Tuesday, October 26, 2010

St. John's Calendar, October 24

Sunday, October 24
9:00 am Church School
10:00 am Called Session Meeting to receive new members
10:30 am Worship Service
5:00 pm Presbyterian Youth Fellowship
5:00 pm Centering Prayer

Monday, October 25
6:30 pm “Walking Together”
7:00 pm Bells

Tuesday, October 26
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Activity Day
9:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Board Meeting
10:30 am Holly Hall Book Review, St. Luke’s
10:30 am Bible Leaders with Mary
12:00 pm Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Hour of Prayer, Rm. 207
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:00 pm Scout Troop 688

Wednesday, October 27
6:00 pm “Wonder Team” Sandwich Makers
7:30 pm Session Meeting

Thursday, October 28
8:00 am - 12:00 pm Community Bible Study
6:30 pm “Stay Young, Stay Strong”
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Saturday, October 30
8:00 am Women’s Bible Small Group

Sunday, October 31 Trunk or Treat
9:00 am Church School
10:30 am Worship Service
4:00 pm Trunk or Treat, parking lot
5:00 pm Centering Prayer