Church, 4647 Preston Avenue in Pasadena. St. John’s Christian Education committee will pay registration fees for anyone who brings his application to the church office by September 1. If you are going to send in your registration form directly, you may register online or mail your application before September 15. Catalogues are available in Mary’s office.

St. John’s Breakfast, Sunday September 11: Breakfast is served at 8 am, and at 8:30 Johnny Dyson will present his program, Life in a Putty Knife Factory, Adventures in and Around the Entertainment Business. The September breakfast is meeting on the second Saturday of the month due to the Labor Day holiday.

September 19, 3:30 pm Interfaith Service, McPhail Hall:
All are invited to hear the Rev. Noelle Damico, National Coordinator of the PC(USA) Campaign for Fair Food, in a special service. Rev. Damico is coming from New York to help kickoff human Trafficking Awareness Week in Houston.

St. John's Calendar, September 5 - 12

Sunday, September 5
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service

Monday, September 6- Church offices closed
7:00 pm No Bells

Tuesday, Septemer 7

9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Circles l and 2
11:00 am Brown Bag Luncheon, Room 209
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688
7:30 pm Evening Circle
7:30 pm St. John’s Book Group

Wednesday, September 8

6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers
6:00-7:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 21151, Scout Room
7:00 pm Property and Admin/Personnel Committee Meetings
7:30 pm Christian Education Committee Meeting

Thursday, September 9
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Caring Committee Meeting

Saturday, September 11
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group
9:00 am St. John’s Breakfast

Sunday, September 12 Beacon Deadline
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Fellowship & Worship Committee Meetings
5:00 pm Centering Prayer
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

St. John's The Epistle for September 2, 2010

Dear church members and friends of St. John's,

Last Sunday we had a great Rally Day and worship celebration in
Fellowship Hall. It was good to see so many people there and everyone
looked swell in the naturally lit, sunny room. The choir was back with
us after some time off and added much to the service as usual. We also
had the "Blessing of the Backpacks" to get the students and teachers
off to a good start in their new school year.

We have some continued prayer concerns for Lois and George as they go
forward with their cancer treatments. Lois is now in Westbury Place
while George is home after one night in St. Luke's Hospital this week.
On Friday, September 3, we will have a memorial service for Julia
McKisic in the sanctuary followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall.
St. John's office and campus will be closed on Monday, September 6, in
observance of Labor Day.

The carpet in Building II is finally done after three harrowing weeks.
The work was first delayed when we learned we had defective carpet. By
the time we ordered new carpet from the manufacturer and had it
delivered and installed, three weeks had passed. In the meantime, we
ended up with a beautiful and durable tile floor in the hallway that
really enhances the look and feel of the space. The church staff
proved flexible and reliable during the last month while this project
was ongoing. Pam produced the last Beacon from a makeshift desk in
another room while Vivian was without most of her things for the whole
three weeks. Mary Sterner worked with a room full of furniture not her
own. I think I had the least disruption in my office as the carpet in
my office had been recently installed. Now we have Building II newly
carpeted and the hallway and Vivian's office have been repainted. Some
of the other rooms need repainting and we have the paint. If anyone is
interested in helping paint the other rooms, let us know in the church
office. I'm really proud of how the church staff persevered throughout
this process. In case you hadn't noticed, we are blessed with a
faithful and talented church staff.

In the meantime, Brad is working with a few members from both the
Worship Committee and Property Committee to get new carpet installed
in the sanctuary. They will be consulting with some other members
about the color of the carpet. Their goal will be to get it done by
October 15 since we host the presbytery meeting on November 13. Keep
them in prayer as they move forward on this project.

On September 19 we will welcome Rev. Noelle Damico to our pulpit. Rev.
Damico is the National Coordinator of the PC(USA) Campaign for Fair
Food. She lives in New York and will be in Houston to help kick-off
Human Trafficking Awareness Week. In addition to preaching at the
10:30 am service, she will lead a 3:30 pm Interfaith Service in our
sanctuary on September 19.

During the month of July Braes Interfaith Ministries served 1320
clients (655 children and 665 adults), 13 of whom were homeless.
Remember every dollar earned at Braes Resale and Consignment Shop
(10319 S. Post Oak Rd @ West Bellfort) buys $27 worth of food at the
Houston food bank.

The sermon this Sunday is titled "He Fumbles at Your Spirit" based on
a line in a poem by Emily Dickinson. The text is Psalm 139:1-24. Many
of the Psalms are personal—"The Lord is my shepherd ... I lift my eyes
to the hills, from whence does my help come?" Psalm 139 is intensely
personal, an intimate confession of a person whose life-long
relationship with God was a result of God's persistence, God's search
and pursuit, and ultimate finding of the individual. Instead of the
human pursuit of God, religion becomes the activity, the place and way
human beings respond to God's initiative. How will you respond to
God's initiative in your life and in the life of the world today?

Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Memorial Service for Julia McKisic this Friday, 10 am in St. John's Sanctuary

Our Christian sympathy is with the family of Julia McKisic who died
yesterday. You are invited to a memorial service in her honor this
Friday, September 3, at 10 am in the sanctuary and to the reception in
Fellowship Hall immediately after the service.

Julia was a long time member of St. John's and we will certainly miss
the presence of her sweet spirit.

In addition, Frances Sloan died last week. Her service will be a
private family affair in Colorado. Frances was also a long time member
of our congregation who will be greatly missed.

"There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and
another glory of the stars; indeed, star differs from star in glory.
So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is
perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it
is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It
is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a
physical body, there is also a spiritual body." ~The Apostle Paul, 1
Corinthians 15:41-44

St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am