Dear church members and friends of St. John's,
Thanks to Linda Herron for covering for me and filling the pulpit last Sunday. Linda is such a capable preacher and a faithful Presbyterian pastor. We are truly blessed to have Linda and Dan back in our congregation.
On the last Sunday I was here, two Sundays back, Mary Hughes and Jeanne Leach were honored by the Presbyterian Women's group. Congratulations to each of them for receiving this well deserved honor.
At noon this Sunday you are invited to "Songs of Praise" in McPhail Hall. This fund raising ceremony will benefit the United Ghanaian Presbyterian Church as they raise money for their choir to travel to New York in September for a choral convention. As you may know, the United Ghanaian Church pays us rent to meet in our Scout Room for worship on Sundays and they recently donated and additional $100 to us in appreciation of their occasional use of McPhail Hall. Their goal is to be the premier Ghanaian choir in North America.
Ernie D and Dick Davis have moved to Dallas and Ernie D has a new email address if you want to contact her that way.
Thanks to Dan Herron, George MacNeill and Brad Urquhart who painted Room 203 last Friday. It looks great now.
This Sunday we will have a 5th Sunday Anointing Service for Healing during worship. After the sermon, any who seek healing for themselves or for someone else - whether physical, mental, emotional or otherwise - are invited to come forward for prayer and anointing by a few elders and me.
Suzette Harrel's father, John Mullen, died last week. His funeral service was on Wednesday in Montauk, New York. Our prayers are with the Harrel family as they mourn his death.
Bob Davis has been at Methodist Hospital in the Medical Center and returned home yesterday.
Frances Stanley has been a patient this week at Southwest Memorial Hospital and is now at University Place.
Congratulations to our college graduates:
Jamie Crawford will graduate from UT Austin, chemical engineering.
Chris Wiltz will graduate from UT San Antonio.
William Ator will graduate with an MBA from American Intercontinental University
Congratulations to our high school graduates:
Brittney Modlin plans to attend HCC and continue studies to become a NeoNatal Nurse.
Travis Vanderworth will graduate from Bellaire High School and will attend UT San Antonio in the fall to study Chemistry. He is currently working at Outback.
Presbytery's Nominating Committee is gearing up to fill positions on next year's presbytery committees. If you are interested please let me know. Also, if anyone would like to be an alternate commissioner to General Assembly please speak to Mary Herlitz.
Ben Carretin will be cycling in the American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure fundraising event. Click here for more information or to donate.
This summer Kathie Hartzog has another mission trip to the Lulwanda Children's Homes in Uganda. There is a box on the table by Vivian's office where you may donate individual glue bottles, glue sticks, and children's scissors by June 19. Lulwanda Children's Homes serves AIDS orphans in Ugandan and parts of East Africa.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!
Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Jon
--St. John's Presbyterian Church
5020 West Bellfort / Houston, TX 77035
T. 713.723.6262 / F. 713.723-4015 / Email:
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30 am / Sunday School: 9:00 am