Tuesday, September 28, 2010

St. John's Weekly Reminders

Trunk-or-Treat: St. John’s will host a fall festival on October 31 at 4 pm, inviting the local community. Trunks are needed! Please contact Mary Sterner or Fellowship Committee for more information.

Advent Booklet Deadline November 7: Writers and artists are needed for St. John’s Advent 2010 Devotional Booklet. This year the booklet will focus on a favorite Christmas carol, why it is important and what memories, feelings and emotions are present as we sing or listen to the carol. Please see Mary Sterner or Pam Tedeschi if you are interested.

Usher Teams for October, November, December 2010 and January 2011: Please sign the sheet on one of the tables in the narthex to be part of one of the teams.

Session Highlights - September 22, 2010

• The new flooring is completed in Building 2
• The new carpeting in the Sanctuary is in the final planning stage. Hopefully it will be installed by the end of October
• The Administrative Committee reported on the very successful Desserts with the Pastor.
• An updated Personnel Policy was approved
• The Worship committee received approval for a Anointing Prayers for Healing Service on the Fifth Sunday of each month.
• A Dedication Service of the courtyard cross, honoring Nancy Flowers, will be held on October 3. The cross was Sean Coughlen’s Eagle Scout Project,
• A Committal Service for Travis Brown and Eleanor Brown will be held in the Columbarium after worship on October 10