We had a big weekend last Sunday with Rev. Noelle Damico preaching and
then leading a workshop about Human Trafficking on Sunday afternoon
in McPhail. After worship the Presbyterian Women heard an update from
Jane Smith about her work in China.
Sue Benn requests used tennis shoes to be brought to the church office
by October 17. The shoes will be recycled into playground mulch in a
Girl Scout Silver Award project by Sue's granddaughter Elena.
Writers and Artists are needed for our Advent Devotional Book. Please
deliver your entry before Sunday, November 7, to Mary Sterner, Room
208, or email office.sjpc@gmail.com. This year we will be writing/
drawing about our favorite Christmas carol, why it is important and
what memories, feelings and emotions are present as we sing or listen
to the carol.
We will have a dedication service for the memorial cross in the
courtyard after worship on October 3. The new teak cross is an Eagle
Scout Project by Sean Coughlen and he will be recognized. We will also
have someone speak in memory of Nancy Noble Flowers to whom the cross
is dedicated.
You are invited to a committal service for Travis Brown and Eleanor
Brown in the columbarium after worship on October 10. The family
welcomes all who wish to attend to join them for this special service.
Anyone who is interested in learning more about the church and who may
be interested in becoming a member of St. John's is invited to an
Inquirer's Class from 7-8 pm on these Sundays: October 3, 10, and 17.
Participants may meet with the Session to be received as members on
Sunday morning, October 24 and be recognized during worship that
Rev. Mike Cole, our Presbytery Executive, will help us kick off the
Stewardship Season as he speaks to us about our theme after a pot-luck
dinner at 5:30 pm on October 10 in McPhail Hall. Mark your calendar
and plan to come and bring your favorite dish to share.
We remember Lois and George in prayer. Kathy Roth was in the hospital
for a heart check this week and is doing well. Let's also remember Max
who is having some back pain.
You are invited to a Protestant Open House this Sunday, September 26,
at 1:30 pm at St. Paul's United Methodist Church on Main Street. I
will speak about the sacraments and other Protestant ministers will
speak about a few other subjects for 10 minutes each. Then there will
be small group discussion and a tour of the facilities. This event is
sponsored by Interfaith Ministries of Houston. All are welcome.
In "One Minute Wisdom," De Mello tells about a woman who complained to
a spiritual master that riches hadn't made her happy. The Master said,
"You speak as if luxury and comfort were ingredients of happiness;
whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear, is something to be
enthusiastic about."
I am enthusiastic about what God is doing in this congregation. We are
on a roll here. Good things are happening. I wonder if you share my
enthusiasm for God's work at St. John's? Since you are reading these
words, the odds are good that you do share my enthusiasm. The question
then becomes with whom will we share this enthusiasm? All our events
and services are open to your friends and colleagues and family. I
wonder which one of them you will invite to join you here this Sunday?
Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon
St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email: office.sjpc@gmail.com
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am