Dear church members and friends of St. John's,
This Sunday evening I will teach an Inquirer's Class in my office from 7-8 pm. Those who want to know more about St. John's are invited to come to this class.
Last Sunday we had a very meaningful and well attended Rededication of the Courtyard Cross. Several members of Nancy Flowers former youth group were present for the celebration. The cross was Sean Coughlen's Eagle Scout Project and we congratulate Sean and his parents upon this significant achievement.
The youth had a great Rally experience with 250 other youth from the presbytery at First Church Pasadena last Sunday. Mary Sterner, Jon Yingst, Brendan, Brittany and Wayne serve on the presbytery's Youth Council Leadership team and did a great job with this rally.
This Sunday, October 10, you are invited to a Committal Service for Travis Brown and Eleanor Brown in the Columbarium immediately after worship.
This Sunday evening of the 10th is our Stewardship Kick-Off Potluck Dinner at 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall with Rev. Mike Cole, Executive Presbyter, as our guest speaker. Plan to attend and bring your best dish to share.
The sanctuary carpet has been professionally cleaned. See if you notice a difference this Sunday.
Bill Ehrenstrom and Mary Hughes are in charge of planning and organizing our efforts that day. Mark November 13 on your calendar and plan to be at the church to help that day. We will need many people working together for things to run smoothly.
St. John's will host a fall festival on October 31 at 4 pm, and invite the local community. Trunks are needed! Please contact Mary Sterner or Dave Nelson for more information.
On October 31, during the 10:30 am service, we will have an Anointing Service for Healing. Anyone who has a need for healing - whether physical, mental or emotional - is welcome to come forward for prayer after the sermon. A few elders will support the prayer and I will use olive oil on my finger to mark your forehead with the sign of the cross. If you'd prefer the prayer but not the oil, cross your arms when that time comes and say "prayer only." We had a very positive response from those who came forward for this prayer during the summer. Tony Benn says it made a positive difference in his life. We will offer this special service on the 5th Sundays beginning on October 31. Come and bring a friend.
Remember Helen Roby in prayer. She has been in the hospital in the Woodlands. She had a minor stroke yesterday and had a pacemaker installed today. Also, remember Shirley Boyd who is having severe back pain and is scheduled for surgery next week. Continue to remember Lois and George and other members of our congregation who are battling cancer.
I am taking next week to be away for continuing education. I am going to be doing a directed study reading about the history of Christianity in the first few centuries. This is a fascinating and formative period in the development of Christianity and I trust you will benefit from my study of it in forthcoming sermons and lessons. The church office will remain open for business as usual during my absence during the week. I will not miss a Sunday but will miss sending out an Epistle next week.
Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon
--St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am